Sending SMS messages to mobile phones

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Thu Dec 15, 2005 2:19 am
dtich offline
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Sending SMS messages to mobile phones

has anyone found an sms messenger app or widget that is scriptable? i've been looking and can't seem to find one. i'd like to setup sending text messages to cell phones....

any info is appreciated, tia.

Posted on
Thu Dec 15, 2005 2:31 am
dtich offline
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trying out sms via email. i guess most wireless providers have a server that turns emails into sms: ... de=details

we'll see how that works, i'm verizon.....

Posted on
Thu Dec 15, 2005 6:57 am
ajturner offline
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You can also use iChat to send SMS to your phone within the US:

Code: Select all
-- You need to add an account to your buddy list with
-- your mobile number.
property mobileNumber : "+18005551212"

on SendSMS(message)
   tell application "iChat"
      if status is offline then
         log in of service "AIM"
      end if
      send message to account mobileNumber
   end tell
end SendSMS

Then just call SendSMS("your message") in your embedded applescript

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Posted on
Thu Dec 15, 2005 11:18 am
dtich offline
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oh, that's cool. didn't know ichat did that. through aim is it? so that's an aol service?

thanks andy.

Posted on
Thu Dec 15, 2005 1:55 pm
ajturner offline
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Yeah, this first became available about 2 years ago I believe. AIM supports it, but unfortunately for the rest of the world, it apparently only works within the US. Everyone else can use the email method that you pointed out however.

I think AOL recently modified it to require your mobile be an account in your buddy list. I guess this is to help prevent (or at least make more difficult) SMS spam via the AIM service by automated scripts. :)

Some phones/providers also support directly receiving email messages (like T-Mobile), so this may be a cheaper option.

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Posted on
Thu Dec 15, 2005 3:47 pm
dtich offline
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yes, my phone gets email, but not everywhere, and when i'm traveling in europe i use a temporary gsm phone with no email, so this is great for that. and it's free. and i get to avoid aol. which i do whenever possible! lol.

Posted on
Tue Jan 09, 2007 4:37 pm
Paco offline
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I've discovered SMS Mac from that works with all cell phones and all around the world (almost), see

SMS Mac is full scriptable and some exemples are avalaible at for Apple Mail, iCal and Growl.

Does any one already use this software and have tried to write an Attachment script for Indigo ?


Posted on
Wed Jan 10, 2007 10:18 am
Lalit offline
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Hi Paco,

I am using SMS Mac since November and it is a great application fully scriptable !
It is a good complement for Indigo.
I use it mainly for Security attachment.
When I've left a door/window open when I leave my home, when the alarm of SC9100 trigger, when there's a power failure (my computer and ADSL box is behind a UPS !), when there's an interface failure, I receive a SMS on my mobile phone.
Obviously the content of the SMS tell me which door/window is open or what kind of problem it is.
If it is my wife who activate the alarm when she leaves the home, she will receive the SMS, if it's me I will receive the SMS.

A really good app ! I've helped them for the french translation !

Posted on
Wed Jan 10, 2007 12:43 pm
mric offline
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Cool I hoped that this application was fully applicable in France :D


Posted on
Thu Jan 11, 2007 7:38 pm
Paco offline
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Hey Lalit, could you give more details about your installation ?
Salut Lalit, pourriez-vous donner plus de détails sur votre installation ?

Have you written an attachment script that would work like Ovolab Phlink one to use only one line instruction (MakeEmergencyCallToNumber) to call phones ?
Avez-vous écrit un attachment script comme pour Ovolab Phlink qui permet de n'utiliser qu'une seule ligne d'instruction (MakeEmergencyCallToNumber) pour appeler au téléphone ?


Posted on
Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:20 am
Lalit offline
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Hi Paco and Mric !

Sorry to answer in late but I was busy (but not enough to read every day the news on the forum :wink: )
Paco wrote:
Hey Lalit, could you give more details about your installation ? Have you written an attachment script that would work like Ovolab Phlink one to use only one line instruction (MakeEmergencyCallToNumber) to call phones ?

You don't need an attachment script but only an external script stored in Library:Application Support:Perceptive Automation:Indigo 2:Scripts
You don't need to load this script into memory because we don't use often the script like the weather script or security script !

