Reload Libraries and Attachments Bug?

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Sat Mar 21, 2020 8:41 am
Mark offline
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Reload Libraries and Attachments Bug?

I thought this happened to me before... definitely this morning:

I'm now used to the new location for my Python scripts (Python2-includes). I tried modifying one today, and then used the "Reload Libraries and Attachments" menu command to try out the new version.. I saw in Indigo's log that the menu command executed. I then modified the script again, and then tried the "Reload Libraries and Attachments" menu command again, but this time the log didn't show any reloading activity, and my script modifications were not in effect. I tried the menu command several times, both from a computer running Indigo as a client, and again from the computer on which the Indigo server is running.. Then I tried restarting the server, with and without quitting the Indigo client(s). Indigo continues to use the version of the script prior to me modifying it!

What is happening? Is this a bug? Why did I see log confirmation of the Reload the first time, but not subsequent times, even after restarting Indigo? Do I not use "Reload Libraries and Attachments" after modifying a script to get Indigo to use the new version? Are scripts cached somewhere? (PS: I really hate MacOS caching, which regularly finds ways to really mess me up, but I digress.)

How does one get Indigo to honor a modified script?

I didn't restart the computer, and don't want to (shouldn't have to). Running MacOS 10.14.6, Indigo 7.4.1. There are no files in either of the Scripts folders, so it's not an issue of Indigo using the wrong script file.

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Mon Mar 23, 2020 2:07 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Reload Libraries and Attachments Bug?

I'm not sure what is going on here but an Indigo Server restart will definitely reload all of Indigo's python scripts (and plugins). If it still isn't using your changes after an Indigo Server restart then something else is going wrong, but I'm not sure what it could be.

How specifically is your script starting? Which file did you modify and how it being referenced?


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