Logitech Harmony Ultimate Hub connecting to Indigo?

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Posted on
Sun Jan 12, 2014 5:50 am
McJohn offline
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Logitech Harmony Ultimate Hub connecting to Indigo?

Good day!

The wonderful world of Indigo can be connected almost to everything.
But the connection and control of AV devices is a challenge.

The Logitech Harmony Hub is maybe a good overall interface between all kind of AV devices and
the Mac/Indigo. Who can make a plugin for the Logitech Harmony Ultimate Hub? :-)

http://www.logitech.com/en-us/product/h ... ub?crid=60

Kind regards,


Posted on
Sun Jan 12, 2014 7:50 am
durosity offline
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Re: Logitech Harmony Ultimate Hub connecting to Indigo?

Afaik there's no API for that system, but you can get the same kind of effect from indigo if you have an IR Ttransmitter and a receiver. I've got my old harmony 880 to talk directly to indigo, which in turn then tells the tv, sat box, etc to turn on. I've even got a control page setup in dashboard that has all the common controls needed in case the harmony disappears or runs out of batteries

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Posted on
Sun Jan 12, 2014 8:09 am
McJohn offline
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Re: Logitech Harmony Ultimate Hub connecting to Indigo?


Thanks for your answer.
Can you explain how the connection is (the hardware) between the Harmony and Indigo?
And how can Indigo "talk" to the Harmony and the TV?


Kind regards,


Posted on
Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:34 am
durosity offline
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Re: Logitech Harmony Ultimate Hub connecting to Indigo?

There’s various ways of doing it, the way i currently have it setup is using a Pioneer AV receiver that works with an indigo plugin, and a Global Cache GC-100 also controlled with a different plugin. The Harmony remote has been programmed to set the AV receiver to the appropriate source, which in turn is picked up by the plugin and a trigger with some python scripts activates action groups that turns on the TV, turns off other devices, etc by way of IR commands sent by the GC-100. For non-AV receiver related commands to indigo, i’ve got an old x10 IR receiver plugged in behind the TV which the harmony remote has also been set to send certain commands to, which in turn control other functions (such as lights).

Don’t get me wrong.. it takes a LOT of effort to get it setup correctly, to get all the IR codes into indigo, and lots of testing and tweaking to get the right order of turning things on/off, the correct delays.. etc.. but once it’s setup and working it really is worth it. Also because Indigo knows that devices are active you can get it to do more fancy things, like for example if the doorbell is pressed Indigo knows to pause the DVR or AppleTV, and put a PiP video image of the camera at the front door so i can see exactly who is there. Eventually i want to expand this out to cover all the rooms in the house.

Also on a side note, i’ve made sure that the Harmony still has discrete on/off commands for various devices.. just on the off chance that indigo misses something or isn’t available, it means that all the relevant devices are still usable.

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Posted on
Sun Jan 12, 2014 11:12 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Logitech Harmony Ultimate Hub connecting to Indigo?

A/V control of devices that don't have direct network access and an API is a big bag of hurt. That's why companies like Global Cache, iTach, etc., were started - to attempt to use the only control method available at the time (IR). It was an especially difficult task and was generally very hard to configure. It was also extremely error prone and easily broken (in my experience anyway).

That's one reason why we've never really focused much attention on it - because it is a business within itself and if we tried to do it we'd have to dedicate all resources to doing it. We're focused on integrating the other aspects of HA - not that they are especially easy, but because that's our chosen area of focus and expertise.

Now that more and more devices are becoming IP enabled, it's a much better proposition. And with our plugin API anyone can add A/V devices.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Mon Jan 13, 2014 4:58 am
McJohn offline
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Re: Logitech Harmony Ultimate Hub connecting to Indigo?

Thank you both very much for all the effort to explain this complex connection.
It's strange that the IR remote control is almost 60 years old and no one has made a universal (programmable) interface to a PC/Mac.
I think it's the missing link in the whole Home Automation.

The solution of "durosity" is very nice but indeed complex (and dependent of some brands).
Maybe Apple introduces this year a new Apple TV and we can make a connection to Indigo.

Kind regards,


Posted on
Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:22 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Logitech Harmony Ultimate Hub connecting to Indigo?

As I said - it's difficult (lots of different IR codes to track) and error prone. And even less likely now that many devices seem to be IP enabled.

Don't hold your breath for an AppleTV that has an open API. Nothing Apple creates has an open control/status API (iTunes, AppleTV, etc.). I suppose you could consider AppleScript an API for iTunes though they keep breaking parts of it with every release. If it weren't for the legacy nature of iTunes AppleScript support I doubt seriously if it would exist at all.

I would absolutely LOVE a published API for those two things - we'd jump on it in a heartbeat. Same with an SDK for the AppleTV.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:54 pm
durosity offline
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Re: Logitech Harmony Ultimate Hub connecting to Indigo?

