Notifications info?

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Sun Oct 01, 2017 4:52 pm
jmiked offline
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Notifications info?

Before I plunk down money on both DomoPad and an upgrade to Indigo, could someone tell me what the DomoPad notification process is? Do the notifications show up as a 'standard' Android notification, or something within DomoPad? Is there a custom sound(s)? Can you have notifications that stay on the screen until dismissed? I've been out of the Android world for a while and my memory of such things is a bit hazy.

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Mon Oct 02, 2017 9:21 pm
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: Notifications info?

Do the notifications show up as a 'standard' Android notification, or something within DomoPad? Is there a custom sound(s)? Can you have notifications that stay on the screen until dismissed?

Yes, they are standard push notifications which will show up in the notifications shade. You can have standard "information" notifications which just post a message, clicking on which will launch Domotics Pad. Aalternatively you can use "action" notifications which present you with a button or two (your configuration) that executes a custom action. For example, that could be something such as "Nobody is home, arm the alarm?" with a Yes/No choice.

You may choose any of your loaded ringtones (any available to the system, so you can drop your own in there if you like just as you could for any standard application) as well as a custom notification light color. If you want to get really crazy you can turn on the vibration mode. :-)

Hope that helps some.

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