Geofence not working

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Sat May 25, 2019 9:05 pm
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: Geofence not working

Just FYI - Geofence is still not working on my wife's pixel.

I've been testing it here and have been 3/3 in having the geofence trigger both exit and return on the new beta. You updated your wife to the beta or just the AT&T cheap phones?

I have noticed that the initial geofence trigger, when going from the phone being stationary (relative to GPS I mean) to moving can be significantly delayed. Like minutes later. But Google basically says this is a feature and so live with it. They are annoyingly become more and more like Apple in the background usage realm.

Posted on
Sun May 26, 2019 5:57 am
norcoscia offline
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Re: Geofence not working

Pretty sure since we switched her to the beta the other day - she is on .2 I think - Will check again when she gets up.


Posted on
Sun May 26, 2019 9:10 am
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: Geofence not working

Pretty sure since we switched her to the beta the other day - she is on .2 I think - Will check again when she gets up.

Just wanted to be sure because you mentioned doing the update w/ the AT&T phones but never explicitly said so about your wife's... or maybe I just missed it. Not saying you didn't just wanted to double check.

What OS version is her phone showing?

Posted on
Sun May 26, 2019 9:24 am
norcoscia offline
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Re: Geofence not working

Details below - funny we noticed that voice works but if the phone is face down all we get is the notification sound - not a big deal on the voice maybe that is her settings. Would like to get the geo thing working if possible so I can integrate it into my home/away process.
2019-05-26_08-21-24.jpeg (45.91 KiB) Viewed 3666 times
2019-05-26_08-21-03.jpeg (50.1 KiB) Viewed 3666 times


Posted on
Sun May 26, 2019 9:37 am
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: Geofence not working

Details below - funny we noticed that voice works but if the phone is face down all we get is the notification sound - not a big deal on the voice maybe that is her settings.

I am pretty sure that setting the phone face down in Android 9 is considered Do Not Disturb mode... so makes sense that the system would not play any audio requested. At the very least I know it changes some of the behaviors. I rarely do this, so can't speak too much into specifics of the mode. It may be at least partially customizable in settings.

Hmm, our build number is virtually identical, just one .001 off, though my Pixel 3 XL has a higher kernel version. I wouldn't imagine that should make a difference. I'll try to check my wife's Pixel and see if she has similar and test it out on that. She doesn't have geofencing enabled, but I'm sure would let me test it out (or not even know... she hates change on phones so maybe shouldn't tell her LOL).

Posted on
Sun May 26, 2019 9:41 am
norcoscia offline
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Re: Geofence not working


BTW, even if we can’t get the geo working she really likes the app. Her default screen is a control page I have for the front cameras. In one second she can pull it up and see what is going on outside. That took 30 seconds before I switched to the local hard wired cameras we have now.


Posted on
Sun May 26, 2019 10:11 am
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: Geofence not working

BTW, even if we can’t get the geo working she really likes the app. Her default screen is a control page I have for the front cameras. In one second she can pull it up and see what is going on outside. That took 30 seconds before I switched to the local hard wired cameras we have now.

I think we can, just going to take some more debugging... Ideally, I need to get the long-planned application-level log viewer into the application. I have the design for the screen and some of the code courtesy of Google sample and an open source implementation, but it isn't exactly a drop-in. However, I think that may have to be the next feature to help support debugging.

Posted on
Thu Jul 25, 2019 11:31 pm
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: Geofence not working

So just an update here -- I have had a Geofence on around my house that does nothing but send me notification upon entry/exit... It has literally not failed to fire even once. There is a caveat, though... at times it is very slow to fire, especially when leaving. Sometimes it is as long as 5-10 minutes after exit, sometimes much quicker. Entering seems much more reliable in firing close to the demarcation line.

This is using a Pixel 3XL and a geofence with a 2000m radius.

Are you guys still experiencing issues? If so, though perhaps not useful but for testing, can you increase the radius and see what happens?

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