iOS11 A little bit disappointed

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Tue Jun 13, 2017 12:37 am
devros offline
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iOS11 A little bit disappointed

I have been a dedicated Indigo user since 2005. For all that time I've had a mac mini with some port forwarding going running Indigo. I've paid $100s of dollars over the years to keep up to date with the Pro version. I know right now this thread is going to get locked or deleted. Which one of those happens will decide for me if I will stick with Indigo going forward. There are many other options I could run in docker on my unraid server.

so, as far as the whole 32/64 bit thing goes, here are my thoughts:

You knew this was coming. You had years of warning. You know that the people running Indigo are the type of people that are going to want to run a new beta. I've read earlier posts, and I know this was not going to be trivial for you, but you had ample warning, and a ton people that would have been happy to be beta testers of a new 64 bit release. Now, you are talking about releasing it right before the official iOS11 release happens. The fact that you could have been way ahead of that, and chose not to, I find troubling.

I really do love your software, and hope to keep using it in the future, but this just seems like a problem you could have dealt with a long time ago so it wouldn't be an issue now.

Please take any time you might have spent crafting a long reply to this and spend it on getting a 64bit iOS app out the door. Indigo is not freeware, and I think I've paid enough over the years to make this not an unreasonable request.

I really hope you guys get this issue resolved soon and don't delete this post.


Posted on
Tue Jun 13, 2017 4:01 am
DaveL17 offline
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Re: iOS11 A little bit disappointed

You're entitled to your opinion, but I would point out a couple of things.

You know that the people running Indigo are the type of people that are going to want to run a new beta.

That's true. I also don't think that it's unreasonable for Matt and Jay to pass on developing for beta releases. Apple change things all the time and this could result in a lot of wasted effort.

I really do love your software, and hope to keep using it in the future, but this just seems like a problem you could have dealt with a long time ago so it wouldn't be an issue now.

Perhaps. But they're also developing for everyone else's gotta have device, feature, and whatnot. They're also trolling the forums providing support on a daily basis (and providing who knows how much via direct email). I think they do a fine job of balancing everyone's must have nows.

Please take any time you might have spent crafting a long reply to this and spend it on getting a 64bit iOS app out the door. Indigo is not freeware, and I think I've paid enough over the years to make this not an unreasonable request. I really hope you guys get this issue resolved soon and don't delete this post.

Matt and Jay are hard at work on the IT update for iOS 11 and, to be honest, I don't think that passive/aggressive ultimatums are going to make them work any faster. Indigo is enthusiast software written and supported by two guys who do an incredible amount of work.

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Posted on
Tue Jun 13, 2017 4:47 am
kwijibo007 offline
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Re: iOS11 A little bit disappointed

devros wrote:
You know that the people running Indigo are the type of people that are going to want to run a new beta.

Some people maybe, but (IMHO) I bet the vast majority of Indigo users could care less about an iOS beta.

This issue is clearly important to you and that's fair enough but let's give it a break? There have already been a few topics covering the same thing.

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Posted on
Tue Jun 13, 2017 7:31 am
bkmar1192 offline
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Re: iOS11 A little bit disappointed

If I stopped using every piece of software that was released late or missing some feature that I thought was the most important, I wouldn't have any software in my house. Heck if I stopped using Apple products because it was missing an obvious feature that "everyone wants and expects" - I wouldn't be using Apple.

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Posted on
Wed Jun 14, 2017 3:48 pm
howartp offline
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Re: iOS11 A little bit disappointed

devros wrote:
You know that the people running Indigo are the type of people that are going to want to run a new beta. I've read earlier posts,

If you've read previous posts throughout the Indigo forums, you'll know Matt and Jay never discuss betas, so for all you know there could be a beta running right now.

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Posted on
Sun Jun 18, 2017 2:04 pm
Busta999 offline
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Re: iOS11 A little bit disappointed

devros wrote:
You know that the people running Indigo are the type of people that are going to want to run a new beta.

