Leap Year / Feb 29 = Mar 1

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Fri Mar 02, 2018 2:04 pm
FlyingDiver offline
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Re: Leap Year / Feb 29 = Mar 1

jay (support) wrote:
Change your February schedule to remove the end date. Then, add a condition: If current date is between January 31st and March 1st

That condition will ensure that the schedule only executes it's actions in February (between is not inclusive). And it should cover any date in February even if it's leap day.

If you're going to do that, wouldn't setting it to run every day have the same effect?

joe (aka FlyingDiver)
my plugins: http://forums.indigodomo.com/viewforum.php?f=177

Posted on
Fri Mar 02, 2018 2:09 pm
CraigM offline
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Re: Leap Year / Feb 29 = Mar 1

jay (support) wrote:
Change your February schedule to remove the end date. Then, add a condition: If current date is between January 31st and March 1st

That condition will ensure that the schedule only executes it's actions in February (between is not inclusive). And it should cover any date in February even if it's leap day.

On Mar 1 I had to stop the bleeding to keep 2 schedules from running all day so I did a combination of disabling schedules, and adding Var=February conditions to others. But we are talking about maybe ±20 schedules, and since we still can't copy/paste conditions, that's a lot of hacks to add one by one. Especially for something that shouldn't need a hack.

So before I do that, is this a bug that will be fixed, or are you going to keep this date logic?

If you are going to keep it, then the user base should be notified of this unexpected result. I doubt many users would assume a Feb schedule could run in Mar.

Also, are there any other instances in Indigo that we should be aware of that defy logic?

Many Thanks

Posted on
Fri Mar 02, 2018 9:55 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Leap Year / Feb 29 = Mar 1

FlyingDiver wrote:
jay (support) wrote:
Change your February schedule to remove the end date. Then, add a condition: If current date is between January 31st and March 1st

That condition will ensure that the schedule only executes it's actions in February (between is not inclusive). And it should cover any date in February even if it's leap day.

If you're going to do that, wouldn't setting it to run every day have the same effect?

Based on the screen shot it looks like he wants it to only run on specific days of the week.


Posted on
Fri Mar 02, 2018 10:04 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Leap Year / Feb 29 = Mar 1

CraigM wrote:
On Mar 1 I had to stop the bleeding to keep 2 schedules from running all day so I did a combination of disabling schedules, and adding Var=February conditions to others. But we are talking about maybe ±20 schedules, and since we still can't copy/paste conditions, that's a lot of hacks to add one by one. Especially for something that shouldn't need a hack.

So before I do that, is this a bug that will be fixed, or are you going to keep this date logic?

Being totally honest – it won't be fixed in the near future. Or rather, if we did fix it right now it would just be by disabling the 29th item in the menu when February is selected, which isn't totally correct either. Note you could also change the end date to Feb 28th which would work correctly for as long as it isn't a leap year and even then might work correctly on some leap years depending on how the days of the week fall within the month.

CraigM wrote:
If you are going to keep it, then the user base should be notified of this unexpected result. I doubt many users would assume a Feb schedule could run in Mar.

I agree it is a bug and I've added it to the bug list. That said, this is the first time we have had the issue reported and I think it has been there since version 1 (so 15 years). This, along with the fact that there is a workaround, is why we aren't considering it a high priority bug right now.

CraigM wrote:
Also, are there any other instances in Indigo that we should be aware of that defy logic?

Not that I can think of, but we definitely don't guarantee Indigo to be bug free!


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