GreenSky MQTT Bridge Plugin (SmartThings Bridge)

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Tue Jun 26, 2018 3:15 pm
jh71283 offline
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Re: GreenSky MQTT Bridge Plugin (SmartThings Bridge)

It seems to me that there are some exceptions being thrown silently somewhere which is very frustrating.

When you set up V2 it should have given you some default superbridge patterns, but here are the defaults just in case that is not working:

SuperBridge Out

SuperBridge In

SuperBridge Action Groups

The plugin will substitute those placeholders for your device names, and subscribe accordingly, so if you have debugging enabled you should see a subscription for every device.

I know this is testing your patience, but if one of you guys that are experiencing problems could try setting these patterns, I'd appreciate it!

Posted on
Wed Jun 27, 2018 11:27 am
BonfireVA offline
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Re: GreenSky MQTT Bridge Plugin (SmartThings Bridge)

jh71283 wrote:
It seems to me that there are some exceptions being thrown silently somewhere which is very frustrating.

When you set up V2 it should have given you some default superbridge patterns, but here are the defaults just in case that is not working:

SuperBridge Out

SuperBridge In

SuperBridge Action Groups

The plugin will substitute those placeholders for your device names, and subscribe accordingly, so if you have debugging enabled you should see a subscription for every device.

I know this is testing your patience, but if one of you guys that are experiencing problems could try setting these patterns, I'd appreciate it!

Because I have not had great success with this or the other MQTT plugin, I ended up using a combination of python scripts, NodeRed, and the Indigo RestAPI to integrate my MQTT devices into Indigo. That approach is actually working very well and so far is very stable, but it certainly is more work each time I need to add a new device....

That said, I should be able to give this a try later this afternoon and will let you know if it makes a difference for me.


Posted on
Wed Jun 27, 2018 3:54 pm
BonfireVA offline
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Re: GreenSky MQTT Bridge Plugin (SmartThings Bridge)

Added the defaults in the bridge settings, didn't seem to make any difference.

Posted on
Wed Jul 18, 2018 12:34 pm
jh71283 offline
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Re: GreenSky MQTT Bridge Plugin (SmartThings Bridge)

Hi Guys

I've published a new version, but the main aim for this release is to get more information on errors that are getting thrown.

This release will automatically submit errors to my account, so that I can see and debug them more effectively.

Posted on
Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:09 am
steinis offline
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Re: GreenSky MQTT Bridge Plugin (SmartThings Bridge)

Thanks for great plugin!
Is it possible to add a retain function to the plugin and how can I receive values from for example a dimmer from HASS?

My goal is to use indigo as the z-wave controller(since indigo is by far the fastest to handle to handle z-wave!) and Hass as the main system.

Posted on
Sat Aug 11, 2018 8:48 am
Umtauscher offline
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Re: GreenSky MQTT Bridge Plugin (SmartThings Bridge)

Hi jh71283 ,

thanks for the plugin but if I am not doing something wrong, it doesn't support subscriping for the state topic.
Like others I am experimenting with a sonoff device using Tasmota.
I have proper control over the device meaning switch on/off works without problems. Unfortunately the state that the device shows is only rendered locally and has nothing to do with the actual state of the device. This means I only get the correct state, if Indigo switches the device. If I use the button on the sonoff or switch it using it's own webpage, the statechange isn't rflected in Indigo.

When I switch debug on in the plugin settings, really nothing additional is shown in the log.
Except for that single line
GreenSky MQTT Bridge Debug logger debugging enabled

Nothing else happens.

When I doubleclick on the state icon in Indigo, the state icon and the state in the list change, but the device is not switched.
If I am doing something wrong here are the parameters I set.

Configure dialog of the plugin:
Code: Select all
MQTT Server Address: localhost  - moquitto is installed on the same machine as Indigo and it's working fine
MQTT Server Port: 1883
MQTT Server USer Name: <MyUsername>
MQTT Server Password: <MyPassword>
Superbridge pattern (out): <empty> - I really don't know what this is for...
 Superbridge pattern (in): <empty>  - dito
Superbridge pattern (Action Groups): <empty>  -dito
Enabel debugging: checked - makes no difference

I created a MQTT switch using the following settings:
Code: Select all
state topic: stat/sonoff/POWER
Command topic: cmnd/sonoff/POWER
ON Payload: ON
OFF Payload: OFF
QOA: 0 - what does that mean?

I really hope you can do something about it.

Last edited by Umtauscher on Sun Aug 12, 2018 8:58 am, edited 2 times in total.

Posted on
Sat Aug 11, 2018 8:59 am
Umtauscher offline
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Re: GreenSky MQTT Bridge Plugin (SmartThings Bridge)

I just downloaded the 1.0.1 Version and the state is showing correctly there.