I can understand your point, but actually find the opposite for people running HA.

Since I have started seriously on the HA journey I have become more and more conservative when it comes to OS.

ie I'll wait at least six months before upgrading my Mac with a new OS to ensure stability.

It will be a few weeks after iOS 11 before I update.

The days of my running Beta OS on anything I rely on are long past.

I am definitely getting old :-(

Maybe been burned too many times

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Posted on
Sun Jun 18, 2017 2:27 pm
johnfdl offline
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Re: iOS11 A little bit disappointed

Same here. I don't mess with upgrades of OS and Software until I'm comfortable that those on the bleeding edge have worked out the kinks. In the extreme, I still have a system running Windows XP. Now I normally wouldn't recommend that extreme as I'm sure there are security flaws, but that is an Air-gapped computer. I too wait for the kinks to be worked out before I risk my HA stability with an upgrade.

Posted on
Sun Jun 18, 2017 3:03 pm
greenhut offline
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Re: iOS11 A little bit disappointed

I agree with the original poster. Indigo Touch has lagged iOS standards for years. For a while it wasn't updated with new screen size support. Now it is still 32 bit when iOS 10 was providing warnings. Many people doing complex home automation are early adopters and a greater percentage than normal app user populations will run betas.

To me, this isn't about iOS 11 support. I could understand if there was an iOS 11 bug. This is about significantly lagging the rest of the industry in adopting iOS standards. This is the ONLY app of maybe a hundred on my phone that is still 32 bit.

Im not going anywhere, but as an iOS beta user, have been similarly frustrated by Indigo Touch's slow iOS platform support.

Posted on
Mon Jun 19, 2017 6:30 am
kw123 offline
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Re: iOS11 A little bit disappointed

They are just 2 folks. It is all a question of priority.
With more revenue they could add one more person.
How about doubling the price?
I am actually serious. The indigo license cost is less than 5 % of my home automation cost. And if I could get more functionality I would be happy to pay that.

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Posted on
Mon Jun 19, 2017 1:20 pm
marketability offline
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Re: iOS11 A little bit disappointed

Good things come to those that wait!
I think indigo is great value for money particularly given its niche
They do a great job IMO - helpful, tolerant of newbies like me and supportive of a great community

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Posted on
Mon Jun 19, 2017 3:46 pm
johnfdl offline
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Re: iOS11 A little bit disappointed

I just assumed Matt and Jay were the 'face' of Indigo development and ops. I assumed there was a tribe of developers who actually did much of the work. Well, that is one lean workforce we have here.

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Mon Jun 19, 2017 6:49 pm
durosity offline
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Re: iOS11 A little bit disappointed

Pretty impressive work for just two guys isn’t it? I’m gonna guess they do have other support for things like admin and book keeping and stuff (cos frankly I can’t see them getting any work done if they don’t) and some verrrry supportive families.. I also remember a while ago they were looking for someone as a marketing manager but to the best of my knowledge that didn’t happen. They’re very secretive people!

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Posted on
Mon Jun 19, 2017 11:42 pm
howartp offline
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Re: iOS11 A little bit disappointed

I'm not so sure they do have anyone else.

We know they both work from home, communicating primarily via chat and Skype/equivalent - they don't live anywhere near each other.

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Posted on
Tue Jun 20, 2017 2:20 am
durosity offline
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Re: iOS11 A little bit disappointed

Indeed.. perhaps you’re right.. perhaps they literally do everything..

And yes I’d forgotten they work remotely from each other.. perhaps we need a “day in the life” of Matt and Jay ;)

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Posted on
Tue Jun 20, 2017 5:36 am
johnfdl offline
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Re: iOS11 A little bit disappointed

Well this just makes me happier to know that it is not some big corporation getting my money but two hard working guys who built this. I think this is a great product made awesome by all the plug-ins provided by this community. Thanks to all those involved.

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