Mac mini crashing with Indigo 7

Posted on
Sat Dec 10, 2016 12:35 am
evansgo offline
Posts: 223
Joined: Nov 29, 2013

Mac mini crashing with Indigo 7

I've not been using Indigo for some months now due to a house move and recently I changed both the Z-Stick to a Gen5 and updated Indigo to V7, but also pretty much started the whole house again, slowly reloading mainly Hue and Z-Waye devices. The Mac mini is a 2012 4 core unit running Yosemite, with nothing else changed and previously it has never crashed.

I connect to the Mac via Screens and it is also used as a Plex server, but twice now Indigo has just stopped working. Can someone tell me the best place to start looking for the issue? I understand that there are some problems with the Gen 5 Z-stick and Mac Mini's but I thought that this was just for boot up.

I did see in the Mac system log that I have this repeated for hours until I rebooted, so it wasn't totally locked up, just unresponsive. The Indigo log just stops, no error message....

    Dec 10 09:26:36 TV-Mac-mini kernel[0]: en0: promiscuous mode enable succeeded
    Dec 10 09:26:36 TV-Mac-mini kernel[0]: en0: promiscuous mode disable succeeded
    Dec 10 09:26:36 TV-Mac-mini kernel[0]: en1: promiscuous mode enable failed
    Dec 10 09:26:36 TV-Mac-mini kernel[0]: lo0: promiscuous mode enable succeeded
    Dec 10 09:26:36 TV-Mac-mini kernel[0]: lo0: promiscuous mode disable succeeded
    Dec 10 09:26:37 TV-Mac-mini.local IndigoPluginHost[27162]: timeout waiting for server response for request GetDevice
    Dec 10 09:26:44 TV-Mac-mini.local IndigoPluginHost[470]: timeout waiting for server response for request GetDevice
    Dec 10 09:26:45 TV-Mac-mini kernel[0]: AppleUSBCDCACMData: Version number - 4.3.2b1, Input buffers 8, Output buffers 16
    Dec 10 09:26:45 TV-Mac-mini kernel[0]: AppleUSBCDC: Version number - 4.3.2b1
    Dec 10 09:26:52 TV-Mac-mini.local IndigoPluginHost[468]: timeout waiting for server response for request DeviceEnumList
    Dec 10 09:26:57 TV-Mac-mini.local IndigoPluginHost[27162]: timeout waiting for server response for request AddDevice
    Dec 10 09:27:02 TV-Mac-mini.local IndigoPluginHost[463]: timeout waiting for server response for request DeviceEnumList
    Dec 10 09:27:04 TV-Mac-mini.local IndigoPluginHost[470]: timeout waiting for server response for request GetDevice
    Dec 10 09:27:12 TV-Mac-mini.local IndigoPluginHost[46165]: timeout waiting for server response for request GetDevice
    Dec 10 09:27:12 TV-Mac-mini.local IndigoPluginHost[468]: timeout waiting for server response for request DeviceEnumList
    Dec 10 09:27:17 TV-Mac-mini.local IndigoPluginHost[27162]: timeout waiting for server response for request GetDevice
    Dec 10 09:27:24 TV-Mac-mini.local IndigoPluginHost[470]: timeout waiting for server response for request DeviceEnumList
    Dec 10 09:27:32 TV-Mac-mini.local IndigoPluginHost[463]: timeout waiting for server response for request DeviceEnumList
    Dec 10 09:27:36 TV-Mac-mini kernel[0]: en0: promiscuous mode enable succeeded

Posted on
Sat Dec 10, 2016 1:32 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Mac mini crashing with Indigo 7

It definitely looks like the Indigo Server is frozen for some reason. Since there are no errors in the Event Log and I presume no crash log (if it isn't totally crashing), then the next time it occurs try the following:

1) Unplug all USB devices from the Mac. If Indigo is hung because it is waiting for some hardware communication, this might unhang it. Try connecting/launching the Indigo Client both before and after unplugging everything (except a keyboard/mouse). Any change in behavior?

2) Launch the Apple Activity Monitor app. Try sorting on CPU: is there anything using a high percentage? Also sort based on Process Name: what Indigo processes are running?

If there is an IndigoPluginHost process using a lot of CPU, then press the Inspect button and check the Open Files and Ports tab and copy/paste its contents into a reply. We should be able to figure out which plugin it is based on that.

3) Do you have Indigo executing any AppleScripts? If so temporarily disable those for a few days to see if it helps prevent the hangs.


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