What is the coolest feature of your Indigo setup?

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Fri Dec 11, 2009 9:49 pm
Matt offline
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When Proximity detects a change in the phone's presence, it runs a script similar to this:

tell application "IndigoServer" of machine "eppc://username:password@"
set value of variable "workingiMac" to "false"
end tell
end try

to tell the Indigo Server to change the variable.

Posted on
Mon Jan 25, 2010 2:45 pm
MacMan2.0 offline
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Re: What is the coolest feature of your Indigo setup?

Started playing with Indigo & Insteon products in my loft about a year ago. Since then, I have moved to a home in the "burbs" and am restarting my automation configuration from scratch and on a much larger scale.

The coolest feature so far...15" ELO touchscreen flush mounted in the wall driven by a Mac Mini (running Indigo of course.)

Now...on to the lighting controls & I would like to work out a way to control my Apple TV via Indigo.

Posted on
Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:07 pm
Matt offline
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Re: What is the coolest feature of your Indigo setup?

I'd really like to see pics of your touchscreen setup! What a sweet addition to a home automation setup!


Posted on
Tue Jan 26, 2010 12:58 pm
MacMan2.0 offline
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Re: What is the coolest feature of your Indigo setup?

Hey Matt - Thank you. I thought it would add a nice touch and simplify the controls for my wife.

Apologies in advance for the poor picture quality - snapped with my phone as I went along. I need to add a couple of coats of paint on the frame this weekend but you get the idea.

The Mini is mounted on the other side of the wall within a kitchen base cabinet.
touch5.jpg (62.03 KiB) Viewed 13406 times
touch6.jpg (86.53 KiB) Viewed 13406 times
TouchInstall.jpg (98.65 KiB) Viewed 13406 times
TouchComponents.jpg (125.57 KiB) Viewed 13406 times

Posted on
Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:26 am
MacMan2.0 offline
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Re: What is the coolest feature of your Indigo setup?

I was inspired to get some paint on the frame last night...here is the finished product.
touch7.jpg (63.16 KiB) Viewed 13386 times

Posted on
Wed Jan 27, 2010 11:03 am
Korey offline
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Re: What is the coolest feature of your Indigo setup?

MacMan2.0 wrote:
I was inspired to get some paint on the frame last night...here is the finished product.

Nice Work!

How about a parts list for the touch-screen..


Posted on
Sat Apr 24, 2010 9:45 am
chrisn offline
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Re: What is the coolest feature of your Indigo setup?

I have stitched my whole-house A/V system together with Indigo, for a unified system (with Indigo as hub) for device control and A/V control.

I use a Nuvo Grand Concerto for audio switching and a generic HDMI-via-Cat5/6 matrix switch for video. My audio sources are three computers running iTunes. Using Serial Bridge, I physically connect the gear to a MacMini via USB-RS232 adapters. I have an AppleScript always running to poll iTunes (multiple instances), the Nuvo Keypads and the HDMI Switch and maintain "state variables" on all this stuff. This part of the solution displays current metadata on the control pads and watches for key presses on the pads, so (for example) it can tell the appropriate copy of iTunes to advance to next song.

The polling script also mirrors some of its local state information with Indigo variables. That way, I can create control pages that show status of each source and zone in the house (what song is playing at what volume in which room(s), etc.).

To control stuff, I did a simple/cheesy "message bus." When user clicks a something on control page, Indigo simply sets two variables. The first is a "I have a message for you" flag and the second is the "payload." My polling script watches for these variables changes, grabs the message and processes it (e.g., mute Zone 3).

I a still working out the bugs, but everything seems to work.

Posted on
Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:24 pm
hamw offline
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Re: What is the coolest feature of your Indigo setup?

Wow- neat implementation. Could you post your iTunes script, and explain the message bus idea in more detail? Might be good for a thread on its own?

Posted on
Mon May 10, 2010 10:33 am
chrisn offline
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Re: What is the coolest feature of your Indigo setup?

hamw wrote:
Wow- neat implementation. Could you post your iTunes script, and explain the message bus idea in more detail? Might be good for a thread on its own?

