Indigo Touch 1.7 and iOS 8

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Thu Sep 18, 2014 10:23 am
jay (support) offline
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Indigo Touch 1.7 and iOS 8

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Indigo 2 is now available and all iOS 8 compatibility issues have been addressed.

Now that iOS 8 has been released, we've identified some issues with Indigo Touch 1.7. It was our hope that these problems would be fixed in the final iOS release, but that wasn't the case. Due to Apple policies regarding SDK versions, we can't quickly turn around a patch to Indigo Touch to solve these issues. Although these issues will be fixed in Indigo Touch 2.0, we're investigating whether to delay some planned features of 2.0 to a later release so we can have a public release sooner. At this point we don't know if this will happen or not. An upgrade to Indigo Touch is our top priority.

For those of you who have tried beta OS releases in the past, you'll recognize the common thread of problems centered around authentication. In previous major iOS releases Apple addressed the problems shorty before final release, but this time around we are seeing issues in the final release. Fortunately, there are workarounds to the issues. Here is what we've identified thus far:

• Indigo Touch prompts for authentication again when control pages are first loaded

This problem seems to only happen the first time you open a control page after you've installed/reloaded Indigo Touch from the App Store. The workaround is easy: just tap the Cancel button, go back to the control page list, then select the page again. It probably won't prompt you any more, though it may do it one more time. We believe the longer you pause between hitting the Cancel button and going back then re-selecting the page the less the chance you'll get prompted again.

There are also sporadic reports that if you leave a control page open after you've done this procedure, it may eventually pop up the settings dialog and show a failed connection. See the next section for how to deal with that. We recommend that you allow the page to load completely then go back to the control page list and reload the page once more.

• Settings dialog shows a failed connection and can't be tapped

The root of this issue appears to be that our popup Settings dialog loses the ability to accept taps when a connection fails, thereby rendering the app "stuck":

Screen shot showing stuck settings dialog
stuck_settings.png (101.9 KiB) Viewed 4261 times

The message after "Failed to connect: " may be different than what's showing in the screenshot, but the result is the same.

There are several scenarios where this can happen:

  1. You open the Settings dialog, select a server, attempt authentication (which continues to re-prompt on an incorrect password), and then eventually you tap the Cancel button (this is always reproduceable).
  2. The server you're connected to becomes unavailable (this is always reproduceable).
  3. As mentioned above, a control page is left open. This scenario is significantly more sporadic - we've only seen it once in fact.

The solution to the problem depends on how you got into the situation in the first place. The first thing you should try is to force quit Indigo Touch (double tap the home button to show the side-scrolling list of apps, find Indigo Touch, the flick upward). Restart Indigo Touch, and either the problem will go away (because it could reconnect) or you'll get prompted to authenticate - doing so clears the problem.

The harder issue is when the server that you were connected to is no longer available on the network and you can't get it up (you changed Mac hardware, database name, etc.). Because Indigo Touch caches server connections, servers that aren't available will remain in the list, and if you're connected to one the Settings dialog will open showing you that the connection failed. In normal circumstances, this is OK since you can just select the new one instead. But because the dialog isn't accepting taps, it becomes a problem.

Fortunately, there is a workaround. Delete the Indigo Touch app itself (tap and hold the Indigo Touch icon and when it starts wiggling and shows the X in the upper left corner, tap it). Then go back to the App Store and download it again. When you open Indigo Touch next, it will show the settings dialog but only with servers that it can currently find (and no failure message). Select your server, authenticate, and proceed.

• SOLVED: Indigo's connection over WiFi connects, drops, reconnects, drops, reconnects, drops, ...

When this problem occurs you will see the connection message (at the bottom or top of the screen) cycling through various states:

  • Search for local Indigo server
  • Connecting
  • Connected via Wi-Fi.
  • Failed to connect: The Network Connection Was Lost.

Update: We have been able to work around this particular iOS 8 bug as the prism reflector server level so you should no longer be experiencing it.

This appears to be an iOS 8 bug that's not specific to Indigo Touch. At this time we believe this is an iOS bug that occurs when apps are using a WiFi connection and Bonjour services. Based on our testing the bug only occurs if you are connecting over WiFi and have not connected on your home local WiFi network using Bonjour.

By default when connecting to the Indigo Server while on your local WiFi, Indigo automatically detects the Indigo Server and shows that in the list of connections using Bonjour. You don't have to enter an IP or reflector address, it just shows up and works. When Indigo connects using that connection (while on your home's WiFi) it appears to be stable. However, when connecting over WiFi through a manual connection (IP or reflector address entered), or while not at home, the connection reports that it drops and reconnects every few seconds. Despite the annoying notifications of the drops and reconnects, Indigo Touch appears to still work. This is because Indigo can establish the connection quickly, so the additional lag of having to reconnect is minimal. Sometimes the problem also resolves itself and the connection becomes stable.

So the workarounds, if you have this problem, are to: 1) connect using Bonjour when at home, 2) if the problem causes an issue or performance problem, then temporarily switch off WiFi and let the connection occur over the mobile network.

We are reporting this issue to Apple while also exploring what changes we can make to Indigo Touch to workaround the problem.

• Keyboard disappears on Authentication dialog

This bug appears to happen when you have 3rd party keyboards installed. When you have one installed, and then tap the globe icon on the normal keyboard to switch, the keyboard disappears (sometimes it takes a couple of taps while cycling). Uninstalling the keyboard followed by rebooting your phone seems to solve the problem. This issue has also been reported around the net by a variety of sources so it doesn't appear to be an Indigo specific problem, though it may have to do with the fact that there are apps like ours that are using older SDK versions that probably weren't tested very thoroughly by Apple.

If you have an issue that isn't listed above, please use the contact form to let us know what you're seeing.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Thu Oct 23, 2014 7:59 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Indigo Touch 1.7 and iOS 8

As noted above we have now been able to workaround the endless "The Network Connection Was Lost" errors problem that occurs when using a WiFi connection over a reflector.

The issue is an iOS 8 bug that causes it to ignore the keep-alive timeout value in the HTTP response header, so iOS 8 was incorrectly trying to reuse a connection that had timed out. Our fix was to disable keep-alives at the prism server level to avoid this iOS 8 bug.

We are continuing to work (as a top priority) on a major Indigo Touch release to solve the other iOS 8 / Indigo Touch incompatibilities above.


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