INDIGOplotD -- a plot tool for indigo -- program download

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Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:53 am
kw123 offline
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INDIGOplotD -- a plot tool for indigo -- program download

This is the thread for the download of versions of INDIGOPLOT(D)

The versions notation is: x.y.z
x: major release
y: changes in functionality
z: bug fixes

All discussions please ==>

I will post the latest stable version into the regular Indigo plugin download section managed by Matt and Jay. As the links here will point to my personal dropbox account and you never know what will happen..

This thread starts with Version 3.5.3:

printout of data into log file had one column missing.

Last edited by kw123 on Fri Jan 02, 2015 12:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posted on
Mon Oct 20, 2014 4:06 pm
kw123 offline
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Re: INDIGOplotD -- a plot tool for indigo -- program downlo V3.5.5

Suppress GNUPLOT warning message if no data is available (e.g. heater was NOT on during the period the plot shows)
To enable you have to :
1. set YRange to 0, the default
2. set Line OFFSET to > Ymin for each line you would like to handle this way, e.g. OFFSET =0.0001 would do the trick. (click expert mode)
This will add 0.00001 to the 0-value of the state HEATER. This way GNUPLOT will show a faint line at y=00001 i.e. it will have some data to plot for that line.

On the other side you can suppress "zero" lines (lines down to Y=0) by setting Yrange MIN to 0.0001 and offset to 0 then this section will not show. This is useful if you want to suppress lines down to 0. if e.g. there is no data..

In the attached plot you can see a little wider red line at Y=0 and the line key for HEATER is still present. This is with "right Y Range =[0:200]" and line offset for the HEATER =0.0001

As well as the gap for temperature around sunday after midnight when there was no data present. Here we set Offset =0 for that line.

Sounds complicated, but is actually logical.

ThermostatDownstairsPlot-minute-S1.png (18.07 KiB) Viewed 22411 times

Posted on
Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:56 pm
kw123 offline
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Re: INDIGOplotD -- a plot tool for indigo -- program downlo 3-5-6

the cutoff calculation to show or not show data was based on the left Y axis only. Now it is down for each line with the "right" Y axis

improved printout of Plot and parameters

Thanks to George for testing.


Posted on
Fri Oct 24, 2014 9:58 am
kw123 offline
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Re: INDIGOplotD -- a plot tool for indigo -- program downlo
v 3.5.7

when starting from SCRATCH one variable (self.sqlUpdateLastImportedDate) was not properly initialized.


Posted on
Fri Dec 19, 2014 1:49 pm
kw123 offline
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Re: INDIGOplotD -- a plot tool for indigo -- program downlo

[url[/url] Version 3-6-34

- variable handling
- MATPLOT does not show line key for "filled curves" . That is MATPLOT "feature". This version adds the line key "manually" for THAT type of line
- some smaller bugs, some speed improvements

smaller enhancements
- "DRAW" button in plot can be configured(in indigo/menu/configure): either just create the plots or create and show on screen . This for user that run indigo on a "server' . With "create only" the plots will not be shown on the server, you can just double click on the plot file on your laptop.
- "DRAW" button just creates the plots for just the one you are looking at not all plots
- "SAVE" button in PLOT will create the plots files and list the path& names of the png files for the current plot in the log file, so you can copy and paste into the page view for intogotouch
- Event trigger" this version creates an events whenever the plot creations are finished. you could use this to trigger other actions.
- nice reporting for configurations etc
- enhanced export / import feature to save and restore the complete configuration.

new features
- "consumption" measurement in config. This allows to show e.g. electricity/water/gas/other/rain-amount used/consumed to be plotted: if you just plot the consumed line (e.g. KWH) you just see a line going up. This mode allows you to (re)set the consumption to 0 once a day/week/month/year or free defined points in time e.g. 2014/01/01 8:am .. 2014/02/02/ 9am .. ( to sync with meter readings)
- in addition you can multiply the consumption with a "price per unit e.g. 0.2 cents per kWh. This price can be set on a time basis e.g. 0:0-7:00 21 cents, 7:00-18:00 23 cents 18:00 21 cents on per day or daily basis or per free defined period e.g. in summer months it is 23 cents in fall ...
in addition you can set the price depending on consumption, e.g. 0..20KWH: 20 cents 20--30KWH: 30 cents on a per period basis

sounds complex and it can be. This should support many consumption / pricing scenarios.

