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PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 3:33 am
by davinci
Error TriggerAction() caught exception: FileIOError -- cannot create file path

I get this error for every trigger in my system that changes a variable.

After a restart of the server it works again.

Re: FileIOError

PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 11:25 am
by jay (support)
Hmm. Do you have any triggers set up to execute in response to a variable change that attempt to write to a file? Perhaps a temp file or something?

Re: FileIOError

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 4:06 pm
by davinci
No. This message came for every trigger. Most of them are in Phyton (external).

The error was gone after restart.

Re: FileIOError

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 11:40 pm
by matt (support)
Let us know if it occurs again.

Re: FileIOError

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 7:50 am
by Jason G.
This happened to me too. Restarting my iMac seems to have fixed it.

Is there a way to turn on more logging so that we could potentially see what path was failing? My scripts directories were all there, working fine. I was not able to open a scripting shell from Indigo - got an error and the terminal window was just blank.


Re: FileIOError

PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2020 2:58 pm
by matt (support)
No, but I suspect the macOS kernel hit the limit on the number of file descriptors that can be open at once. You might have a script or plugin that is using up all those resources?

Re: FileIOError

PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 1:53 pm
by Jason G.
I doubt it would be the scripts I'm running from Indigo - they don't open any files, they're completely contained.

That said, it could have been a problem from almost any other software I run on my Mac... I'll keep an eye out for this type of problem to happen again. Thankfully it has only been the one time for me.

Re: FileIOError

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 2:00 pm
by Jason G.
This error happened to me again earlier today... I was able to make the errors go away by stopping the Indigo server, quitting the app, and re-launching the app (which re-started the server). I did not need to restart my Mac, which suggests there might be something funky going on in the Indigo server or my python scripts (or a bug in macOS that is being triggered by them).

Here's some info for troubleshooting:
  • I was not running the Indigo app (gui) when the errors started occurring. I launched the app to see what was going on, saw the errors in the event log window. I clicked on the "Show Event Logs Folder" and nothing happened. I stopped the server, quit the app, re-launched. Everything working properly now. And now if I click the same show logs button, a Finder window opens in the proper logs folder.
  • According to the logs, the error started happening at 3:24 am. No one was awake, no insteon actions occurred since 1:08 am.
  • I have a script that runs every 15 seconds via a Schedule in Indigo, and has been doing so since mid-November. I haven't made any changes to the script since 11/22.
  • My script imports a common file and a config file, but otherwise does not do any other file access. All logging is done through Indigo.
  • The script checks the status of a bunch of insteon devices and fixes any that are wrong (e.g., if a Lamp Link is on but the wall switch is off, it turns on the wall switch to match the lamp status). It did not modify any insteon devices between 1:08 am and 3:24 am, nor did it write anything to the event log. (FWIW - I know I can do this via triggers, but my triggers were getting too complicated, and the python script is easier for me to maintain.)
  • I've only had these FileIOError problems occur twice - 12/25 and today 1/15.
  • I typically reboot my machine once a week, so Indigo has run successfully with my current config for 7+ days without issues.
  • Today my Mac's uptime is 2.5 days, so it is probably not because it has been up and running for a very long period of time.
  • Everything else has been rock solid, other than this issue.

I'm running Indigo 7.5.0
My Mac is on macOS 11.1 Big Sur, it is an Intel iMac from 2014
Enabled Interfaces: Insteon PLM, Virtual Devices
Plugins: Alexa-Hue Bridge (3.0.35)

Is there any other info that might help narrow down why this is happening? Any troubleshooting steps that I should take if it occurs again?

Here are the log entries from system.log as copied via the Console app.
Code: Select all
Jan 15 03:24:31 jMac IndigoServer[671]: Error   FileIOError -- cannot create file path
Jan 15 03:24:45 jMac IndigoServer[671]: Error   TriggerAction() caught exception: FileIOError -- cannot create file path
Jan 15 03:25:16 jMac IndigoServer[671]: Error   TriggerAction() caught exception: FileIOError -- cannot create file path
Jan 15 03:25:30 jMac IndigoServer[671]: Error   TriggerAction() caught exception: FileIOError -- cannot create file path
Jan 15 03:25:45 jMac IndigoServer[671]: Error   TriggerAction() caught exception: FileIOError -- cannot create file path
Jan 15 03:26:15 jMac IndigoServer[671]: Error   TriggerAction() caught exception: FileIOError -- cannot create file path
Jan 15 03:26:30 jMac IndigoServer[671]: Error   TriggerAction() caught exception: FileIOError -- cannot create file path
Jan 15 03:26:44 jMac IndigoServer[671]: Error   _DispatchProcessThread() caught exception: FileIOError -- cannot create file path
Jan 15 03:26:45 jMac IndigoServer[671]: Error   TriggerAction() caught exception: FileIOError -- cannot create file path

The same errors repeat many times from then until ~9am when I quit the Indigo Server.

Re: FileIOError

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 2:16 pm
by FlyingDiver
Do you have any enabled triggers?

Re: FileIOError

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 2:42 pm
by jay (support)
Do you have any mounted external disks or network volumes? Is your Indigo database being stored on an external drive?

Re: FileIOError

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 4:00 pm
by Jason G.
I do have external drives attached to the iMac. One drive for large file storage (movies), one used for a clone, one for time machine backups. None of which should be used by Indigo in any way that I am aware of.

My Indigo database is not on the external drives - I don't even know how I would do that. I have Indigo installed on my main drive in /Applications.

To answer FlyingDiver's question, yes, I have many enabled triggers. I have five traditional triggers that turn off exhaust fans 20 minutes after they are turned on, and then about 25 triggers that run a python script. They all are of type "device changed" so they only trigger if one of the lights or fans turns on or off.

Re: FileIOError

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 4:49 pm
by jay (support)
Do any of the actions on those triggers write to a file?

Re: FileIOError

PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 7:46 am
by Jason G.
Nope - no file access in any of the triggers. No reading files, nor writing to any files.

Re: FileIOError

PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 8:49 pm
by vvrangler
Has anyone had any luck getting to the root of this error?

I get it about once a week and it pretty much takes Indigo to it's knees and I have to restart the server to get it back up and running.

I thought perhaps it could be something to so with the syncing of folder to iCloud Drive, but I have moved all of my scripts to a non syncing folder and am still having the same issue.

Re: FileIOError

PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 9:59 am
by jay (support)
What exactly is going on when you get the errors?