Fibaro Smart Implant

Posted on
Wed Nov 02, 2022 10:25 am
wackena offline
Posts: 31
Joined: Jan 07, 2022

Re: Fibaro Smart Implant

Matt, thanks for the replies.

I submitted a support ticket to Fibaro with this content.
I have 2 DS18B20 temperature sensors setup with the Smart Implant and they are sensing temperature correctly. The problem is they are not auto reporting temperature changes. Smart Implant z-wave device inclusion is on a z-wave stick gen 5, The controller is the Indigo Domotics Mac base hub with their 2022.1.2 app. I have set parameter 67 to 5 and parameter 68 to 60. Indigo app. Either manual or by python code sending status request receives the temperature reports with correct new sensor temperature values..

Please advise possible corrective action I can take to resolve this problem.

This is Fibaro's repsonse. If they are correct then the Indigo Configuration page has 67 and 68 reversed. I tried 67 = 60 and 68 = 5, and still no reporting on sensor value changes. The "Enable state polling of this device" works OK getting not just the sensors, but all updatable parameter values. The problem for me the lowest time is 6 minutes and for my application 1 minute or less would work. the" frequent as possible" option fills up the Log page in seconds, If I could suppress logging, this would work.

Thank you for contacting Support.

The parameter 67 can only be set to 60 and higher numbers. Parameter 68 is set correctly. If you change this parameter then the Smart Implant should work correctly.
The full list of the Smart Implants specifications is right here on our manuals page -

All of our devices support Zwave pairing and pairing with 3rd party hubs, but we can't test them. For this problem, I suggest contacting Indigo Domotic Mats Tech Support since I have no way of testing your hub if everything is working correctly. If you encounter further issues not linked to the Smart Implants configuration, please refer to your hubs owner's manual.

The is a Smart Implant sync log entry.
Nov 2, 2022 at 11:36:42 AM
Z-Wave Syncing - started for "099 - Binary IN1"
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved module neighbors list: 12, 13, 16, 21, 46, 47, 50, 57, 58, 77, 100, 101
Z-Wave Syncing - assigning return route to "099 - Binary IN1"
Z-Wave Syncing - assigned return route
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved manufacture and model names: Fibaro System - 010F, Smart Implant (FGBS222) - 05022000
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved protocol version 6.02, app version 5.01
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Notification Sensor : Notification Sensor (04 : 07 : 01, base 00)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved command classes: 20v1 5Ev1 25v1 85v1 8Ev1 59v1 55v1 86v1 72v1 5Av1 73v1 98v1 9Fv1 5Bv1 31v11 60v4 70v1 56v1 71v1 75v1 7Av1 6Cv1 22v1
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved encrypt commands: - none -
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved capabilities: routing, beaming, security
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved multi-endpoint types: 1:(07 : 01), 2:(07 : 01), 3:(21 : 01), 4:(21 : 01), 5:(10 : 01), 6:(10 : 01), 7:(21 : 01), 8:(21 : 01), 9:(21 : 01)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved multi-endpoint classes: 1:[5E 85 8E 59 71 6C 22 98 9F], 2:[5E 85 8E 59 71 6C 22 98 9F], 3:[5E 85 8E 59 31 6C 22 98 9F], 4:[5E 85 8E 59 31 6C 22 98 9F], 5:[5E 25 85 8E 59 75 6C 22 98 9F], 6:[5E 25 85 8E 59 75 6C 22 98 9F], 7:[5E 85 8E 59 31 71 6C 22 98 9F], 8:[5E 85 8E 59 31 71 6C 22 98 9F], 9:[5E 85 8E 59 31 71 6C 22 98 9F]
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved group 1 associations: [1]
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved group 2 associations: []
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved group 3 associations: []
Z-Wave Syncing - group 1 association to interface already exists (skipping)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 20 "Input 1 type" is 1 "Normally Open"
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 40 "Input 1 scene sending" is 0 "None"
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 21 "Input 2 type" is 1 "Normally Open"
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 41 "Input 2 scene sending" is 0 "None"
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 24 "Swap inputs (IN1 and IN2)" is false
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 154 "Output 1 type" is 0 "Normally Open"
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 156 "Output 1 delayed off" is 0 * 0.1 seconds
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 155 "Output 2 type" is 0 "Normally Open"
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 157 "Output 2 delayed off" is 0 * 0.1 seconds
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 25 "Swap outputs (OUT1 and OUT2)" is false
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 66 "Internal temperature interval" is 0 seconds
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 65 "Internal temperature sensitivity" is 5 * 0.1°C
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 64 "Analog input interval" is 0 seconds
Z-Wave Syncing - device "099 - Binary IN1" parameter 64 "Analog input interval" changed to 5 seconds (was 0 seconds)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 63 "Analog input sensitivity" is 5 * 0.1 V
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 150 "Analog IN1 debounce" is 10 milliseconds
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 151 "Analog IN2 debounce" is 10 milliseconds
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 68 "External sensor interval" is 60 seconds
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 67 "External sensor sensitivity" is 5 * 0.1