Let me get the code cleaned up a bit and then I will share. This whole thing is a total hack/kludge, but I am happy to show others what I have done. I will start a thread on the message bus concept. Maybe someone has a better idea that I can learn from.

Update: A started this new thread on the message bus concept:


Posted on
Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:49 am
Jimmy2times offline
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can I locate device by mac address on my network

I am trying to write a simple Apple script. That would return a result when run with a value of true or false . Depending on if a specific device was on my network. (preferably locating if the device is on network via it's Mac address (less preferable option would be by it's IP Address).

I thought someone may be able to help with this.



Posted on
Mon Jun 28, 2010 7:28 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: What is the coolest feature of your Indigo setup?

This should work for IP address:

Code: Select all
   do shell script "ping -c1 -t1"
   return true
on error
   return false
end try

No clue how to do it with the MAC address. BTW, I'm moving this thread over to the "Indigo & AppleScript" thread.

[EDIT]Apparently I can't move a single post or replies. For future reference, please pick the appropriate forum for your questions so that it's easier for others to find answers to their questions.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Mon Jun 28, 2010 7:42 am
Jimmy2times offline
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Re: What is the coolest feature of your Indigo setup?

Thank's For the response,

I tried your suggestion.

I know the device is on the network.

Yet it still returns false.

Any Idea's



If you direct me to where you want me to post we can restart this thread.

Posted on
Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:12 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: What is the coolest feature of your Indigo setup?

No idea why it's failing a ping - unless the device is blocking ping requests for some reason.

Please move this to the Indigo & AppleScript forum.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Mon Jul 12, 2010 3:33 am
mooshee offline
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Re: What is the coolest feature of your Indigo setup?

I'm a brand new home automator/Indigo-er. In fact, I'm so new, I haven't even started yet. My Indigo Pro Starter Kit arrived at my house yesterday, but I won't be home for a couple more weeks to play with it :P I've also got an iPhone on order for my arrival back home. Big ideas and big plans for home automation. Reading all of these great suggestions and plowing through the Smarthome Hacks has got me anxious. So here's my first major project outside of getting started: facial recognition at the front door.

iPhoto/Faces (no internet required) - My initial plan was to tap into iPhoto and use Faces as my facial detection/recognition. Since iPhoto doesn't have an API, I tapped into the faces and similar_faces databases that it maintains. This worked with moderate success until I realized that the facial recognition is triggered by user-interaction rather than programmatically. I used the UI recorder, and got it working where I could take a picture of myself and have it identify me with a level of confidence then spit out my name. Long story short, its janktastic and only identifies the people I click on during the UI recording session.

Face.com API (internet required) - This solution is slightly more elegant, robust, and expandable. The only downfall is requiring an internet connection for it to work. Face.com allows you to train faces to be recognized later. So far, with some help of Automator and AppleScript, I've managed to automatically snap a photo using the iSight, upload it to my webserver, ship it off to Face.com and identify my face. Pretty sweet.

Ultimately, I'd like to have a motion sensor trigger a snapshot of the person walking up to the door, identify their face (my own or family members'), and unlock the front door.

Posted on
Mon Jul 12, 2010 3:58 am
Jimmy2times offline
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Re: What is the coolest feature of your Indigo setup?

FACE Recognition, To disarm my alarm would be brilliant.

Perhaps we could Skype some time. I would love to hear more about how you Face Recognition to work.

I use motion detector in my garage, when triggered. It looks for my iphone on the wireless network. If it detects iPhone connected to it. it will disable the alarm. Accomplished by a simple apple script command to ping reserved ip address of all wifi cell phones that come to my house regularly.

I installed this because my wife got annoyed that she had to run around like a headless chicken looking for a iphone or key fob to disable the alarm.

I am interested to see how you system develops. PM if you need any tips. I have been using indigo for 6 months. so know my way around a little bit.



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