Search…Syncing - failed to assign return route (Aeotec Door|

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Tue Mar 14, 2023 5:11 pm
BenHM4590 offline
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Search…Syncing - failed to assign return route (Aeotec Door|

I've had a nightmare of trying to get door-window sensors working. I tried 25 times to get 2 different Wink sensors to connect, all failed with the same behavior as this Aeotec S7. I'm "pinning" my issue to the Aeotec because I've had decent success with their products in the past. (And I have a warranty.)

The units will complete the normal, 1st part of Indigo's inclusion normally and quickly. When I click Define and Sync, they fail every time with the same messages:
Mar 14, 2023 at 5:55:31 PM
Z-Wave Syncing - started for "147 - Notification Sensor"
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved module neighbors list: 75, 79, 80, 84, 87, 90, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 104, 105, 108, 114, 116, 117, 119, 121, 123, 144
Z-Wave Syncing - assigning return route to "147 - Notification Sensor"

Mar 14, 2023 at 5:56:19 PM
Z-Wave Error Syncing - failed to assign return route
Z-Wave Error Syncing - failed
Z-Wave Error No response from "147 - Notification Sensor". Module might be asleep, or is unreachable.

I have searched for the Syncing failed error message and found this article:

Following those suggestions--tapping the tamper-button to keep the unit awake, I can delay the onset of failure for ...minutes. Many minutes, if I have the patience to keep tapping the button. But fail it does, every time.

This behavior is not unique to these Aeotecs, the Wink sensors did the same. Except for one, I somehow got lucky (or it was defective in the right way) and succeeded in getting a complete sync. (That Wink sensor has been operating without pause for 3 days.)

The thread I linked to mentions an option to not request return routes on sync, but I can't find that option anywhere. Is there some way to trick it into syncing, then later do an Optimization and get the return route then? Other tricks?
Thanks in advance for your wisdom and willingness to share it.

Posted on
Wed Mar 15, 2023 4:54 am
shapa offline
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Re: Search…Syncing - failed to assign return route (Aeotec D

Yeah, the same story with the new Aeotec door sensors - tough to sync. A lot of attempts until it works.

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Wed Mar 15, 2023 7:53 pm
BenHM4590 offline
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Re: Search…Syncing - failed to assign return route (Aeotec D

Thanks Shapa. Could you define “attempts” please? And be really specific.
For example: are you suggesting I simply try define and sync, over and over?
Or do I exclude the sensor, remove the partial inclusion from Indigo, re-include the sensor, and try define and sync?
Or exclude. Factory reset the sensor, remove the failed attempt, include, then define and sync?

Posted on
Thu Mar 16, 2023 2:57 pm
BenHM4590 offline
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Re: Search…Syncing - failed to assign return route (Aeotec D

Here is Aeotec's suggestion:
Code: Select all
1. Remove battery of the DWS7
2. Wait 6 minutes
3. Power up the DWS7
4. Try exclusion and inclusion again

If you are having issues, during the pairing process, to keep it awake, you can continuously tap the tamper button once every few seconds to make sure it stays awake.

My successful mashup:
Pull battery and wait 6mins
Replace battery
Immediately Exclude
Immediately Include
Immediately Sync (Tapping the Tamper button every 10s while doing this part.)

It took just under a minute to complete Phase 2 (Sync). In my earlier successes, I saw times taking up to 2 minutes, so you need to be patient with that step.

There must be a pearl or python script that would simply hammer on this all night long? Anyone? Anyone?

Posted on
Fri Mar 17, 2023 6:26 am
shapa offline
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Re: Search…Syncing - failed to assign return route (Aeotec D

Yes, over and over. It could be >30 attempts! Until it finally syncs. Then it works flawlessly.

The FW is v2.02 (latest)

It could be related to Indigo, however. It is much easier to sync with some other controllers (all v700 chipset based) - Hubitat and Fibaro Lite 3

p.s. "Tapping the Tamper button every 10s while doing this part" yes I'm doing the same with Indigo

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