McJohn wrote:
The solution of "durosity" is very nice but indeed complex (and dependent of some brands).

You’re right.. it is very complex.. and very brand dependent.. I’ve spent a lot of time and effort and money (difficult thing to get me to spend money.. i’m Scottish) getting it setup.. but i think the result is well worth it. As for Jay mentioning error prone… i’d kind of agree with him on that too.. at least at first. I’ve now discovered (after much trial and error) near perfect ways of keeping it all in sync and making sure it all works.. I’ve now got it to the stage where I’ve been able to have my AV receiver, AppleTV, Sky Box, PS3, Xbox 360 and other bits and bobs put away in a cupboard so the only thing on display is the TV and a tiny little IR receiver, and been able to maintain (so far) 100% reliability of keeping everything in sync and working. If you are interested in doing this any time i’d be more than happy to send you a copy of my DB so you can see how i’ve got it setup.

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Posted on
Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:58 am
McJohn offline
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Re: Logitech Harmony Ultimate Hub connecting to Indigo?

Thanks for all the information and the nice words from a friendly Scotsman :-)
I just ordered a Global Caché iTach. And with the plugin from Perry maybe I can do some nice experiments.
I saw there is a Mac program to manage the iTach (and learn the IR codes):
(it's from a Dutchman).

So, a man must have something to do during the cold (and wet) winter nights :-)

Kind regards,


Posted on
Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:03 pm
durosity offline
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Re: Logitech Harmony Ultimate Hub connecting to Indigo?

McJohn wrote:
Thanks for all the information and the nice words from a friendly Scotsman :-)
I just ordered a Global Caché iTach. And with the plugin from Perry maybe I can do some nice experiments.
I saw there is a Mac program to manage the iTach (and learn the IR codes):
(it's from a Dutchman).

So, a man must have something to do during the cold (and wet) winter nights :-)

Kind regards,


Yeah, i keep meaning to replace my GC-100 units with iTachs.. i don’t have an IR learner for mine and that has caused me hours of headaches trying to find the right code online. You might want to look at remotecentral.com as well.. they’ve got lots of IR codes for various devices in the hex format that Perry’s plugin needs.

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Posted on
Wed Jan 15, 2014 9:25 am
McJohn offline
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Re: Logitech Harmony Ultimate Hub connecting to Indigo?

Thanks for the info.

Does anyone have any experience with the Remotec ZXT-300?

http://www.remotec.com.hk/zaspx/product ... =30&main=f
Supports up to 6 dedicated Z-Wave-to-IR channels.....

Kind regards,


Posted on
Wed Jan 15, 2014 12:02 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Logitech Harmony Ultimate Hub connecting to Indigo?

No - and it's quite likely that it won't work with Indigo without some (probably significant) work. Our experience with devices like that are the INSTEON IR-Linc devices - which were never reliable or easy to configure. I think going with an established device like the GC devices would be a better/more reliable alternative. IMO… ;)

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Thu Jan 16, 2014 4:31 am
McJohn offline
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Re: Logitech Harmony Ultimate Hub connecting to Indigo?

Thanks for the info Jay.
Pffff, I was a little bit shocked because I had already ordered the GC iTach :-)
Yesterday evening installed and next to a small problem with the IR Emitter (to far from the TV, I didn't know it has to be placed direct at the IR receiver),
it works perfect! It's so simple; I use the iLearn program with the iTach to receive the correct HEX codes from the remote control.
Put this codes in the great Cynical Cache plugin and it works! Thank you very, very, much Perry for the great work!
Now I can make my own designed remote control in Indigo and make a Trigger at 22.00 for the news program :-)

I thought I was ready with my Indigo project, but I got a new episode! It's a way of live and a never ending story :-)



Posted on
Thu Jan 16, 2014 4:55 am
durosity offline
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Re: Logitech Harmony Ultimate Hub connecting to Indigo?

McJohn wrote:
I thought I was ready with my Indigo project, but I got a new episode! It's a way of live and a never ending story :-)

Tell that to my other half.. I think if she hears of me starting yet another HA project, I think I'll be looking for a new place to live... :/

Glad to hear it's all working smoothly for you!

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Posted on
Thu Jan 16, 2014 7:07 am
McJohn offline
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Re: Logitech Harmony Ultimate Hub connecting to Indigo?


I'll tell you a secret:
The "trick" is to involve your wive in the HA projects;
- my wive is so happy with her electric blanket: it goes automatic on every evening when the bedroom temperature is below 18 degrees :-)
- and she is also vey happy with her new designed remote control on her iPhone with a picture of her son and greetings of her husband :-)



ps; I think this hobby is better for your marriage than every night going to the pub...

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