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How to set a sequence of events

PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 7:40 am
by jalves
I think I need an action group, but maybe there is some other solution. What I want to do is have a button on a control page that I can click that will cycle power in a specific sequence to my various router/AP devices.

I find this helpful when my home internet and wifi devices get wonky. The preferred sequence is:
    Power off all devices, which would include the cable "modem", and three separate airports.
    Power on the cable modem, wait 1 minute
    Power on Airport 1, wait 1 minute
    Power on Airport 2, wait 1 minute
    Power on Airport 3, wait 1 minute
Each device receives power through a insteon switch link, so its a matter of getting indigo not to send all those turn on commands at once during the restart sequence.

I'm sure Matt or Jay will move this to a more appropriate location if action groups wouldn't work for me.

Re: How to set a sequence of events

PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 9:42 am
by Korey
Just add an incrimental delay between each action in your action group.

Re: How to set a sequence of events

PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 9:42 am
by jay (support)
To optimize performance, Indigo attempts to serialize actions as much as possible, so the order in the Action Group isn't really super useful. Adding a delay to the action (using the Delay by fields at the bottom of the Action edit dialog) will allow you to do what you want, but note that each delay is calculated based on when the group is run. So, you'll want to do this in your action group:

  1. Turn off everything with no delay
  2. Turn on cable modem (your description doesn't mention a delay after turning everything off, so none here)
  3. Turn on Airport 1 with a 1 minute delay (waits 1 minute after action group first starts executing)
  4. Turn on Airport 2 with a 2 minute delay (waits 2 minutes after action group first starts executing)
  5. Turn on Airport 3 with a 3 minute delay (waits 3 minutes after action group first starts executing)

If you need a delay between the time the initial OFF is sent before turning on the cable modem, then you'll need to adjust all the delays (and add one for the first ON) accordingly.

Re: How to set a sequence of events

PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 10:52 am
by Dual
Thanks for this explanation Jay. I was unaware that the delays were not cumulative.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: How to set a sequence of events

PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 12:22 pm
by jalves
Thanks all! I believe Jay has the easiest for me to implement. I'll give it a whirl.