Cynical Weather adding more weather states

Posted on
Sun Jun 17, 2018 2:30 pm
Monstergerm offline
Posts: 275
Joined: Sep 01, 2009

Cynical Weather adding more weather states

Hi Perry,

with the ongoing problems at Weather Underground , I was wondering whether I can use DarkSky for some more reliable data. Your plugin works fine but seems to be missing a lot of states that are part of the JSON file. For example, UV Index, Wind Gusts, all Precipitation states, Observation time.

I tried to add some of them myself with limited success. Is it possible to make some revisions to pull all available states into the Location, Hourly and Daily Forecast models?
And make them all available for control pages, and triggers.

A forced data update option in the config settings would be great too.

Some of the rounding functions with temperature and apparentTemperature are (sometimes) not working, i.e. values are shown with 14 decimal points.

Can the device address field in the Indigo UI show the GPS coordinates with at least 3 decimal points. The current display is too imprecise to pin point the location.

I guess DarkSky uses the same icon for partly cloudy and mostly cloudy. Perhaps the plugin could correct for this to make setup of control pages easier.

Posted on
Tue Jun 19, 2018 4:07 am
jmdraper offline
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Re: Cynical Weather adding more weather states

Another vote for this from me! I'd love to see precipitation actuals and forecast which it looks like are there in the Dark Sky data. This was what I was getting from Weather Underground to drive my irrigation automation, but the data is not available via any of the other weather API plugins as far as I can see.


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