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Digital photo frame integration?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2024 6:10 pm
by Different Computers
Anyone have a solution for this? I was just about to jump on one “open source” option until I saw it required a google photos account. Ugh.

As is typical, the open source alternatives you can buy pre-configured… can’t actually be bought.

This looks vaguely integrate-able:

My pie in the sky idea would be for something that picked albums based on Indigo variables, and also could display images in the public folder of the Indigo web server, again based on Indigo variables/statuses.

And just for the cherry on top of the apple pie… iCloud photo album integration would be awesome. Also likely an impossible dream.

Re: Digital photo frame integration?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2024 9:33 am
by Different Computers
Further research found more options, none of which I’ve settled on. Any that seem exactly what I would want have a cost associated. Actually—I don’t think ANY solution has everything I want.

Very limited free options, much improved documentation from when I looked at it years ago, iCloud Photos integrations. I would jump on this except it’s a slippery slope to regular cost and I suspect multiple needed features are actually paid only. Biggest downside is it’s cloud only. I swear they used to have an AppleTV app that was 99.9% inexplicable.

Free, no cloud. Not aimed quite at what I want. *Probably* wants me to know more Linux than I do. Seems to be aimed at “configure and forget” displays that can’t be interacted with via an API.

First one’s free. Does not appear to have any kind of API that Indigo can access. May do what I want, but isn’t actually aimed at what I want. No iCloud integration. *Probably* requires more web dev experience than I have.