Z-Wave Syncing - complete
Z-Wave sent "099 - Binary IN1" status request
Z-Wave sent "099 - Analog IN1" status request
Z-Wave received "099 - Analog IN1" sensor update to 7.83 V
Z-Wave sent "099 - Binary IN2" status request
Z-Wave sent "099 - Analog IN2" status request
Z-Wave received "099 - Analog IN2" sensor update to 7.80 V
Z-Wave sent "099 - Relay 1" status request
Z-Wave sent "099 - Relay 2" status request
Z-Wave sent "099 - Temperature" status request
Z-Wave received "099 - Temperature" sensor update to 31.9 °C
Z-Wave sent "099 - Sensor 1" status request
Z-Wave received "099 - Sensor 1" sensor update to 21.8 °C
Z-Wave sent "099 - Sensor 2" status request
Z-Wave received "099 - Sensor 2" sensor update to 22.2 °C

Posted on
Wed Nov 02, 2022 2:09 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Fibaro Smart Implant

The manual page they linked to in their reply contradicts the values they say to use for those parameters:
Screen Shot 2022-11-02 at 3.05.13 PM.png
Screen Shot 2022-11-02 at 3.05.13 PM.png (304.65 KiB) Viewed 877 times
Screen Shot 2022-11-02 at 3.05.08 PM.png
Screen Shot 2022-11-02 at 3.05.08 PM.png (280.68 KiB) Viewed 877 times


Posted on
Thu Nov 03, 2022 1:29 am
wackena offline
Posts: 31
Joined: Jan 07, 2022

Re: Fibaro Smart Implant

Yes, I noticed that too. I'm sending another support ticket to Fibaro asking to clarify they response.

Posted on
Mon Nov 07, 2022 9:20 am
wackena offline
Posts: 31
Joined: Jan 07, 2022

Re: Fibaro Smart Implant

Matt, I got this 2nd response form Fibaro Support.

I am sorry, I have incorrectly read the parameter number. The value 5 is correct for parameter 67.
We have tested this but were unable to reproduce this issue on our equipment. When parameters (67 to 5 and 68 to 60) are set the temperature should update once there is a 0.5 degree difference or 60 seconds have passed.
Please make sure you have correctly connected the Smart Implant to your temperature sensors. Also, make sure that your hub is able to fully connect to your Smart Implant. Since this is not our gateway I have no way to connect remotely and check the issue on your gateway.
Please try resetting your Smart implant to factory settings, add it again to your hub, set the parameters 67 and 68, and see If that helps. Apart from that, I am unable to help you in any other way.

I've previously factory reset the smart implant and re-inclusion to the z-wave stick gen-5 and re-sync to Indigo App. The device still does not auto report on temperature changes. Since all 3 devices I have does not auto report, it appears to be a compatibility with the z-wave stick or the Indigo App.

Two last curiosity questions. In the Smart Implant manual, parameter 67 is before 68. Is there a reason the Indigo configuration page has 67 following 68? Are you aware of forum members posting that the device correctly broadcast sensor temperature changes.

Thanks for your assistance.

Posted on
Mon Nov 07, 2022 3:55 pm
wackena offline
Posts: 31
Joined: Jan 07, 2022

Re: Fibaro Smart Implant

I found a way to have the Smart Implant broadcast sensor temperature update without high volumes of messages to event log.; It is a round the block way, but it works.

1, In the device figuration page, check box to "allow polling of this device".
2. Set frequency to "as frequent as possible". Or a timeframe you prefer.
3. Set Internal and external sensors to "hide sensor message broadcasts in event log".
4. Set analog 1 and analog 2 to "hide voltage from broadcasts to event log.

Sensor and analog values are updated without broadcast to event log.

