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Implementing "Ambilight" with Hyperion

PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 11:43 am
by VincentS
Hi everybody

A while ago I stumbled on this project sins I had to replace my TV for a new one. Last 12 years I got quit attached to my ambilight television but sins Philips if as far as I know the only one who makes them I decided to build my own version.

Sins I am quit hooked to Indigo and home automation I had to find a way to implement it.

Here is what I found and successfully got working with a little help from Jay..

For the project you need a Raspberry PI some LED strip (I used WS 2812) , A HDMI capture card and a power supply. I found a rasp program called Hyperion.

There are enough tutorials online how to accomplish all of this so a google search will help you in the right direction if you want to go there.

More important for this forum is that is possible quit easy to control the LED strips with Indigo by sending some http JSON.. changing colour, turning on/off or even run effects…

There are maybe some people here who some day might write a plug-in for it but other than that I found that beside the use of “Ambilight” there are a lot of other things we can do for a few dollars.

I did run the whole setup on a Rasp 4 which I had just laying around but a new raspberry zero will only cost about 20 dollars so plenty of options..

Hope some people will have a lot of fun with it

Kind regards