Start a scen/show in a DMX Software from Indigo

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Tue Apr 06, 2021 5:54 pm
jltnol offline
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Re: Start a scen/show in a DMX Software from Indigo

So I'm moving Indigo to BigSur, and am trying to install OSC, but running Into problems. I'm guessing part of the problem is the ZSH shell in Big Sur but did find a way to change it back to bash. that was easy enough, but the
Code: Select all
pip install pyOSC
command doesn't work. All I get is an error message:
Code: Select all
-bash: pip: command not found

Any ideas or suggestions?

Thanking you in advance.

Posted on
Tue Apr 06, 2021 6:31 pm
FlyingDiver offline
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Re: Start a scen/show in a DMX Software from Indigo

Try "easy_install pip" first.

joe (aka FlyingDiver)
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Tue Apr 06, 2021 6:33 pm
FlyingDiver offline
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Re: Start a scen/show in a DMX Software from Indigo

Or just install Xcode and see if that does it. But you need to actually run the app after installing it to get it to install some of the command line components.

joe (aka FlyingDiver)
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Posted on
Tue Apr 06, 2021 7:12 pm
jltnol offline
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Re: Start a scen/show in a DMX Software from Indigo

You made that super easy!

Thanks so much for your help.

Posted on
Sat Dec 24, 2022 2:51 pm
LewK offline
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Re: Start a scen/show in a DMX Software from Indigo

You may not be interested since it sounds like you have it working pretty well at this point, but I wrote an extension that lets you issue DMX commands right from Indigo using a USB to DMX box.

When I designed my house I wanted to only use LED strip lighting and 10 Insteon 8 buttons Keypad Lincs, 4 Insteon 6 button Keybad Lincs, 11 Insteon SwitchLin Dimmers, and 12 Insteon SwitchLinc Relays. None of the Insteon devices have any load hooked up to them, they just send commands to my Mac mini running Indigo and act upon those commands by sending a DMX control string thru the EntTec DMXUSB Pro to 4 daisy chained DMX controllers. It actually has worked out quite well. The only issue that I have rarely run into is the Insteon commands getting flakey if I accidentally hit two buttons on one of the multi-button controllers or turn something on and off to fast - especially if there is a delay built into at all. Two things that have helped the system be reliable are having a whole house surge suppressor and having all the controllers on one AC circuit along with the USB interface to send the AC and wireless commands.

With my extension a scene wouldn't be any different than just turning a single LED strip on or off as it would just involve setting the dimmer values for each fixture/instrument in the DMX control string and then sending that string to the DMX Pro box. The only drawback is that transitions would be abrupt since there is no fade between two different intensity levels. But since I haven't been interested in having the lights fade at a certain rate from off to on a certain level, that hasn't been an issue for me.

If you have any interest, send me a direct message and I'll email you the files for the extension and instructions.


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