Control page not showing correctly in DomoPad

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Thu Mar 30, 2017 1:29 am
Grevling offline
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Control page not showing correctly in DomoPad


I'm in an experimental fase with making controlpages for wall mounted tablets running DomoPad.

So far I am having trouble getting them to show up correctly in DomoPad.

Specifically (at least) one of the buttons is displayed in the wrong place in DomoPad.

Here is a screenshot of what I'm talking about:

As you can see in the top left corner, a button has materialised there instead of under the other 3 buttons where it belongs. This only happens in DomoPad.

Anyone else have this issue, or any idea what is causing this?

Thanks in advance


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Posted on
Thu Mar 30, 2017 9:51 am
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: Control page not showing correctly in DomoPad

Nobody else has reported any display issues on control pages for several versions... What type of image is this - a static image, one based on variable/device state, etc.? Also, what version of the application are you running?

Posted on
Fri Mar 31, 2017 4:58 am
Grevling offline
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Re: Control page not showing correctly in DomoPad

H i @RogueProeliator

This is a live controlpage with a mix of device state and static images. On this particular page witch is made for a 7" tablet the only problem is the stray tab in the top left corner. The tab is a static image, and only appears like this in DomoPad. On the iPhone and on a iPad it looks like it is supposed to. The same is the case in browser view.

I have a similar problem on a page made for a 10" tablet, where a similar situation occurs with one button (static image). In addition the background, witchs is completely white (no image), appears compleately black in DomoPad. It is however white on the iPhone, iPad and in browser view.

I'm probably missing something as I'm new to this, but it's kind of wierd that this only happens on the android tablets.

I downloaded DomoPad about 3-4 weeks ago, and assume I then got the latest version.
I dont have any of the tablets here now to check, as I'm away form home for a few days.


Posted on
Fri Mar 31, 2017 10:53 am
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: Control page not showing correctly in DomoPad

To properly troubleshoot this, you'll likely need to send a debug report. Whenever you get back to your tablets, load up the offending control page and click on the menu in the title bar (may have to long press to get it to show if viewing full screen) and choose Help -> Send Debug Report. Before you do this, though, please go to Settings -> Error/Crash Reporting and enter your forum username or similar information into the User-Selected Identifier setting. Otherwise I would have no way to identify you when the report is submitted.


Posted on
Wed Apr 05, 2017 7:09 am
Grevling offline
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Re: Control page not showing correctly in DomoPad

Well, I'm beginning to feel like an idot here, but when I do as described I don't get an option to send a debug report.
The only choise I have in the menu witch has anyting to do with "help" is the "Help & Feedback" option, witch takens me directly to this forum.


Posted on
Wed Apr 05, 2017 11:01 pm
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: Control page not showing correctly in DomoPad

No problem, it just sounds like you may be looking in the navigation tray as opposed to the action bar... when on the offending control page, long press on the background to pull up the action bar; in the upper-right hand corner click the three dots ("overflow") menu. Choose "Help" -- it should be the only option. In the resulting popup, you will have a "Send Debug" button.


Posted on
Thu Apr 06, 2017 12:06 am
Grevling offline
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Re: Control page not showing correctly in DomoPad

Thanks. That overflow menu was hard to spot.
Debug sent. Same name as forum name.


Posted on
Fri May 05, 2017 2:08 am
Grevling offline
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Control page not showing correctly in DomoPad

Any luck identifying the problem in the debug?

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Posted on
Fri May 05, 2017 8:29 am
roussell offline
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Re: Control page not showing correctly in DomoPad

Out of curiosity, are you viewing the pages in their native format, or in web format (DomoPad-->Settings-->Control Page Options-->View Method)? If you try changing it to the other format, does the page display properly? Try it in Web Format and see if it helps. I recently discovered something similar which may help with the debugging. To illustrate what I'm seeing, I created a simple page that just displays a variable value in a large font size (the time). Here is the control page:
IMG_0964.JPG (111.96 KiB) Viewed 4471 times

It is displayed properly in DomoPad IF I chose Web Format as the view method, but if I choose Native Format, the font is smaller, and the item is shifted up and to the left as shown in the video below:


Posted on
Fri May 05, 2017 9:59 am
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: Control page not showing correctly in DomoPad

Any luck identifying the problem in the debug?

Been meaning to get back to you -- I have looked through the log twice and don't see anything that should be causing this. If you wouldn't mind, create a control page with just the left tabs on there -- you can select them, drag out to the desktop, create a new page and drag them back in to avoid individually re-creating. Once that is done, see if having only the tabs on there still displays the issue. If so, please send me that debug report and, if you don't mind, the tab images. You can email them to

It is displayed properly in DomoPad IF I chose Web Format as the view method, but if I choose Native Format, the font is smaller, and the item is shifted up and to the left as shown in the video below:

That should not be the case at all - what are your control page dimensions in Indigo? Would you drag that label out to the desktop and send me the snippet? BTW, I have considered making some kind of clock widget directly in the app so that you don't have to do some update or variable that changes every second/minute. Something like placing a label on there with some special code (I guess) that tells it to display a clock instead. Also hoping to add a clock to the dimmed cover option when the control pages go inactive.


