Android Client

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Questions about hardware that can be controlled by Indigo (but not through the interfaces and plugins listed). If Indigo doesn't support some bit of hardware you're interested in, and you don't find a 3rd Party Plugin for it, add it to this forum. Be sure to include links to as much information as you can find about it.

Note: adding it here does not mean we're going to add it - in fact it's possible one of our 3rd party developers may decide to write a plugin for it. We add hardware/features based on a lot of different factors beyond just having a request for it.

Are you interested in a native Android App (a la Indigo Touch - Indigoid??)?


Posted on
Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:48 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Android Client

Our market share argument isn't meant as a cop-out. It is just a fact that we have limited resources so we are going to focus them on areas that we think will move Indigo forward the most and help our customers the most.

I'd love to provide API information to anyone wanting to write an Android client. If someone else doesn't do it, then perhaps it will eventually make it high enough on our priority list to do it in-house. But that isn't the case right now.


Posted on
Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:39 am
dunn.hatani offline
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Re: Android Client

I also vote for an android app. However since I am new to using the mobile features in general so I am experimenting with the CP's. A native app would definitely be nice but I understand the development resources being precious.

Wish I knew anything about developing apps, I would get right on it. Oh well.

Posted on
Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:19 am
srafx offline
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Re: Android Client

I am currently building motivation to start building the native Android app myself. I am a big fan of Macs, Perceptive Automation and don't forget the best mobile platform out there...Android. If I do start working on this as a side project, I just want to confirm there is not something already in the works or I am missing a plugin for Indigo that supports an already out there Android client. Please let me know if there is something I missed.

- Needs to be native, not just webkit WebViews.
- Needs to support the new Fragment Framework for easy tablet and GTV adoption.
- Needs flexibility to handle user security and custom preferences (address, port, etc).
- Needs to auto populate all devices configured in Indigo.
- Use images/icons from iPhone version? (maybe if encouraged).

Of course I have a bunch of other ideas on how to make this a sweet app... but, lets get the important features laid out first so we have something we can all test sooner then later. Anyway, I know there is not a lot of Indigo Android users out there...or at least active on this forum... but please leave me some feedback. I would rather only do this once to get it right :)

Indigo Dev,

If you want this thread somewhere else like 3rd party apps... please create a new thread where you see fit.


Posted on
Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:24 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Android Client

Sounds good to me. When you (or anyone) gets to actually starting the coding let me know. I'll share the protocol information and technique that Indigo Touch uses to get the device/control page/etc. lists and how it handles updating those lists in real time efficiently.


Posted on
Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:52 am
whoiskevin offline
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Re: Android Client

I'll express my support. Not sure when that survey was taken but I am sure there are a lot of Android users. Another thought is that Android is a better gateway to having a native interface that might run on other types of devices (inexpensive tablets that can be used as control consoles etc.). IOS just isn't open enough to give Indigo that kind of capability since it will only run on approved devices that frankly are not inexpensive.

I might be able to spare some time to assist with development. Time of course is tight...billable work always comes first :-)

Posted on
Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:13 pm offline
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Re: Android Client

Would be great to make it work well on the GoogleTV also.

Posted on
Thu Dec 01, 2011 5:36 pm
srafx offline
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Re: Android Client

support wrote:
Sounds good to me. When you (or anyone) gets to actually starting the coding let me know. I'll share the protocol information and technique that Indigo Touch uses to get the device/control page/etc. lists and how it handles updating those lists in real time efficiently.

I will be in contact with you sooner then later. Still working on setting up and planning the UI and app flow, but once I get past that point I will dive into the API.

whoiskevin wrote:
I might be able to spare some time to assist with development. Time of course is tight...billable work always comes first :-)

Time is money, I know that ;) wrote:
Would be great to make it work well on the GoogleTV also.

I agree! I can't wait until I get the update for my Revue (been waiting forever!) ...but I love the though of this app running on GTV.

Posted on
Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:26 pm
srafx offline
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Re: Android Client

support wrote:
Sounds good to me. When you (or anyone) gets to actually starting the coding let me know. I'll share the protocol information and technique that Indigo Touch uses to get the device/control page/etc. lists and how it handles updating those lists in real time efficiently.

I have started :) Can you get in contact with me via email? steve.albright . at .

I would be curious to some of how the iPhone client is setup. What I have started right now are some simple XML parse classes that get me the information I need. I would also be interested in finding out what the test server is (as I think I remember you having a test server to connect to on the iPhone app).

Anyway, hope to hear from you... Thanks!

Posted on
Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:11 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Android Client

Matt's OOO for a few days but he'll get back to you when he's back and caught up.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:20 pm
srafx offline
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Re: Android Client

jay wrote:
Matt's OOO for a few days but he'll get back to you when he's back and caught up.

No problem. Thanks for the heads up!

Posted on
Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:34 am
thomasw offline
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Re: Android Client

Are you guys still working on an Android app for Indigo?
Indigo is the ONLY reason I still have an iPhone. I do too much
with my Indigo app on the iPhone to switch to the Android phone yet.
But, I would switch IF I could run Indigo on Android...
Maybe you should set up a donation fund for the Indigo Android App?
I know I would be willing to donate. Just a thought.

Posted on
Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:56 pm
T-Power offline
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Re: Android Client

I'd like to support getting an Android version!
Not everyone wants to continue with the iphone.


MacMini 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7 16GB DDR3
Indigo Pro 2022.1 macOS Mojave 10.14.6

Posted on
Thu Dec 20, 2012 3:30 pm
roussell offline
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Re: Android Client

matt (support) wrote:
Sounds good to me. When you (or anyone) gets to actually starting the coding let me know. I'll share the protocol information and technique that Indigo Touch uses to get the device/control page/etc. lists and how it handles updating those lists in real time efficiently.

Hey Matt,
I don't know if this ever went anywhere with the guy that was going to develop an Android interface, but would you be willing to share that info publicly? I wouldn't mind looking into a native Android app myself. I have a bunch of Google Nexus 7s on the way with the intent to use them for control panels. My current use of the N7s is that I just use the regular web-based CPs using a kiosk app to launch the default Android browser fullscreen. It's not optimal so I've considered creating a seperate HTML5/JS (probably Dojo or Sencha based) based set of pages but could be persuaded to put that work into an Android app if others could use it. This would be a free side-loaded app most likely with the source on github so others could improve upon it without waiting on me.

Just a thought, thanks.

Posted on
Thu Dec 20, 2012 3:45 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Android Client

Hi Terry,

Sure, just send me an email request and I'll reply with some details. I don't want to publicly post it, mainly because the documentation I have is rather embarrassing, but it should be enough to get an interested developer started.


Posted on
Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:03 pm
pablo2828 offline
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Re: Android Client

I'd like to cast a vote for an Android App as well. Any more progress on this?

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