Indigo 6 and Insteon Wireless Thermostat2441ZTH

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Sun Nov 22, 2015 7:05 pm
kevinmiler101 offline
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Joined: Nov 22, 2015

Indigo 6 and Insteon Wireless Thermostat2441ZTH

Hi. Noob here. I would appreciate it of someone will point me in the right direction.

I recently purchased Indigo 6 Pro and I have an Insteon wired (T441TH) and wireless (2441ZTH) thermostats. What I would like to do is at a preset schedule everyday (evening) have the wireless (upstairs) thermostat control the downstairs thermostat. In other words the downstairs thermostat will use the upstairs thermostats temperature reading to control the HVAC when we are sleeping. In addition I have installed duct dampers as well as inline fans in he ducts to control airflow with Insteon In- LineLink's.The dampers and fans work perfect with Indigo.

It seems as though there are few ways to go about this. Problem is that the wireless thermostat upstairs rarely ever reports the temperature to Indigo. I have a 5v power supply connected to the 2441ZTH and it should be set to on and not sleeping. If I pull the batteries from the unit and plug in the AC adapter the unit turns on. I don't know if this indicates if the thermostat is awake or not.

(1) My initial plan was to poll the upstairs (2441ZTH ) thermostat at regular intervals in order to control the temperature. Problem is that the 2441ZTH either returns 0 for heat and humidity or there is no acknowledgement. After reading some forums it looks as though it is may not be possible to poll the 2441ZTH.

(2) Next plan was based on the assumption that the 2441ZTH will report the temperature to Indigo every 15 minutes as indicated in the documentation. Maybe once a day Indigo will receive a broadcast from the 2441ZTH if I am lucky. So scratch this option.

At this point I am stuck. I simply can't get the 2441ZTH to report the temperature to Indigo other than what seems a random event maybe once a day if I am lucky. I have tried two different 2441ZTH thermostats and both behave the exact same way.

I am sure that this is something that I am doing wrong. I just can't figure out how to reliably request or receive temperature updates from the 2441ZTH. Any help would be appreciated.



Posted on
Mon Nov 23, 2015 10:45 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Indigo 6 and Insteon Wireless Thermostat2441ZTH

Like most battery powered devices, I suspect that thermostat goes to sleep, so trying to poll it will fail most of the time. When you're getting back nothing or 0, and because Indigo isn't receiving it's periodic updates, seems to imply that you have some kind of signal issue to that device. So I think you're going to need to do some signal troubleshooting to try to get to the bottom of that.

To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure there've been many people that have been terribly successful using this particular thermostat. There are a variety of other ways to get more reliable temps - Z-Wave multi-sensors, Oregon Scientific temp sensors (with an RFXrec433), one-wire temp sensors, etc. If I were going to depend functionality on reliable temp reporting, I would look at one of these solutions since they all are more reliable.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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