Emby Plugin for Indigo Release:

Posted on
Fri Dec 16, 2016 10:58 pm
GlennNZ offline
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Emby Plugin for Indigo Release:

Hi all,

Announcing the release of an Emby Plugin for Indigo.

- Enables monitoring of a Emby Client from within Indigo (with rapid response)
- Enables Remote Control of Emby Client from within Indigo with ActionGroup Commands
- Local copies of Fanart and Thumbnail Artwork to use within refreshingURL Control Page

Download/Uptodate version:
or from within the plugin - Update/Force Update

For those that are unaware Emby is a Media Server solution (essentially open source) competing against Kodi (completely open source) and Plex.
Emby arguably has the best image quality through use of MadVR (http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=146228 - for some interesting reading/2000 page thread about image quality!)

This Indigo Plugin needs a Emby Server Plugin installed (which is available in the Emby Plugin Catalog - called FrontView+ API)

See install post for instructions.

Many thanks to community - and particularly DaveL for GhostXML - which I have gutted and reused as a base here after recently getting familiar with it and also for getting me off backside into plugin packaging rather than scripts etc.

Details/Rationale of Implementation

This plugin utilises a Emby Server Plugin I have written for another C# app for Emby Server. (FrontView+API)

The downside of the approach I have taken is that we get information from a single Emby Client only set at the Server level by this Emby Server Plugin.
(but this Indigo Plugin doesn't have to authenticate & then regularly grab all session data to get info for a single client)

The upside is because the server has to do and send very little - only one little clients info - the communication is very quick and lightweight. (my Emby Server request average 1-2ms only to complete)

For my personal use - I typically interested in monitoring one Emby Client only - but I want it quick - and this Plugin is the solution to speed.

So currently these scenarios all happen within 1/2 second or so
eg. doorbell rings - lights on/Emby pauses;
I pause Emby playback - Pause lightening scene runs
Playback restarts --> lights off etc.

Having even 5-20 second delay for those actions for me is a deal-breaker - hence this solution (which did require getting to grips with Emby-Server API/Plugins)

Happy to hear other thoughts - and wouldn't be too much work to enable multiple clients - but it would slow, slow, slow down the response times..
(although I could change the Emby-Server Plugin to server multiple clients as an additional solution)

Anyhow - hopefully of some value - and consider it a work in progress.


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