- C4W's Homebridge binary that is running on HomeKit Bridge is quite dated.
- The plugin community for HomeBridge is quite strong and has some interesting additional features. For example, the NEST plugin supports both Nest Accounts and Google Accounts. It also supports the NEST Protect. The metadata for these devices are much better as well, so they show up as the proper objects in HomeKit. Another example is the MyQ, which supports push events. So as a result of this, I've removed any cloud devices from my Indigo HomeKit Bridge and added the community plugins directly with HomeBridge. The UI for HomeBridge is fantastic by the way. It makes HomeBridge far less of a techy exercise than in the past.
- Finally, Security Cameras have come a long way in HomeBridge. I've had my SecuritySpy cameras linked to HomeKit through the Indigo HomeKit plugin, but moving them to the newer instance of HomeBridge improved performance, allowed me to improve quality, and adds the integration of motion events.
Just change the Login, Password, IP, Port, Camera Number, and Resolution.
Code: Select all
"name": "Camera FFmpeg",
"porthttp": 8590,
"cameras": [
"name": "Outside Camera - Front",
"motion": true,
"motionTimeout": 30,
"unbridge": true,
"videoConfig": {
"source": "-rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://<LOGIN>:<PASSWORD>@<IP>:<PORT>/++stream?cameraNum=2&codec=h264",
"stillImageSource": "-i http://<LOGIN>:<PASSWORD>@<IP>:<PORT>/++image?cameraNum=2&width=2560&height=1440",
"maxWidth": 2560,
"maxHeight": 1440,
"audio": true
"platform": "Camera-ffmpeg"
Code: Select all
curl -X GET -i 'http://<IP to HomeBridge>:8590/motion?Outside%20Camera%20-%20Front'