
Posted on
Tue Jun 09, 2020 5:42 am
FlyingDiver online
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Re: node-red-contrib-indigo

siclark wrote:
However I cant seem to get node-red to parse the format that the mqtt is sent in. MQTT fx complains its not proper json and I get the states array in node-red, but with numbers not the names populated.
I was wondering how you parse the message in node-red to view? Or have you changed the publishing template?

I don't go that direction. I only send commands from Indigo to node-red, not device updates. If you put a debug node on the incoming MQTT node and post what it's showing, I can probably help you figure it out.

joe (aka FlyingDiver)
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Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:18 am
siclark offline
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Re: node-red-contrib-indigo

Cheers... I now have a working flow that takes the published device MQTT message from indigo for a meta device dimmer device and transforms it to the right format to send as MQTT out to zigbee2mqtt to control a Hue bulb via my zigbee USB stick.

Next step is to create a dummy RGB device and see if I can get the RGB values published.

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