First of all you have to create 5 variables in Indigo to use with SMSMac :
- SmsRestants : SMS left in your account
- TypeSms : flash (for non-important event) or texto (which is stored in the memory of the cellular)
- Emetteur : sender
- Destinataire : receiver
- Message : content of the SMS

Then you have to create a script that I've called SMS
Then copy/paste this :
tell application "IndigoServer"
if value of variable "TypeSms" is "texto" then set TypeSms to false
if value of variable "TypeSms" is "flash" then set TypeSms to true

set emetteur to value of variable "Emetteur"

if value of variable "Destinataire" is "monsieur" then set destinataire to "+336XXXXXXXX"
if value of variable "Destinataire" is "madame" then set destinataire to "+336XXXXXXXX"

set contenu to value of variable "Message"
end tell

tell application "SMS Mac Scripting"
set account to "xxxxxxxx"
set pin to "xxxx"
set sms to make new outgoing sms
tell sms
set flash to TypeSms
set delivery report to true
set sender to {emetteur}
set recipients to {destinataire}
set message to contenu

my envoiSms()

end tell
end tell

on envoiSms()
tell application "SMS Mac Scripting"
send outgoing sms 1
set textoRestants to balance
end tell
delay 1
tell application "IndigoServer"
set value of variable "SmsRestants" to textoRestants
set value of variable "TypeSms" to ""
set value of variable "Emetteur" to ""
set value of variable "Destinataire" to ""
set value of variable "Message" to ""
end tell
end envoiSms

Let me explain why I have a few receivers : each alarm remote has a unique ID, so for example if my wife left the window open when she leaves home she will receive the SMS, not me ! Do you understand ?

Then, on each script you want a SMS notification, copy/paste this :
tell application "IndigoServer"
set value of variable "TypeSms" to "flash" -- or "texto" as you want
set value of variable "Emetteur" to "Indigo"
set value of variable "Destinataire" to "monsieur"
set value of variable "Message" to ":-( Blablabla" -- SMSMac support smileys !

execute script "/:Library:Application Support:Perceptive Automation:Indigo 2:Scripts:SMS.scpt"
end tell

If you want to use it in the Security attachment script and want to type only one line instruction :
using terms from application "IndigoServer"
on receive security event of evenement with code dispositifID
if evenement is sec_SensorNormal_min then detecteurVeille_min(dispositifID)
if evenement is sec_SensorNormal_max then detecteurVeille_max(dispositifID)

if evenement is sec_SensorAlert_min then detecteurAlerte_min(dispositifID)
if evenement is sec_SensorAlert_max then detecteurAlerte_max(dispositifID)

end receive security event

on detecteurAlerte_min(dispositifID)
if dispositifID = 110 then --
my sms("texto", "ALARME", "monsieur", ":-( L'alarme a été déclenchée par la porte d'entrée ! Blablabla...")
end if

if dispositifID = 82 then --
my sms("texto", "ALARME", "monsieur", ":-( L'alarme a été déclenchée par la fenêtre ! Blablabla...")
end if
end detecteurAlerte_min

-- at the end of the script
on sms(smsType, emetteur, destinataire, contenu)
set value of variable "TypeSms" to smsType
set value of variable "Emetteur" to emetteur
set value of variable "Destinataire" to destinataire
set value of variable "Message" to contenu

execute script "/:Library:Application Support:Perceptive Automation:Indigo 2:Scripts:SMS.scpt"
end sms
end using terms from

Hope it helps !


Posted on
Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:48 am
mric offline
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So good ! :D

But Lalit do you see it ?, now, send SMS in France is free :D

But I will prefer your solution, because it will be best solution in time I think :)


Posted on
Wed Feb 07, 2007 6:31 am
Lalit offline
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Hi Mric,

If you want more security with your SC9000, consider to use these technologies together :
- you receive a call from your SC9000
- you receive an email from Indigo
- you receive a SMS from SMSMac

You could say it is redundant, but in security you must have many solutions of substitution in case if one technology is defficient !

Also don't forget to connect your ADSL modem to the UPS so if there is any kind of problem (power failure or a robber who cut the power line of your home), all the notifications will work !
But if he cuts the phone line, no more notifications and you could say goodbye to your Mac Mini and TV flat screen...because the siren only won't be enough efficient ! :cry:


Posted on
Sat Jul 12, 2008 11:24 am
Scoot offline
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I dont like to use iChat to send outgoing text messages because of complications with my existing iChat accounts. Also, while smsMac will do this, it's subscription based and has a ten cent per message fee. Instead I use Adium which is fully scriptable, and its FREE. I created a new House specific AIM account and set it up in Adium. I leave Adium running 24X7 and am always logged into my house account which no one knows about. Indigo executes a script like this to send me various text messages:

set theMessage to "Alarm is Off"

tell application "Adium"
go online
tell account "houseIndigo"
make new chat with contacts {contact "+16195555555"} with new chat window
end tell
send the active chat message theMessage
close the active chat
end tell

Also, Indigo executes this script most reliably when its executed as a linked file as opposed to being embedded. Otherwise it sometimes fails to send when my screensaver is activated.

Cheers from sunny San Diego.

Posted on
Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:29 pm
jnscolo offline
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At least one small, inquiring mind would like to know if it's possible for Adium to trigger a script on receipt of a message. I'm also wondering about using Growl in the mix. Anyone?

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