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Google App Engine (SSL) connections from Indigo Mac

PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 8:18 am
by Different Computers
Looking at my traffic via the Unifi desktop, my #1 categorized type of mystery connection is "Google App Engine (SSL)" and those connections are solely from the Mac that runs my Indigo setup.

I use no Google services directly, never visit, am not logged in to Google anywhere, and have no Google apps installed. The ONLY thing that maybe touches google that I know of is FindFriendsMini, which gets URLs for location of the two users of Indigo.

Does Indigo itself make any calls to Google? It's not a LOT of data, ranked as <0.1%" by Unifi. Mostly I'm just curious if anyone has an idea. I do use this machine for some web browsing on occasion, and suppose it could be various site trackers reporting back to the all seeing corporate headquarters.

Re: Google App Engine (SSL) connections from Indigo Mac

PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 2:26 pm
by matt (support)
Indigo (ignoring 3rd party plugins we have no control over), only makes calls to for license activation and update checking, and for reflectors. If you are using the Alexa plugin, then of course it'll also make calls to Alexa/AWS. I think the NOAA plugin also makes calls to and

Re: Google App Engine (SSL) connections from Indigo Mac

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2023 8:04 pm
by RogueProeliator
Looking at my traffic via the Unifi desktop, my #1 categorized type of mystery connection is "Google App Engine (SSL)" and those connections are solely from the Mac that runs my Indigo setup.

DomoPad push notifications of any kind go through Firebase which runs on Google's App Engine even if for an internal tablet (e.g. action notifications, control page requests, etc.)