Condition bug? (probably just me)

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Thu Jan 15, 2015 11:18 am
IanInCO offline
Posts: 8
Joined: Jan 08, 2015

Condition bug? (probably just me)

I'm using the trial version currently. I was playing around with triggers and I don't think the condition is catching a state.

1x insteon motion
1x insteon swithlinc (on/off)

I created 2 triggers.

1 - Motion detected, (if state is off), turn on light, auto-off after 2:00 minutes
2 - Switch double-tapped, no condition, delete all delays for device, turn off after 10:00 minutes

Scenario is that motion will always detect you, but if you want the light on longer, double tap the switch.

Steps with finding:
1. motion - light on - scheduled delay showing 2:00 countdown
2. double-tap - previous delay deleted, new delay showing 10:00 countdown
3. motion detected again - new delay created showing 2:00 countdown ***why is this trigger executed when it's condition is set to verify device state is off first?

I tested a generic trigger with the same condition of verifying device state on or off, and it works fine. It seems to skip this condition only when the double-tap trigger was executed previously. Weird.

Thanks for any suggestions.


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Thu Jan 15, 2015 8:02 pm
IanInCO offline
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Joined: Jan 08, 2015

Re: Condition bug? (probably just me)

I was me. :oops:

I didn't know the Execute Actions Now skipped the conditions tab. I admit that I (as most) went directly into tinkering without reading some of the material (I'm assuming it states this somewhere).

While I found the post a few down from mine which answered my question, it is odd that part of testing a trigger would exclude conditions. Now I know why some of my other testing didn't work.

I hope it's added in a future release.


update** I also just realized the button says "Execute ACTIONS Now", not "Execute Trigger Now". And it's conveniently aligned with the actions row in the window pane....... my bad.

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Fri Sep 28, 2018 12:59 pm
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Re: Condition bug? (probably just me)

Indigo 7.2.0 is now available for download and has a new "Execute Conditional Actions" button in the detail area of Triggers and Schedules that will first evaluate the conditions to determine if the actions should execute. The other button has been renamed "Execute Actions Only" to emphasize that it does not evaluate conditions.


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