Switches gone wild

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Sat Jan 28, 2023 12:31 pm
ericwass offline
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Switches gone wild

So I don’t know if this is the right forum for this but I can’t figure out where to begin to solve this problem. I have a large house with dozens of Insteon switches, some Hue lights, etc., etc. It’s all run pretty smoothly for years on Indigo. Recently I’ve been having issues that I cannot resolve: basically a couple Insteon switches are not only turning on and off the overhead lights they’re connected to but others in different rooms. In one instance I don’t know what switch is causing the behavior, all I know is that my front walkway light keeps coming on multiple times a day and I don’t know why. There’s no record of it in the Event Log. In the other instance: I swapped two switches: an on/off switch in the theater room with a dimmer in the master bedroom that was acting as a remote switch (on a three way circuit). The reason I made the switch there is I wanted a dimmer in the theater room and I changed the LED bulbs in the master to Hue lights so I didn’t want to mess with them on a dimmer (but rather keep the switch on and let the Hue software/Indigo determine on/off/brightness state). So of course, I redefined the links, renamed them, etc. But what was happening was that the dimmer now located in the theater room was both controlling those lights AND the Hue lights in the master AND some under counter lights in the kitchen! Of course, I tried a million things, including factory resetting the switches/dimmers in question, but it still happens! And of course I have the mystery switch that’s turning on the front walkway lights.

I’m totally stumped. Anybody have any troubleshooting suggestions? Is there a way to rebuild Indigo’s database? Any thoughts would be appreciated. It’s driving me nuts.

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Tue Jan 31, 2023 12:57 pm
whmoorejr offline
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Re: Switches gone wild

ericwass wrote:
There’s no record of it in the Event Log... LED bulbs...redefined the links

A couple random thoughts...
for getting a record of what's going on.... maybe try creating triggers for "INSTEON Command Received" then email event log data. <- but that will only work if there is some log data that maybe you are missing.

Are lights turning on then off or staying on? I've had some weird performance issues with LED bulbs and INSTEON. I have a couple of fixtures that seem to mimic the insteon traffic. As other devices do stuff, for example, my bedroom light will flicker. The solution was to replace one of the LED bulbs in the fixture with an incandescent bulb.

Links? "Manage INSTEON Device Links"? On first read, I figured that is where things were getting messed up.

Also try running "Start Sync Device Links"

I'm probably not the best person to respond, my INSTEON network is in need of cleaning up.

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Thu Feb 02, 2023 11:11 pm
mundmc offline
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Re: Switches gone wild

I have absolutely 100% had this problem with insteon on three separate occasions in two separate rooms. I'm sure I have a post up somewhere, sorry I'm not sure how to quickly retrieve it. If I recall correctly, minor power surges can screw up the switches. I recall Jay saying he had had very little difficulty with insteon switches over a substantial period of time.

Even now that my Insteon controller is dead (I am not replacing it), there are two rooms in my house that still have an Insteon in wall dimmers in the three gang boxes. Hitting any button on any of them causes unpredictable behavior on other ones, especially in the same box (that may be observer bias).

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