GeoFency Errors

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Fri Dec 31, 2021 5:18 pm
jltnol offline
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GeoFency Errors

First off, this is much more an issue about the iOS software, then the Touch app, but thought I'd get a more informed response here than at

Basically, I've been using the Geofency app to triggering events in Indigo. Leave home, stuff happens, arrive home, more stuff happens etc. It seems since the last iOS update, but could have been before, when I crossing a geo fence, Geofency doesn't do anything. While 'outside' of the fence, I can launch the Geofence app, and it immediately sends data back to Indigo, which then sends me a text message. I'm tracking the fence crossings times as variables, so know for sure when Geofency is sending the data. Either it does it right after I leave the house when it should, or much later when I launch the app.

I thought this was due to my phone being on silent(definitely a "ME" problem), and this morning's "test run" confirmed this, but another test this afternoon failed. I also thought it might have something to do with CarPlay, which I frequently have to manually activate in the car, but there also doesn't seem to be any connection between whether CarPlay is active and this Geofency error

Just not sure what could be causing this to fail, so was hoping someone here might have the same problem, and/or might guess what could be causing this seemingly random issue.

Posted on
Mon Jan 10, 2022 10:25 am
jltnol offline
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Re: GeoFency Errors

So while I still don't have an answer, what seems to be happening is the Geofency Location permissions seems to change between "Always" to "While using the app". The location permissions for this app have been set to "Always" from Day 1, so not sure what might be different. But, I decided to delete the app, re-install it, set up my 3 Geofences and see what happens.

As a side note, I was using Locative as a substitute and as a test, but was getting some weird notifications. And since my Geofences are designed to open the house when I arrive home, was a huge problem. Still troubleshooting the Locative app, but hopefully the re-installed Geofency app will now behave as it should.

Again, this is more an iOS issue... and has nothing to do with Indigo or the Touch app....

Posted on
Sun Jan 30, 2022 8:57 am
jltnol offline
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Re: GeoFency Errors

Ok so I wasn't going crazy. This reply from the app developer:

Unfortunately, this was due to an iOS 15 bug from Apple, which has now finally been fixed.
Please update your iPhone to iOS 15.3, then Geofency should be able to track in the background again like before.

Posted on
Mon Jun 06, 2022 6:03 pm
mikelo offline
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Re: GeoFency Errors

How does Geofancy send into to Indigo? I'm looking for an alternative to the method I'm using. I went tot he Geofence web site, but it gives no infomation at all.

Posted on
Tue Jun 07, 2022 12:14 am
howartp offline
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Re: GeoFency Errors

Grab the Beacon plugin

Geofency is then configured to hit a “webhook” that looks something like this (making it up off top of my head…) ... fence=Home

(You get the idea!)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Posted on
Fri Jun 10, 2022 8:53 pm
mikelo offline
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Re: GeoFency Errors

I appreciate the reply, but I looked at the docs and that's way more complicated than I want to get into. Thanks anyway.

Posted on
Sat Jun 11, 2022 9:42 am
jltnol offline
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Re: GeoFency Errors

So mikelo

While it may look/seem hard to implement, this is actually very easy. I've used both Geofence and Locative for this and both are easy. May I suggest you download either one on your phone, and mess around with it, and try to get a few "fences" setup. You'll need to change a few settings on your router, again, pretty easy, and then get things setup in Indigo, again not that hard.

I've got 3 fences around my house... one is really tight, one is a bit more loose... and one is pretty wide(for out of town traveling), so I can also give you a few ideas of examples of what I've found works for me.

I would be more than happy to help you get this setup. Don't hesitate to PM me and ask for help!

Posted on
Thu Jul 28, 2022 6:45 pm
FlyingDiver offline
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Re: GeoFency Errors

FYI to all users of the Beacon plugin.

I'm updating this plugin for Indigo 2022.X and reworking it to use the Indigo reflector instead of an internal HTTP server with a required port forward.

If you use this plugin, or would have if it's easier to use, please join the discussion here: viewtopic.php?f=216&t=26416

joe (aka FlyingDiver)
my plugins:

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