iPad Purchase Plans Poll

What are your iPad purchase plans?


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Fri Apr 16, 2010 3:28 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: iPad Purchase Plans Poll

eme jota ce wrote:
Just checked iTunes and only saw the Indigo App listed as an iPhone App, but will keep looking for the Indigo App in the iPad category.

All iPhone apps run on the iPad. Download it and see!

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Fri Apr 16, 2010 4:24 pm
gregjsmith offline
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Re: iPad Purchase Plans Poll

jay wrote:
FAIK, all iPhone apps work either with or without doubling. Pixel doubling is done at the system level and shouldn't effect the app in any way.

I was thinking in the context of control pages, a pixel doubled display isn't an ideal interface. Thus, I will wait for an iPad optimized Indigo Touch to be available.

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Fri Apr 16, 2010 4:43 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: iPad Purchase Plans Poll

gregjsmith wrote:
I was thinking in the context of control pages, a pixel doubled display isn't an ideal interface. Thus, I will wait for an iPad optimized Indigo Touch to be available.

Running pixel-doubled is entirely the user's choice - if you don't want to you don't have to - the app will display at normal resolution centered on the iPad's display - at approximately the same size as the iPhone screen. Lots of black space around the borders, but still no different than on the iPhone.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Fri Apr 16, 2010 9:47 pm
Mark offline
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Re: iPad Purchase Plans Poll

OK, some iPad thoughts...

I have one and it is amazing. Anyone slamming iPads on a blog somewhere has not actually used one, guaranteed. It is exactly how Steve described it, better at doing some things than either a phone or a laptop/desktop. Not better at everything, which is what most complainers keep focusing on, but certainly better at some things, and in most cases WAY better at those some things!! Had to be said. On to Touch...

Lot of chatter here about wanting the iPad version of Indigo Touch. And I am all on board for it, I'm looking forward to it. But then there are the comments about how iPhone Touch isn't cutting it for iPad. And this is where I wanted to chime in.

People, people, you all seem to be forgetting that the iPad has a little app built into it called Safari! And it screams. Remember using Safari to view your control pages before the boys released Touch? Well that still works great, folks. And that experience on an iPad blows away browsing your pages on an iPhone, and is a lot more enjoyable than on a laptop/desktop!

So find your control page in Safari on iPad and then make a Home page button for it. I have mine in my dock. It loads just as fast, if not faster, than the corresponding page in Touch, and uses the iPad's full screen, at full resolution. With the right URL, you can even get at Indigo's built in webpages that very closely emulate Touch's other screens (Actions, Devices, etc.).

The only thing I'm missing is the cool little UI slider, which I've been nagging Matt to fix! (Matt, now that I've gotten some of these iPad-Touch-wanters off your back for a while, can you fix that UI popup for me!?! :-))

That's my two cents, anyway...

Posted on
Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:53 pm
kd5crs11 offline
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Re: iPad Purchase Plans Poll

I figure on eventually buying two, but I'm going to let things shake out a bit first. I'll want to see what the next iPhone looks like as well, as I may have to choose between the two.


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Tue Apr 20, 2010 11:40 am
tomteel offline
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Re: iPad Purchase Plans Poll

My Ipad 3G is on order.

Posted on
Sat Apr 24, 2010 8:50 am
chrisn offline
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Re: iPad Purchase Plans Poll

I have one (WiFi) and have another (3G) on order.

I am already designing (simple) control pages to take advantage of the iPad's real estate. Looks and works great.

Feature requests: allow people to design control pages targeted to be run from inside the native iPod and iPad apps, and take better advantage of that. For example, allow me to invoke some of the pop-ups in the "native" app (like for HVAC) on top of my control pages. Also, allow me to launch other apps (not allowed by Safari). For example, let me set up a control page that allows the user to launch Apple's "Remote" app. When user re-launches Indigo PadTouch (perhaps within a couple hours), go directly back to the control page.

Last feature request: an easy "server-push" way of updating images from security cameras. Maybe Indigo allows you to watch a folder and every X seconds it updates the control page with the newest JPG file in that folder. Not quite streaming video, but good enough I think.

Posted on
Sat Apr 24, 2010 9:10 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: iPad Purchase Plans Poll

chrisn wrote:
allow people to design control pages targeted to be run from inside the native iPod and iPad apps, and take better advantage of that. For example, allow me to invoke some of the pop-ups in the "native" app (like for HVAC) on top of my control pages.

I might not understand what you're asking for here, but I believe it already does that. When you select "Popup UI Controls" from the "Client Action:" popup on the control page editor, then when you tap on the item in Indigo Touch it shows the native controls for that item. If you click on it in a web browser you get a web UI for that device.

chrisn wrote:
Also, allow me to launch other apps (not allowed by Safari). For example, let me set up a control page that allows the user to launch Apple's "Remote" app.

Added to the list. We try to make the actions available on control pages not be client specific, but in this case it might be reasonable. It might already be possible if the Apple Remote app has a URL handler associated with it - I don't know if it does.

chrisn wrote:
When user re-launches Indigo PadTouch (perhaps within a couple hours), go directly back to the control page.

Touch already does this - it opens to the last thing that you had open in it, so if you have a control page open when you leave Touch that's what opens when you start it up the next time.

chrisn wrote:
an easy "server-push" way of updating images from security cameras. Maybe Indigo allows you to watch a folder and every X seconds it updates the control page with the newest JPG file in that folder. Not quite streaming video, but good enough I think.

We've been looking at video camera support for a couple of years now - no idea yet if it'll make it into the next release or not.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Thu May 13, 2010 7:57 pm
GibsonCRG offline
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Re: iPad Purchase Plans Poll

I already have an iPad WiFi. At first, I thought it was neat. But now my wife has stolen it, so I know it's a winner. And, it gives me an excuse to buy a 3G one. The iPad is the future of, well, not computing, but certainly portable, around-the-house instant access to a whole raft of content. I am really looking forward to an iPad version of Indigo Touch, as it's going to give us truly capable controllers around the house wherever we are.

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Mon May 24, 2010 4:44 pm
gabbas offline
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Re: iPad Purchase Plans Poll

I've got an iPad and I was a little disappointed to see that there's not an iPad-specific version of Indigo yet, but then again if Indigo 5 is going to be cool then that's understandable. I'll try & be patient. :)

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Tue May 25, 2010 8:22 am
TjP offline
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Re: iPad Purchase Plans Poll

seanadams wrote:
Holding off for rev 2 / resolution of the wifi bugs.

Same here

TjP - Just playing with my RunMyTrains.com project. Why? Why Not
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Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:45 pm
AlaskaDave offline
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Re: iPad Purchase Plans Poll

Didn't think I would but work surprised me with year-end. I've been equally surprised at how much I like it. I don't have it with me all the time like I do my Touch, but having it for news, email and when traveling light is great. It passed the vacation test of handling photos, book reading and staying in touch.

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