-" DELTA" measurement. This one supports sensors that just deliver e.g. KWH or just numbers that go up. It can be used to show KW from a sensor that delivers KWH - like the rfxcom meters.
There are 2 modes: delta and delta normalized to 1 hour. Lets say you measure for 5 minutes you would get KH5minutes that unit is difficult to compare. With the normalize to 1 hour it multiplies the value so that is shows KW same for the day/hour/minute == essential multiply the 5minute plot with: 12, the hour plot with 1, the day plot with 1/24 to get it to the same unit.

The last 2 "measurements" are not beta anymore but have "limited" error checking for data entered. It just checks if periods are in sequence (i.e. jan before feb) but you could still enter wrong cost etc.

It has not been crashing for some weeks now ---- and was tested by a patient and very help full person: John Steenhuis in the Netherlands: attached some of his plots.

I will publish this version to the INDIGO download site in a week or so if there are no problems (this one is on my dropbox account)

.. this took about 3 months and I learned a lot of python .. some times frustrating but always interesting..

I will be compiling a help PDF over Christmas


the attached plots use
Electric-Gas-Water Consumption, Electric-Gas-Water Cost and DELTA measurements for all three plots.
DELTA creates the Watt/=rate lines on the left / top and consumption the histogram and cost the yellow lines = right scales
PlotWater+-minute-S1.png (35.14 KiB) Viewed 22157 times
PlotGasDay+-minute-S1.png (20.55 KiB) Viewed 22157 times
PlotEnergyDay+-minute-S1.png (43.4 KiB) Viewed 22157 times

Posted on
Sat Dec 27, 2014 9:17 am
kw123 offline
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Re: INDIGOplotD -- a plot tool for indigo -- program downlo v 3-6-40

1. shifting bins at midnight did not work properly for DELTA measurement
2. SQL import went into endless loop when there was no data for a device/state in the sql database, continuously trying to import data *)

small changes in config menu

*) why would you want to plot "no" data ;-)

ps MINIPLOT coming up this weekend ===> one page configuration of simple plot <===

Posted on
Sat Dec 27, 2014 10:44 am
kw123 offline
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Re: INDIGOplotD -- a plot tool for indigo -- program downlo

requires indigoplotD v 3.6.40 or higher:

MINIPLOT is a simple front end for INDIGOPLOTD. No bells and whistles, simple one page entry of all required parameters -- no configuration required

You have to open indigo/menu/MINIPLOT/configure
the menu shows the entry screen for MINIPLOT:
- name it (the name of the file(s) to be created)
- select device/state.. to be plotted (like thermometerX/temperature)
- line type and color
- text size and color
- plot size and background color

then click on "CREATE", wait 3-x seconds (depends on the size of your database) and the plot should be in ~/documents/indigoplotd/, see output of attached PLOT
You could also show the result directly on the screen by clicking on "SHOW"

Prerequisite to make it work WITHOUT any other configuration in INDIGOPLOTD: MAC must be on mavericks or higher. It will use by default MATPLOT.
If you have a working INDIGOPLOTD it will work fine, just need to upgrade to 3-7-1 (3-6-40 is the same code, but will be kept stable). Any new MINIPLOT feature will require INDIGOPLOTD 3.7.x

Editing the plots is limited. You can do it, but you will need to reenter the information. You can also continue to edit the plots in the full version of INDIGOPLOTD.


and thanks again to John for testing.
Screen Shot 2014-12-27 at 10.25.26 AM.png
Screen Shot 2014-12-27 at 10.25.26 AM.png (118.56 KiB) Viewed 22071 times
Temp Outside-minute-S1.png
Temp Outside-minute-S1.png (22.58 KiB) Viewed 22071 times

Posted on
Thu Jan 01, 2015 4:02 pm
palantir offline
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Re: INDIGOplotD -- a plot tool for indigo -- program downlo

Karl -

I've been using IndigoPlotD for quite a while and upgraded to 3.7.1 today. After that, my plots no longer update...

I have tried the following:
- Reload the package -> no luck
- Enable debug -> I see lots of processes spawning every 5 minutes, but no plots showing up!
- Downgraded to v3.6.40 -> same problem
- Re-installed v3.7.1 -> problem remains.
- Downgraded to v3.3.4, rebuilt my devices to track and plot definitions -> Plots start working again
- Upgraded to v3.7.1 again -> Plots stop updating...