Posted on
Thu Feb 23, 2023 7:58 am
wackena offline
Posts: 31
Joined: Jan 07, 2022

Re: Fibaro Smart Implant

I used this "Copy python reference ] to get Fibaro Smart Implant Sensor 2 value. What is the correct python 3.10.2 code to get Sensor 2 value.
Code: Select all
(indoorHumidity = indigo.devices[1899946885] # "108 - Sensor 2"

Feb 23, 2023 at 7:43:40 AM

Log output:The Script line is from my code.
Feb 23, 2023 at 7:43:40 AM
Script mode - ON OutdoorTempF - 64 Outdoorwindmph - 3 Outdoorhumity - 88 roomTemp - 72.6 ThermostatTempF - 74.4 thermostatTempSetF - 72.0 indoorHumidity - address : 108
allowOnStateChange : False
allowSensorValueChange : False
batteryLevel : None
buttonGroupCount : 0
configured : True
description :
deviceTypeId : zwValueSensorType
displayStateId : sensorValue
displayStateImageSel : DehumidifierOff
displayStateValRaw : 51.9
displayStateValUi : 51.9%
enabled : True
energyAccumBaseTime : None
energyAccumTimeDelta : None
energyAccumTotal : None
energyCurLevel : None
errorState :
folderId : 0
globalProps : MetaProps : (dict)
com.indigodomo.indigoserver : (dict)
com.perceptiveautomation.indigoplugin.zwave : (dict)
SensorUnits : 1 (integer)
SupportsOnState : false (bool)
SupportsSensorValue : true (bool)
address : 108 (integer)
indigoObjVersion : 10 (integer)
userEnergyPollingEnabled : false (bool)
version : 5.02 (string)
zwClassCmdBase : 0 (integer)
zwDevEndPoint : 9 (integer)
zwDevSubIndex : 8 (integer)
zwManufactureId : 271 (integer)
zwManufactureName : Fibaro System (string)
zwModelId : 84025344 (integer)
zwModelName : Smart Implant (FGBS222) (string)
zwShowDumpDevToLog : false (bool)
zwShowEnergyPollingUI : false (bool)
zwShowMainUI : false (bool)
zwShowManualModifyConfigParmUI : false (bool)
zwShowPollingUI : false (bool)
zwShowSubmitModelInfoUI : false (bool)
zwShowWakeIntervalUI : false (bool)
emptyDict : (dict)
id : 1899946885
lastChanged : 2023-02-23 07:15:36
lastSuccessfulComm : 2023-02-23 07:15:36
model : Smart Implant (FGBS222)
name : 108 - Sensor 2
onState : None
ownerProps : com.perceptiveautomation.indigoplugin.zwave : (dict)
SensorUnits : 1 (integer)
SupportsOnState : false (bool)
SupportsSensorValue : true (bool)
address : 108 (integer)
indigoObjVersion : 10 (integer)
userEnergyPollingEnabled : false (bool)
version : 5.02 (string)
zwClassCmdBase : 0 (integer)
zwDevEndPoint : 9 (integer)
zwDevSubIndex : 8 (integer)
zwManufactureId : 271 (integer)
zwManufactureName : Fibaro System (string)
zwModelId : 84025344 (integer)
zwModelName : Smart Implant (FGBS222) (string)
zwShowDumpDevToLog : false (bool)
zwShowEnergyPollingUI : false (bool)
zwShowMainUI : false (bool)
zwShowManualModifyConfigParmUI : false (bool)
zwShowPollingUI : false (bool)
zwShowSubmitModelInfoUI : false (bool)
zwShowWakeIntervalUI : false (bool)
pluginId : com.perceptiveautomation.indigoplugin.zwave
pluginProps : emptyDict : (dict)
protocol : ZWave
remoteDisplay : True
sensorValue : 51.9
sharedProps : com.indigodomo.indigoserver : (dict)
states : States : (dict)
sensorValue : 51.900000 (real)
sensorValue.ui : 51.9% (string)
subModel : ui=Sensor 2
subType :
supportsAllLightsOnOff : False
supportsAllOff : False
supportsOnState : False
supportsSensorValue : True
supportsStatusRequest : True
version : 5.02

I also tried
Code: Select all
indoorHumidity = indigo.devices[1899946885].states["sensorValue"] # "108 - Sensor 2"

Log output.

Script Error script error in file
Script Error 'key sensorValve not found in dict'
Script Error Exception Traceback (most recent call shown last):, line 15, at top level
KeyError: 'key sensorValve not found in dict'

Posted on
Fri Feb 24, 2023 3:26 pm
matt (support) offline
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Location: Texas

Re: Fibaro Smart Implant

I'd do by first getting the device, then accessing the sensorValue attribute of the device:

Code: Select all
dev = indigo.devices[1899946885]
# then can access via dev.sensorValue. Example logging:
indigo.server.log(f"sensor value is {dev.sensorValue}")


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