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insteon start/stop brighten/dim commands

PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 10:05 am
by dduff617
i had some triggers setup to control some hue devices from an insteon device.

to set it up, i had previously used triggers based upon detecting insteon start/stop brighten/dim commands - i.e. the commands sent by an insteon device when you push and hold an insteon device like a dimmer switch or a keypad button or a remote button and then let go.

in Indigo 2023.1, i find that the set of events i had previously used are no longer available, as the old "dimmer extender" plugin as fallen out of support (due to python version incompatibility).

any chance Indigo will add "native" support for these events, given that working/tested code that implements them already exists (albeit in an "ancient" language)? it actually seems a bit odd to me in retrospect that these were never supported...

Re: insteon start/stop brighten/dim commands

PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 11:01 am
by Korey
Will this plugin do it for you?

Re: insteon start/stop brighten/dim commands

PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 11:24 am
by dduff617
thanks, Korey. that plugin looks interesting and i'm glad to know about it. however, afaik, it doesn't address the specific case of using insteon start-brighten, start-dim, and stop commands for Indigo triggers.