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Re: Thermostat won't display temp - Insteon 2441ZTH wireless

PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 9:56 am
by matt (support)
I don't have any additional information. Is yours always returning 0 for the temperature value during polling as well? Does it ever send out a correct temperature value? Copy/paste any relevant Event Log window snippets so we can see what is occurring.

Re: Thermostat won't display temp - Insteon 2441ZTH wireless

PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 10:29 am
by jay (support)
These thermostats, unfortunately, have never really been super reliable. Try a factory reset on it then redo the define and sync (we've seen them come from Insteon with some links in them - perhaps for testing - and that can cause some issues).