Two Lamp modules on same address, Problem with Indigo

Posted on
Fri Jan 30, 2004 3:18 pm
Hugh offline

Two Lamp modules on same address, Problem with Indigo

I have to Lamp on diffrent modules both set to A3 they work great from all my controlers except for my Mac. I am using a Powerlinc USB and Indigo. When I send a on command only one lamp comes on. Any thoughts? I am using standard X-10 lamp modules with no feedback. Thanks for the advice.

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Fri Jan 30, 2004 8:12 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Two Lamp modules on same address, Problem with Indigo

Hugh wrote:
I have to Lamp on diffrent modules both set to A3 they work great from all my controlers except for my Mac. I am using a Powerlinc USB and Indigo. When I send a on command only one lamp comes on. Any thoughts? I am using standard X-10 lamp modules with no feedback. Thanks for the advice.

Hi Hugh,

This definitely sounds like an X10 signal problem. If one lamp module sees the command but another one doesn't, and they are both set to the same address, then that means the X10 signal got to the first but not the second. Does a controller plugged into the same outlet the PowerLinc plugged into work to both lamps? Note that each X10 transmitter (controller) will slightly absorb some of the X10 signals from other transmitters. So if you have other controllers plugged in that you aren't using, then you might try it with those unplugged. I'd also try plugging the PowerLinc into a different outlet, if possible.


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