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Hue Bulb updated to 1

PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2015 11:29 am
by Nine
I do have 3 Hue Bulb (ID 7,8,9) in a room controled by Indigo. Now and then I got this strange behaviour:

Sent Hue Lights "Gang/Büro" on to 100 at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Gang/Eingang" on to 100 at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Sent Hue Lights "Gang/Küche" on to 100 at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Updated "Gang/Büro" on to 1

I just deleted the bulbs in Indigo and made them new... Can't figure out, what causes the bulb to decrease from 100 to 1...

Turned on the debug and that's the result:

2015-05-26 19:15:45.519 Hue Lights Debug Command is TurnOn, Bulb is 7
2015-05-26 19:15:45.520 Hue Lights Debug device on:
actionValue : 0
delayAmount : 900
description : turn on device
deviceAction : TurnOn
deviceId : 231456763
replaceExisting : True
textToSpeak :
2015-05-26 19:15:45.521 Hue Lights Debug Sending URL request: ... ts/7/state
2015-05-26 19:15:45.564 Hue Lights Debug Got response - [{"success":{"/lights/7/state/transitiontime":0}},{"success":{"/lights/7/state/on":true}},{"success":{"/lights/7/state/bri":254}}]
2015-05-26 19:15:45.566 Sent Hue Lights "Gang/Büro" on to 100 at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
2015-05-26 19:15:45.568 Hue Lights Debug updateDeviceState: Updating device Gang/Büro state: brightnessLevel = 100
2015-05-26 19:15:45.570 Hue Lights Debug actionControlDimmerRelay called for device Gang/Eingang. action: actionValue : 0
delayAmount : 900
description : turn on device
deviceAction : TurnOn
deviceId : 308659109
replaceExisting : True
textToSpeak :

