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My first (and only) control page

PostPosted: Wed Aug 07, 2019 5:52 pm
by Dual
Unlike many here I am using Indigo mostly as a security system and for second home monitoring and control. Along with door contact sensors and motion sensors I have 16 water leak sensors. Indigo will restart my modem and router if the internet goes down. I do have security spy and several cameras as well. My control page isn't fancy. It is functional. I want everything on one page to fit my iPhone 8+. The page gives me a quick overview on the state of all inputs and outputs, along with energy monitoring and thermostat control.

Re: My first (and only) control page

PostPosted: Wed Aug 07, 2019 7:53 pm
by mundmc
I like! I have “my” indigo pages, and the ones for everybody else. I tend to use super-dense data pages that run off my iphone for diagnostic and informative screens (ones with a very low WAF).