Timers and Pesters - Survive reboot

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Wed Mar 26, 2014 2:53 pm
AndyVirus offline
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Location: Newport Pagnell, UK

Timers and Pesters - Survive reboot


In a future version of the inbuilt plugin, could there be an option for the timer to continue after a reboot?

I just had to reboot as a plugin could not speak via USB anymore (different issue) to a module, but when it came back my Timers were set to Inactive.
I use some timers to determine wether to heat my house on schedule IF the timer is true (If there has been motion in the last 18 hours, i.e. someone was at home today)
If there was a power cut, when Indigo comes back on it would assume there was no one home in the last 18 hours and the schedule would not fire the action.

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Wed Mar 26, 2014 4:48 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Timers and Pesters - Survive reboot

I'll add it to the request list, but I wouldn't expect that it would get added any time soon. I'd reconsider the scenario where Indigo restarts (though it really shouldn't need to very frequently) and perhaps add startup logic that solves the issue. For instance, it might be the most safe course of action that upon Indigo startup (startup trigger) you set the HVAC system such that it believes someone is home.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Thu Mar 27, 2014 3:20 am
AndyVirus offline
Posts: 257
Joined: Mar 18, 2014
Location: Newport Pagnell, UK

Re: Timers and Pesters - Survive reboot

OK cheers! I will put a work around in for the reboot.

The grid power in my street is also a bit unreliable at the moment, could be all the flooding near by over the last few months but as a result had quite a few power cuts.

I have been meaning to get a small UPS for this and the router for a while, looks like a good reason to me :)

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