device: address : (ID 8)
batteryLevel : None
brightness : 0
buttonGroupCount : 0
configured : True
defaultBrightness : 100
description :
deviceTypeId : hueBulb
displayStateId : brightnessLevel
displayStateImageSel : DimmerOff
displayStateValRaw : 0
displayStateValUi : 0
enabled : True
energyAccumBaseTime : None
energyAccumTimeDelta : None
energyAccumTotal : None
energyCurLevel : None
errorState :
folderId : 869839419
globalProps : MetaProps : (dict)
com.nathansheldon.indigoplugin.HueLights : (dict)
address : (ID 8) (string)
bulbId : 8 (string)
defaultBrightness : 100 (string)
modelId : LCT001 (string)
nameOnHub : Hue Lamp 6 (string)
rate : 0 (string)
savedBrightness : 145 (integer)
id : 308659109
lastChanged : 2015-05-26 19:15:40
ledStates : []
model : Hue Bulb (Original, Downlight, Spotlight, etc.)
name : Gang/Eingang
onBrightensToDefaultToggle : False
onBrightensToLast : False
onState : False
pluginId : com.nathansheldon.indigoplugin.HueLights
pluginProps : com.nathansheldon.indigoplugin.HueLights : (dict)
address : (ID 8) (string)
bulbId : 8 (string)
defaultBrightness : 100 (string)
modelId : LCT001 (string)
nameOnHub : Hue Lamp 6 (string)
rate : 0 (string)
savedBrightness : 145 (integer)
protocol : Plugin
remoteDisplay : True
states : States : (dict)
alertMode : none (string)
brightnessLevel : 0 (integer)
colorBlue : 0 (integer)
colorGreen : 0 (integer)
colorMode : xy (string)
colorRed : 0 (integer)
colorTemp : 3559 (integer)
colorX : 0.4025 (real)
colorY : 0.4244 (real)
effect : none (string)
hue : 126 (integer)
onOffState : off (on/off bool)
online : true (bool)
saturation : 39 (integer)
subModel :
supportsAllLightsOnOff : False
supportsAllOff : False
supportsStatusRequest : True
version : 0
2015-05-26 19:15:45.572 Hue Lights Debug Command is TurnOn, Bulb is 8
2015-05-26 19:15:45.574 Hue Lights Debug device on:
actionValue : 0
delayAmount : 900
description : turn on device
deviceAction : TurnOn
deviceId : 308659109
replaceExisting : True
textToSpeak :
2015-05-26 19:15:45.575 Hue Lights Debug Sending URL request: ... ts/8/state
2015-05-26 19:15:45.664 Hue Lights Debug Got response - [{"success":{"/lights/8/state/transitiontime":0}},{"success":{"/lights/8/state/on":true}},{"success":{"/lights/8/state/bri":254}}]
2015-05-26 19:15:45.667 Sent Hue Lights "Gang/Eingang" on to 100 at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
2015-05-26 19:15:45.668 Hue Lights Debug updateDeviceState: Updating device Gang/Eingang state: brightnessLevel = 100
2015-05-26 19:15:45.670 Hue Lights Debug actionControlDimmerRelay called for device Gang/Küche. (Unable to display action or device data due to error: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xfc' in position 918: ordinal not in range(128))
2015-05-26 19:15:45.671 Hue Lights Debug Command is TurnOn, Bulb is 9
2015-05-26 19:15:45.672 Hue Lights Debug device on:
actionValue : 0
delayAmount : 900
description : turn on device
deviceAction : TurnOn
deviceId : 1174867293
replaceExisting : True
textToSpeak :
2015-05-26 19:15:45.673 Hue Lights Debug Sending URL request: ... ts/9/state
2015-05-26 19:15:45.778 Hue Lights Debug Got response - [{"success":{"/lights/9/state/transitiontime":0}},{"success":{"/lights/9/state/on":true}},{"success":{"/lights/9/state/bri":254}}]
2015-05-26 19:15:45.779 Sent Hue Lights "Gang/Küche" on to 100 at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
2015-05-26 19:15:45.780 Hue Lights Debug updateDeviceState: Updating device Gang/Küche state: brightnessLevel = 100
2015-05-26 19:15:45.782 Hue Lights Debug didDeviceCommPropertyChange called.
2015-05-26 19:15:45.783 Hue Lights Debug didDeviceCommPropertyChange called.
2015-05-26 19:15:45.785 Hue Lights Debug didDeviceCommPropertyChange called.
2015-05-26 19:15:49.930 Hue Lights Debug Get device status for Gang/Küche
2015-05-26 19:15:49.932 Hue Lights Debug Sending URL request: ... e/lights/9
2015-05-26 19:15:49.965 Hue Lights Debug Data from hub: {"state": {"on":true,"bri":254,"hue":22949,"sat":100,"effect":"none","xy":[0.4025,0.4244],"ct":281,"alert":"none","colormode":"xy","reachable":true}, "type": "Extended color light", "name": "Hue Lamp 7", "modelid": "LCT001", "manufacturername": "Philips","uniqueid":"00:17:88:01:00:e1:1f:32-0b", "swversion": "66013452", "pointsymbol": { "1":"none", "2":"none", "3":"none", "4":"none", "5":"none", "6":"none", "7":"none", "8":"none" }}
2015-05-26 19:15:49.967 Hue Lights Debug updateDeviceState: Updating device Gang/Küche state: colorRed = 154
2015-05-26 19:15:49.970 Hue Lights Debug updateDeviceState: Updating device Gang/Küche state: colorGreen = 254
