PowerLinc V2 (2414U) Upload Support

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Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:19 am
gmusser offline
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Hi Matt,
Do you know when you might add a delay function to uploaded actions? It would be super-useful.

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Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:22 am
matt (support) offline
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Right now I'm working on INSTEON link management, then I hope to work on the delay functionality. Unfortunately, adding the delay is a bit complicated and requires more internal PowerLinc application coding on my end.


Posted on
Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:26 am
madscientist offline
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Great to hear that link management is still in the works as a priority. Now, everybody please read carefully. Let's all leave Matt alone until link management is completed. No more bug reports or feature requests, no more asking him for help with Applescripts, or anything at all. OK, now I'll just quietly tiptoe out of here, close the door, and let Matt work. Shhhhh...

[tongue now removed from cheek]

Posted on
Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:34 am
matt (support) offline
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madscientist wrote:
No more bug reports or feature requests, no more asking him for help with Applescripts, or anything at all. OK, now I'll just quietly tiptoe out of here, close the door, and let Matt work.

Heh :-)

I don't mind questions at all, honestly. But I do try to mentally justify my slower-than-normal response time to support questions because of the hours I've spent coding lately. Keep the questions coming, but it may take me a bit longer to respond (but hopefully not too long!).


Posted on
Wed Jan 23, 2008 9:55 pm
ToddlyDavis offline
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Upload Features

Wow Matt,
Downloaded the 3.0.0 Beta 13 release. Bought a license. Unbelievable piece of software. Great!

I did read the feature set of the upload options before I took the plunge; however, I did not realize the full implications of not being able to upload a delay in an action. I think I thought that was something else. It did not occur to me that a feature fully supported in my 'Active Home' 1.41 and CM11A module would not yet be enabled in this stellar software and hardware combination.

I will keep my eyes on this forum and new releases looking for this "may be added" feature.

Also, now that I am beginning to understand the software:
I had written you an email regarding variables in uploading.
Now that I see the options within the program, a better request would have been to be able to upload enable/disable trigger/timer events. Although, not being a programmer, that seems like a really complicated request for a little $70 box with 32K of memory. I am guessing if I want variable control, I should start looking for a low power draw Mac that I can afford to leave on 24/7.

I am glad my money went to support such great software development. I wish you the best. I will begin to sing your praises to my fellow Mac homeowners.


Posted on
Thu Jan 24, 2008 8:14 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Upload Features

Hi Todd,
ToddlyDavis wrote:
I had written you an email regarding variables in uploading.
Now that I see the options within the program, a better request would have been to be able to upload enable/disable trigger/timer events.

So that I can understand what you are trying to accomplish, can you give me a specific example of what you need? I've looked a bit more into delayed logic for the 2414U, and unfortunately it is complicated enough it definitely won't happen in the 2.5 release.

I am guessing if I want variable control, I should start looking for a low power draw Mac that I can afford to leave on 24/7.

This is what quite a few customers end up doing. The Mac Mini doesn't draw that many watts when idle, and then you can have browser access to Indigo from anywhere, email notifications, email scanning triggers, etc. :-)


Posted on
Thu Feb 07, 2008 1:55 pm
ToddlyDavis offline
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All discussions assume 2414U stand alone operation with uploaded data:

As far as the enable/disable trigger/timer events option in uploading, I do not think my goals are too unique. The first example that comes to mind is my motion activated flood lights. Right now they turn on with motion. It would be nice to have an enable/disable on a keypadlinc. The second idea that comes to mind is the security setting. If I had the ability to enable/disable I could create security trimmer events or trigger events that are activated by pressing the security enable switch on my way out of the house.

As far as the delayed action: When I go on a trip, I used to have a great security trigger event setting that would turn on specific lights in the house with delays in response to the outside motion detecting lights. This was so effective and disconcerting that it prompted several panicked phone calls from neighbors that knew that I was out of town.


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Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:00 pm
bjojade offline
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When you get into advanced programming and features, it's certainly nice to have a computer on and running. The Mac Mini's are pretty friendly power wise.

You could even hack an AppleTV to function for an even smaller footprint.

I leave my mini on 24X7. I'm in phase 2 of my home automation plan. I'm up to 31 devices so far with another 30 or so to install this weekend.

Gosh it's fun.

Posted on
Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:08 pm
ToddlyDavis offline
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Yea, I can see that I will need a computer on all the time. Right now I do not have the money for another computer, and I am not in love with the use of electricity. I need such a small processor. I wish there was a FitPC type of device for Mac as well as Windows. I could live with 5W max 3W nominal. The Mac Mini is about 7 to 10 times this much draw and double the purchase price. I know that I will end up there, but I am out of cash to spend on this area of automation right now. If just two functions made it into the uploading of the 2414U I would not even feel compelled to buy another computer to leave on: Enable/Disable events and delayed actions. So close, and yet....

Posted on
Tue May 06, 2008 11:34 am
MartyS offline
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Indigo heartbeat utility needed

I had a grand time setting up devices, actions and then uploading them to my connected 2414U. I tested every device using Indigo and when I was satisfied I disconnected the USB cable and moved my laptop away from the 2414U. I didn't realize that I hadn't "Disconnect"ed until the next day and my loving wife ask why I had spent so much for all this INSTEON stuff when it didn't work any better than the old X10 modules. Of course the wonderfully structured actions in the 2414U were just sitting there doing nothing because the unit wasn't in standalone mode.

The bottom line: it would be really nice if the 2414U could have a small "heartbeat" utility running whenever it's in interactive mode that can reset the unit to standalone mode if the USB cable is detached, or heaven forbid, the Mac hangs or crashes.


Posted on
Tue May 06, 2008 1:30 pm
jay (support) offline
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We'll add this to the list for consideration in future releases.

Thanks for the feedback,

Posted on
Wed May 07, 2008 11:08 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Indigo heartbeat utility needed

MartyS wrote:
The bottom line: it would be really nice if the 2414U could have a small "heartbeat" utility running whenever it's in interactive mode that can reset the unit to standalone mode if the USB cable is detached, or heaven forbid, the Mac hangs or crashes.

I agree this would be nice. I think it might be technically possible, but it isn't something that can be easily implemented. Adding functionality to the 2414U to execute internally is rather difficult and time consuming (bleeding edge would be an understatement). Just getting it so that Indigo could enable and disable standalone operation of the PowerLinc was non-trivial. But the next time I working on the internal application that Indigo uploads to the PowerLinc I'll see if it is possible.


Posted on
Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:04 pm
alrha offline
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Time Limit?

Is there a limit to how long it can run in stand alone mode? for example, if I have my lights turn on at sunset every day, how often would I need to connect for it to receive updated sunset times?

- Albert

Posted on
Thu Jun 19, 2008 9:12 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Time Limit?

Hello Albert,
alrha wrote:
Is there a limit to how long it can run in stand alone mode? for example, if I have my lights turn on at sunset every day, how often would I need to connect for it to receive updated sunset times?

Indigo calculates and then uploads the sunset/sunrise tables for the entire year, so in theory you would never need to connect it back to the Mac. In the past there have been problems with the tables getting 1 hour off during the daylight savings time transition periods (twice a year). I believe I have that problem addressed in the PowerLinc 2414U, although the 1132CU might still need a refresh upload after the transition period. Indigo also updates the PowerLinc's internal clock when it does the upload, so doing an upload once or twice a year might be good to reset the PowerLinc to atomic time (from your Mac which is probably using a time server).


Posted on
Thu Jun 19, 2008 9:26 am
alrha offline
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Great Matt - Keep up the good work!


- Albert

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