Posted on
Fri May 05, 2017 11:51 am
roussell offline
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Re: Control page not showing correctly in DomoPad

That should not be the case at all - what are your control page dimensions in Indigo?

In the video, it was 1024x600, which is the dimensions of the 7" Fires, but the video was of the 8" Fire which is 1280x800. Changing the dimensions to match the 8" didn't really seem to matter much. It did shift the item down some toward the middle, but only the Web view displays it correctly in the middle on both the 7" and 8" Fires, as well as the 24" in-wall HP, which is 1920x1280.

Would you drag that label out to the desktop and send me the snippet?

Code: Select all
<PageElemList type="vector"><PageElem type="dict"><ActionGroup type="dict"><ActionSteps type="vector"><Action type="dict"><Class type="integer">0</Class><ObjVers type="integer">14</ObjVers></Action></ActionSteps><ObjVers type="integer">2</ObjVers></ActionGroup><CaptionPlacement type="integer">1</CaptionPlacement><ControlType type="integer">2</ControlType><ImageFileName type="string">dot_large.png</ImageFileName><ObjVers type="integer">9</ObjVers><Position type="string">33 219</Position><ShowStateImage type="bool">false</ShowStateImage><ShowStateText type="bool">true</ShowStateText><Size type="string">958 180</Size><StateTextFontColor type="string">3A B7 BC</StateTextFontColor><StateTextFontType type="integer">20</StateTextFontType><StateTextPointSize type="integer">150</StateTextPointSize><TargetElemID type="integer">1789675336</TargetElemID></PageElem></PageElemList>
BTW, I have considered making some kind of clock widget directly in the app so that you don't have to do some update or variable that changes every second/minute. Something like placing a label on there with some special code (I guess) that tells it to display a clock instead.

That would be nice, it could work in the same format as my other requests on the 1.60 post!! :wink:
Also hoping to add a clock to the dimmed cover option when the control pages go inactive.

Or... the ability to select a "dimmed/inactive" control page!!


Posted on
Fri May 05, 2017 1:04 pm
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: Control page not showing correctly in DomoPad

Or... the ability to select a "dimmed/inactive" control page!!

I've considered that... however, if I load another control page up there the system/application will see that it is no longer the active screen and stop updates in the "covered" page -- and the idea was that this is just a dimmed screen that is immediately ready for re-use. What you are describing is basically a "reset to XYZ screen on inactivity". Unless, of course, this cover CP doesn't respond to user input and disappears on click similar to the current dimming cover. Still, I think that might get a bit complicated to implement properly.

I am mixed on what would be the best -- in a way a "return to home control page" would be cool because it could reset to the most appropriate control page for the tablet's location. Then could still dim I suppose to save the screen.

In the video, it was 1024x600, which is the dimensions of the 7" Fires, but the video was of the 8" Fire which is 1280x800. Changing the dimensions to match the 8" didn't really seem to matter much. It did shift the item down some toward the middle, but only the Web view displays it correctly in the middle on both the 7" and 8" Fires, as well as the 24" in-wall HP, which is 1920x1280.

That somewhat eliminates one potential I was thinking which was a different zoom method being applied in web versus native view. Still possible, though, and I will look into that with the snippet you sent -- thanks!


Posted on
Sat Jul 15, 2017 9:53 pm
kwijibo007 offline
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Re: Control page not showing correctly in DomoPad

Hi Adam,

I have the exact same issue as the OP on my Fire 7" (2017 model).

First image shows the Fire 7" on the left and an iPhone on the right (to show how it should look). The Fire's control page is set to naitive mode in control page settings.

The second image is the same but with web mode set in the control page settings.

IMG_5071.JPG (218.02 KiB) Viewed 4127 times

IMG_5072.JPG (275.22 KiB) Viewed 4127 times

Web mode obviously looks a lot better but it never zooms to fit the entire page. Even when I set the control page to 600 x 1024 (The Fire's screen size) the control page is always zoomed out in web mode. It never fits the screen correctly.

I followed your instructions to send a debug report.

Could this be an issue isolated to Fire tablets?


Posted on
Sun Jul 16, 2017 10:07 am
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: Control page not showing correctly in DomoPad

Could this be an issue isolated to Fire tablets?

Possibly, as the Fire has a customized set of components and web views -- but others have used them successfully so there may just be a couple of "quirks". I ordered a Fire 7 for my son to use (and for me to use to test :)) and it should be delivered next week; I'll take a look at your debug report in the meantime, but might be next week before I can do any on-device testing (if that is necessary).


Posted on
Sun Jul 16, 2017 10:09 am
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: Control page not showing correctly in DomoPad

Oh, just realized something -- the native mode (first picture) layout actually looks accurate... but missing some images/background color. The separators and I imagine a background image or color set on the control page design? Does that seem like an accurate assessment?

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