I'm kinda stuck at the moment. Any suggestions?

Thanks a bunch!

Posted on
Thu Jan 01, 2015 6:39 pm
kw123 offline
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Re: INDIGOplotD -- a plot tool for indigo -- program downlo

Will check.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Posted on
Thu Jan 01, 2015 6:54 pm
kw123 offline
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Re: INDIGOplotD -- a plot tool for indigo -- program downlo

check my version, seems to work..
could you try:

upgrade to 3.7
menu/indigoplotd/ debug enable
delete all *. png files in the indigoplotd directory
menu/indigoplotd/refresh all plots should show some action

which graphing package do you use gnu or matplot?

If it does not work:
could you send me: karlwachs at me com
the output of menu/indigoplotd/print/log plots+ device+formatted data (just one of the files from indigoplotd/data/...formatted ) and save current configuration something like: ../py/


Posted on
Fri Jan 02, 2015 3:56 am
palantir offline
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Re: INDIGOplotD -- a plot tool for indigo -- program downlo

Hi Karl,

I deleted the png files, enabled debugging, refreshed plots but no new png's appear. I am using Matplot on Yosemite 10.10.1, running Indigo 6.0.18.

I'll mail you the files you requested. Tanks for your support!

Posted on
Fri Jan 02, 2015 12:52 pm
kw123 offline
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Re: INDIGOplotD -- a plot tool for indigo -- program downlo v 3-7-4

Critical: in OSX mavericks MATPLOT under some circumstances did not launch

- better integration between MINIPLOT and INDIGOPLOTD

- MINIPLOT configuration now flows better, just 6 steps .You have a plot in less than 30 seconds shown on your screen

- FOR EXPERTS ONLY: added switch for "draw invisible line" ON/OFF. This is for situations that have little data. MATPLOT as well as GNUPLOT have issues when dealing with sparsely populated data. The switch was ON be default. This guarantees that the plots are shown from left to right completely, but as a side effect the Y-scale started at y=0 .
It now can be turned off in PLOT config in expert mode. MINIPLOT has the switch set to OFF to enable automatic Y-scale by MATPLOT and GNUPLOT

- PLOT/LINE display of line properties now has better use of limited number of characters shown in the menu structure (max 50 characters).
This is useful if you use multiple options for e.g. Consumption plots, reset mode, no fill gaps etc.


Posted on
Sun Jan 11, 2015 10:41 pm
kw123 offline
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Re: INDIGOplotD -- a plot tool for indigo -- program downlo version 3-7-18

smaller issues around interface

1. set priority of lines drawn i.e. which one overwrites.
This works fine for GNUPLOT. MATPLOT lines associated to the right Y axis all go below the lines associated to the left Y axis.
This is a MATPLOT "feature". MATPLOT essentially overlays 2 pictures (left over right) not individual lines.
2. more expansive options for excel cvs data files to plot
3. SQL import speed improved by ~ 10-40% depending on scenario
4. various options for GRID, x, yleft yright, dashed, solid in background or foreground
5. shift plot time window,: plot today vs yesterday or this week vs last week, this quarter vs last quarter

has been tested intensively.


to reduce the possibility of downloading older versions, I have removed the links to version 3.6 and older, if you still need/ want them please get in touch with me directly.

attached a plot of data from an excel file with many data columns, with all kinds of lines, histograms dots ... into it.
JohnExcel-S1.png (122.76 KiB) Viewed 21787 times

Posted on
Tue Jan 13, 2015 3:06 pm
kw123 offline
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Re: INDIGOplotD -- a plot tool for indigo -- program downlo v 3-7-20

this one should work with PSQL

install plugin
indigoplotd/configure, at bottom:

select PSQL
and make sure that the command string is correct:
/Library/PostgreSQL/bin/psql indigo_history postgres

rest should be automatic.. I have tested it on my laptop with a few virtual devices ONLY.

ps I have attached an older PDF with "how to" , 90% its still correct.

Posted on
Tue Jan 13, 2015 5:12 pm
kw123 offline
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Re: INDIGOplotD -- a plot tool for indigo -- program downlo

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