Insteon Door Sensor Configuration

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Sun May 13, 2018 10:27 am
WalterCoots offline
Posts: 7
Joined: May 13, 2018

Insteon Door Sensor Configuration

For a while, my Insteon Door Sensor was working fine. The button being pushed registered as “off”, and the button being released registered as “on”. At some point (maybe a software update?), this changed, and its state in Indigo Server is always “on”. Pressing the sensor’s button registered in the log as “on, button 1”, while releasing registers as “on, button 2”.

My trigger used to be set up as “On/Off State becomes On”, but since Indigo Server registered the sensor as always being on, nothing ever changed. So I tried editing the trigger, thinking maybe “Insteon Command Received” could be Set to “Group 2 (unused)” in order to register off, and “Group 1 (open / close sensor)” could register as on. This fixed it! But it’s a little obtuse, and felt like I should say something if for no other reason than to help someone else in the future.

I’d expect Indigo Server to register the Insteon states as on / off, but if they didn’t, at the very least the “off” command not be labeled “unused”. If I’m nitpicking, it’s weird to call them “groups” in the trigger settings and “buttons” in the log, but it could be there’s a good reason for that.



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Sun May 13, 2018 3:14 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Insteon Door Sensor Configuration

Per the manual that module has a special feature, "Enable Group 1 & 2 Broadcast", that causes it to send Group 1 On and Group 2 On commands instead of the normal on and off commands. Indigo doesn't support enabling that mode. Maybe you used the Insteon hub software to enable that? Regardless, I would expect a factory reset (and then re-link and sync with Indigo) will get it behaving again. The factory reset instructions should also be in the manual.


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