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Stupidly basic question about commands to X10 Transceivers

PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 1:40 pm
by Different Computers
Please forgive me, but I haven't really done X10 stuff since the year 2000 or so, and internet searches don't turn up what I need.

I just discovered my Powerhouse TM751's will bridge signal from one leg of my house to the other, and now I can actually use X10 stuff for more than the one or two things on the leg that Indigo is plugged into.

I am pretty dang sure that back in the day with XTENsion, I could send commands to the transceivers on my system. They only have letter address though, not a Number & Letter address.

Do they only respond to ALL ON/OFF commands, or what? How can Indigo command them?

Edit: Found and tried the "Use whole house code" option, and that didn't do anything.

Re: Stupidly basic question about commands to X10 Transceive

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 6:56 pm
by FlyingDiver
As I recall, X-10 RF transceivers that are also appliance relays respond to device #1 for that house code.