Timer with multiple triggers

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Fri Mar 31, 2017 6:34 am
haakon offline
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Timer with multiple triggers

Hi, I have humidity sensors in three rooms that are ventilated with the same fan. When a sensor measures a certain level of humidity, I would like the fan to start and run for 15 minutes (ventilating all rooms). I would also like to have remotes in each room letting anyone manually start the fan for 15 minutes.

Here comes the difficult part: If the fan is triggered multiple times from different sensors or remotes, I want the fan to run for 15 minutes after the last trigger. Meaning that for each time the fan is triggered by a sensor or a remote while already running, the total running time will increase. How do I set this up in Indigo?

I am new to Indigo so please excuse me if this is obvious.


Posted on
Fri Mar 31, 2017 8:27 am
PeteVis offline
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Joined: Jun 19, 2015

Re: Timer with multiple triggers

Hi Haakon,

I do the same with my lighting.

What you need to do is edit your triggers and in the actions tab, you just restart the timer.
No need to start or stop the timer, just restart will set the timer to it's initial time and start counting.

A cleaner way to go (especially since you mention multiple remotes and sensors), would be to create a variable and let all your remotes and sensors put a timestamp in this variable.
Then you set up just one trigger that monitors this variable : if variable value changed -> action : restart timer.

This way you can always add sensors or remotes and have them change the variable. The trigger only picks up the change in the variable and handles the timer, thus the trigger does not need to know which remotes and which sensors should operate the timer.

I hope this makes sense.

Posted on
Sun Apr 02, 2017 11:48 am
haakon offline
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Re: Timer with multiple triggers

Thank you, Pete! This was encouraging.

It appears easier than I though it would be. I have now set up an action group that starts the fan with an auto-off after 15 minutes. I have also set up multiple triggers (sensors and remotes) launching that action group. If the fan is already running and the auto-off timer is counting down when the action group is triggered again, it will restart at 15 minutes. I have to test it more in practice, but this seems very promising.

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