Object Folder Request

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Mon Jul 16, 2018 11:01 am
Colorado4Wheeler offline
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Object Folder Request

I don't know why I am suddenly submitting so many feature requests, maybe its the upcoming release has me thinking of it. ::shrug::

This one has bitten me more times than I can count: you create an object in a folder, then while that new object window is open you navigate elsewhere in the Indigo UI, the new object will be created in the root folder instead of where you created it. I know that sounds confusing so:

  • Create a new Action Group in some folder, we'll call it "House Actions", for example
  • The new Action Group window is open and you are doing something with it and need to grab an ID from your devices
  • With the AG window open you use the UI to navigate to your devices and find the ID of the device you wanted to reference (or whatever, really, just simply navigating away will make this happen)
  • You finish up your AG and save it and it is saved to the root 'ACTION GROUPS' folder rather than the 'House Actions' folder as you would expect so you have to do a search for the name of the AG you created and move it to the folder you wanted it in.

So I suppose the request would be to retain the name of the folder that the new object window is opened in for where it should be saved. From what is happening it sounds like the logic behind this is that whatever folder you are in when you click SAVE is where the object is saved and if you have navigated to a different list in the UI then that will be the root "folder".

This happens across all objects, I used AG's just as an example.

It happens to me all the time because so many of my actions are scripts and I may either want to copy/paste script data from another action or just want to get the Indigo ID of something I want to reference in that script and I have to remember to return the UI to the folder I started in or it gets lost in the root. Fortunately I don't keep anything in the root so it's easy to sort the list and find anything not assigned to a folder and move it but that's a lot of extra steps to create something.

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