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Re: GE Caddx NX-8E

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 3:44 pm
by kw123
I use a serial card to connect the NX to MAC:
Screen Shot 2020-04-07 at 16.43.13.png
Screen Shot 2020-04-07 at 16.43.13.png (191.52 KiB) Viewed 4614 times

Re: GE Caddx NX-8E

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 4:00 pm
by farberm
I think you mentioned that you have a NX-*v2 board. That does not have RS232 built into it. I have an NX-8E that has RS-232 already on the main board.

I assume that I can run a Serial cable from the board to a global cache unit (Flex link Serial cable) to get this into my network ). My mac is not close to the security system.

I was just checking on the prior post to see if this was an alternative option to get the signal into the network.

I assume I would choose network socket...

socket://192.168.x.x:port). --- what would the port be for global cache 4999

BaudRate: 9600?

Any other settings I will need once I have it installed in a few weeks.

Did you have to do any programming on the Networx system in terms of locations/zones etc to enable communication properly?

Re: GE Caddx NX-8E

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 5:44 pm
by farberm
I would appreciate any input from prior installers. Here is what I found for programming the 8E serial port on the Caddx *E system

Loc'n Loc'n Description Value Interpretation of Value
207 Serial Port Enable. 01 Home Automation Protocol*
208 Serial Port Baud Rate. 02 9600 bps
209 Home Automation Protocol (vice printer) "1-------" ASCII mode
210(1) NX-8E Broadcasts Enable flags (NX-8E) Intf Cfg at pwr up, Zone Status, Zones Snapshot, Partition Status, Partition Snapshot
210(2) "Nx-*E automatically send System Status, Log Event Msg, Kpd Msg Rcvd
211(1) NX-584 Command Request Enable flag Interface Config, Zone Name, Zone Status, Zones Snapshot, Partition Status, Partitions Snapshot
211(2). Sys Status, Log Event, Kpd Txt, Kpd Term Mode
211(3). Pgm Data Rqst, Pgm Data Cmd, User Info Rqst w/PIN,Set Usr Code w/PIN, Set User Auth Cmd w/PIN
211(4) Stor Comm Event Cmd, Set Clk/Calendar, Primary Kpd Func w/PIN, Prim Kpd Func wo/PIN, Sec Dpd Func, ZoneBypass Toggle

I found 3 different options but think these are close

207 1. On
208 2 9600
209 SHOULD BE BINARY -------- all off

210 (1). -2–5678
210 (2). 1234----
211 (1) -2-45678
211 (2) 12345—
211 (3) 123-5-7-
211 (4) --345678

Not sure these are correct but anyone else with an 8E board please let me know.

Re: GE Caddx NX-8E

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 8:07 pm
by kw123
here my config with serial ---> usb port
model NX-8v2

Re: GE Caddx NX-8E

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 8:12 pm
by farberm
Thanks Karl. Do you remember what you programmed your NC-583 location 3 and 4 to be. They correspond to location 210 and 211 for the 8e board. Not sure I need to turn all of them on. I looked in the user info for the plugin and it just gives minimal info

GE Caddx NX-8E

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:15 am
by kw123
Sorry no. Have not touched it for 2? Years

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: GE Caddx NX-8E

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2021 7:05 pm
by farberm

Appreciate all your help over the years…. Quick question.

This plugin uses binary to communicate to the NX584 board. The board can also be configured to communicate via ASCIi. (Set location 209 to 1 instead of 0).

How difficult is it to rewrite this plugin to communicate via ascIi instead of binary

Using ascIi allows better integration with other home automation plugins for the board such as homebride etc.

GE Caddx NX-8E

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2021 10:16 pm
by kw123
I think that’s a lot of work.

As I don’t have that board any more - we have sold the house- I can’t test this.

But I can check the code when I get my boxes in sone weeks.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: GE Caddx NX-8E

PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 4:10 am
by farberm
Thx, Ifor the response. I’ll wait to hear back from you.

Re: GE Caddx NX-8E

PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2022 4:03 pm
by donhoffman
Haven't had to touch this for a few years, but now that we need to move to Python 3 was wondering if anyone working on or already done this? If not, will give it a try.. Just ported one of my private plugins and not too bad.

Re: GE Caddx NX-8E

PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2022 5:03 pm
by FlyingDiver
donhoffman wrote:
Haven't had to touch this for a few years, but now that we need to move to Python 3 was wondering if anyone working on or already done this? If not, will give it a try.. Just ported one of my private plugins and not too bad.

Anything that uses a serial port will be more involved. Py3 strings are not bytes anymore.

Re: GE Caddx NX-8E

PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2022 5:05 pm
by farberm
I have not but would really appreciate it and happy to test out.

Re: GE Caddx NX-8E

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2022 1:09 am
by kw123
I did the support for some time, but I don't have the device anymore*)
So I can't really do anything about it
BUT WARNING> 50% of this plugin is I/O with the alarm system < this will not be a trivial piece or work


*) We are in a new home - in Vienna you don't need alarm systems ;) .

Re: GE Caddx NX-8E

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2022 5:46 pm
by donhoffman
Thanks for all the warnings. The private plugin I just finished porting was heavy on the serial I/O and was able to figure it out in a few part time days. I am pretty familiar with the Caddx plugin as my private copy has some enhancements not in the standard version. Agree it won't be quick, just perhaps a bit tedious. Guessing right now about a week or so of dev days spread out over a month or so based on past experience, but will know later this week how realistic that is. And I have been a programming for close to 45 years or so, so can probably handle it. :wink: I mostly need to resist the temptation to re-factor too much while in there.

Re: GE Caddx NX-8E

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2022 6:03 pm
by donhoffman
kw123 wrote:
I did the support for some time, but I don't have the device anymore*) .

Did you have a public repo anywhere I could fork off of, or should I just create a new repo on GitHub? I created one already, but it occurs to me just now that I should have checked.