Error after creating alias

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Joined: Wed Jan 02, 2013 12:51 am

Error after creating alias

Post by jfeger »

I have a semi-fresh install of HB and HBB. I have explicitly killed the original HB process and I believe I am ONLY running HBB. Things appeared to be working well until I created my first alias. In this example, I tapped the alias in Home for my Upstairs Hallway, which aliases the Upstairs_Hallway device. I also have a trigger to keep my other switches for the hallway in sync....

2017-09-21 10:41:10.226 WebServer request to turn on device "Upstairs Hallway" from
2017-09-21 10:41:10.231 EPS - Homebridge Buddy sent "Upstairs Hallway" on
2017-09-21 10:41:10.451 Sent INSTEON "Upstairs_Hallway" on to 100
2017-09-21 10:41:10.453 Trigger Upstairs-Hallway-Sync
2017-09-21 10:41:10.487 WebServer request to set device "Upstairs Hallway" brightness from
2017-09-21 10:41:10.739 Sent INSTEON "Upstairs_Hallway_DN" on to 100
2017-09-21 10:41:10.878 EPS - Homebridge Buddy Error Exception in plugin.homebridgeForceUpdate line 1554: HTTPConnectionPool(host='myserver', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /emoncms2/api/post (Caused by NewConnectionError('<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x115fd7f50>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 8] nodename nor servname provided, or not known',))
CODE: r = requests.get('http://myserver/emoncms2/api/post', data=payload)

2017-09-21 10:41:10.887 EPS - Homebridge Buddy Error Exception in plugin.homebridgeForceUpdate line 1554: HTTPConnectionPool(host='myserver', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /emoncms2/api/post (Caused by NewConnectionError('<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x115fd7dd0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 8] nodename nor servname provided, or not known',))
CODE: r = requests.get('http://myserver/emoncms2/api/post', data=payload)

2017-09-21 10:41:10.901 EPS - Homebridge Buddy sent "Upstairs Hallway" set brightness
2017-09-21 10:41:11.075 Sent INSTEON "Upstairs_Hallway_MB" on to 100
2017-09-21 10:41:11.363 Sent INSTEON "Upstairs_Hallway" on to 100

Based on the output, the light was controlled, but I am not sure whats up with the error.

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