Unfortunately the double click on the state doesn#t work either.
Just to let you know....

Posted on
Thu Sep 13, 2018 12:11 pm
rlust offline
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Re: GreenSky MQTT Bridge Plugin (SmartThings Bridge)

Great job on this plugin! Very much needed and a big improvement :)

Working with Sonoff Devices!

I am also using the sensor device to collect temp and humidity readings.

What are the options for the "unit" setting?

Posted on
Sun Oct 14, 2018 1:15 pm
jh71283 offline
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Re: GreenSky MQTT Bridge Plugin (SmartThings Bridge)


Apologies for my absence around here but I've been working on a few things...

Firstly, V3 of this plugin is out now. I apologise, but this is a breaking change.

V3 will now publish json messages for each update, like this:

Code: Select all
{"deviceName": "Upstairs Hall - Motion Sensor", "state": "onOffState", "newValue": "True", "oldValue": "False"}

But Why? I hear you ask...

Maybe the attached screenshot will be a good clue... (Go on, take a look, i'll wait)

Yes, that's right, I have produced a set of node-red nodes to talk to indigo!

This means that we can extend indigo using node red to get automatic compatibility with everything that Node Red can already talk to!

It also means that we can create much more complex logical conditions than the existing indigo UI will allow (Disclaimer: because you are calling out of indigo for the logic to be processed, you may incur a small delay, usually in the tens of milliseconds range)

And yes, I know that Indigo already supports everything I have done in that Node Red flow, but it was a quick example I threw together to demonstrate.
Screenshot 2018-10-14 at 20.09.13.png
Screenshot 2018-10-14 at 20.09.13.png (160.37 KiB) Viewed 8092 times

Posted on
Sun Oct 14, 2018 1:19 pm
jh71283 offline
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Re: GreenSky MQTT Bridge Plugin (SmartThings Bridge)

Here is a slightly more advanced example:
Screenshot 2018-10-14 at 20.18.57.png
Screenshot 2018-10-14 at 20.18.57.png (279.46 KiB) Viewed 8090 times

Posted on
Sun Oct 14, 2018 3:42 pm
roussell offline
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Re: GreenSky MQTT Bridge Plugin (SmartThings Bridge)

Nice update! I've got a bunch of plans for this on the back burner that I'll have to make some time for now!

One thing that has always bugged me about Node Red; it could have changed by now as it's been over a year since I played with it at length - but - it bothers me that all the flows are on one 'page' - I would love some sort of order to the flows, pages/tabs/whatever so that I could visually separate thing like lighting flows, HVAC flows, etc. or by room, or whatever order my brain needs. When multiple complicated flows are on one page it gives me anxiety and I'd rather just see a simple if-then-else nested sequence in Python.

It IS fun to play with though, and like I said, it could have very well changed since I last looked at it (or I may have missed something when I did play with it) - please shine some light on my ignorance if I've missed something.

Anyway, thanks again for a great and much-needed plugin!


Posted on
Sun Oct 14, 2018 7:35 pm
rlust offline
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Re: GreenSky MQTT Bridge Plugin (SmartThings Bridge)

Fantastic work on the node-red modules!
I downloaded the modules and they look great.

If you could share the two flows above it would be great to help people get started.


Posted on
Mon Oct 15, 2018 11:00 am
siclark offline
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Re: GreenSky MQTT Bridge Plugin (SmartThings Bridge)

I looked at node red back in the dark days when I was using Vera and looking for something that worked, but looked complicated.
What devices can node red control that indigo can't?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Posted on
Mon Oct 15, 2018 12:36 pm
jh71283 offline
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Re: GreenSky MQTT Bridge Plugin (SmartThings Bridge)

In the HA space, node red has a wider user base than indigo, which means that more people are writing plugins for it.

Many people see NR as a useful tool for wiring different systems together that can't naturally talk to each other.

I've also been able to construct much more complicated logic for triggers etc in NR than I could in indigo (Yes I know I could program each one in python, but I hate python with a passion (ironic for an indigo plugin developer, I know))

There are many modules available in Node Red, so I guess it would be a case of seeing what is there for your use cases.

Plus, most of the major HA playforms now have NR compatibility. It would be a shame for indigo to be left out!

Posted on
Mon Oct 15, 2018 4:39 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: GreenSky MQTT Bridge Plugin (SmartThings Bridge)

jh71283 wrote:
I hate python with a passion (ironic for an indigo plugin developer, I know))

Hmmm - JavaScript vs Python. I'll take Python any day of the week over that horrible mess that is JS... :lol:

Jay (Indigo Support)
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