2015-05-26 19:15:49.973 Hue Lights Debug updateDeviceState: Updating device Gang/Küche state: colorBlue = 165
2015-05-26 19:15:49.976 Hue Lights Debug didDeviceCommPropertyChange called.
2015-05-26 19:15:49.977 Hue Lights Debug didDeviceCommPropertyChange called.
2015-05-26 19:15:49.981 Hue Lights Debug didDeviceCommPropertyChange called.
2015-05-26 19:15:50.122 Hue Lights Debug Get device status for Gang/Eingang
2015-05-26 19:15:50.124 Hue Lights Debug Sending URL request: ... e/lights/8
2015-05-26 19:15:50.176 Hue Lights Debug Data from hub: {"state": {"on":true,"bri":254,"hue":22949,"sat":100,"effect":"none","xy":[0.4025,0.4244],"ct":281,"alert":"none","colormode":"xy","reachable":true}, "type": "Extended color light", "name": "Hue Lamp 6", "modelid": "LCT001", "manufacturername": "Philips","uniqueid":"00:17:88:01:00:bb:ee:8e-0b", "swversion": "66013452", "pointsymbol": { "1":"none", "2":"none", "3":"none", "4":"none", "5":"none", "6":"none", "7":"none", "8":"none" }}
2015-05-26 19:15:50.178 Hue Lights Debug updateDeviceState: Updating device Gang/Eingang state: colorRed = 154
2015-05-26 19:15:50.180 Hue Lights Debug updateDeviceState: Updating device Gang/Eingang state: colorGreen = 254
2015-05-26 19:15:50.183 Hue Lights Debug updateDeviceState: Updating device Gang/Eingang state: colorBlue = 165
2015-05-26 19:15:50.187 Hue Lights Debug didDeviceCommPropertyChange called.
2015-05-26 19:15:50.192 Hue Lights Debug didDeviceCommPropertyChange called.
2015-05-26 19:15:50.194 Hue Lights Debug didDeviceCommPropertyChange called.
2015-05-26 19:15:50.334 Hue Lights Debug Get device status for Gang/Büro
2015-05-26 19:15:50.336 Hue Lights Debug Sending URL request: ... e/lights/7
2015-05-26 19:15:50.401 Hue Lights Debug Data from hub: {"state": {"on":true,"bri":254,"hue":22949,"sat":100,"effect":"none","xy":[0.4025,0.4244],"ct":281,"alert":"none","colormode":"xy","reachable":true}, "type": "Extended color light", "name": "Hue Lamp 5", "modelid": "LCT001", "manufacturername": "Philips","uniqueid":"00:17:88:01:00:e1:1c:18-0b", "swversion": "66013452", "pointsymbol": { "1":"none", "2":"none", "3":"none", "4":"none", "5":"none", "6":"none", "7":"none", "8":"none" }}
2015-05-26 19:15:50.406 Hue Lights Debug updateDeviceState: Updating device Gang/Büro state: colorRed = 154
2015-05-26 19:15:50.409 Hue Lights Debug updateDeviceState: Updating device Gang/Büro state: colorGreen = 254
2015-05-26 19:15:50.413 Hue Lights Debug updateDeviceState: Updating device Gang/Büro state: colorBlue = 165
2015-05-26 19:15:50.417 Hue Lights Debug didDeviceCommPropertyChange called.
2015-05-26 19:15:50.421 Hue Lights Debug didDeviceCommPropertyChange called.
2015-05-26 19:15:50.422 Hue Lights Debug didDeviceCommPropertyChange called.
2015-05-26 19:15:59.168 Hue Lights Debug Get device status for Gang/Küche
2015-05-26 19:15:59.171 Hue Lights Debug Sending URL request: ... e/lights/9
2015-05-26 19:15:59.183 Hue Lights Debug Data from hub: {"state": {"on":true,"bri":254,"hue":22949,"sat":100,"effect":"none","xy":[0.4025,0.4244],"ct":281,"alert":"none","colormode":"xy","reachable":true}, "type": "Extended color light", "name": "Hue Lamp 7", "modelid": "LCT001", "manufacturername": "Philips","uniqueid":"00:17:88:01:00:e1:1f:32-0b", "swversion": "66013452", "pointsymbol": { "1":"none", "2":"none", "3":"none", "4":"none", "5":"none", "6":"none", "7":"none", "8":"none" }}
2015-05-26 19:15:59.339 Hue Lights Debug Get device status for Gang/Eingang
2015-05-26 19:15:59.341 Hue Lights Debug Sending URL request: ... e/lights/8
2015-05-26 19:15:59.360 Hue Lights Debug Data from hub: {"state": {"on":true,"bri":2,"hue":22949,"sat":100,"effect":"none","xy":[0.4025,0.4244],"ct":281,"alert":"none","colormode":"xy","reachable":true}, "type": "Extended color light", "name": "Hue Lamp 6", "modelid": "LCT001", "manufacturername": "Philips","uniqueid":"00:17:88:01:00:bb:ee:8e-0b", "swversion": "66013452", "pointsymbol": { "1":"none", "2":"none", "3":"none", "4":"none", "5":"none", "6":"none", "7":"none", "8":"none" }}
2015-05-26 19:15:59.362 Updated "Gang/Eingang" on to 1
2015-05-26 19:15:59.363 Hue Lights Debug updateDeviceState: Updating device Gang/Eingang state: brightnessLevel = 1
2015-05-26 19:15:59.365 Hue Lights Debug updateDeviceState: Updating device Gang/Eingang state: colorRed = 1
2015-05-26 19:15:59.368 Hue Lights Debug updateDeviceState: Updating device Gang/Eingang state: colorGreen = 2
2015-05-26 19:15:59.374 Hue Lights Debug updateDeviceState: Updating device Gang/Eingang state: colorBlue = 1
2015-05-26 19:15:59.377 Hue Lights Debug didDeviceCommPropertyChange called.
2015-05-26 19:15:59.379 Hue Lights Debug didDeviceCommPropertyChange called.
2015-05-26 19:15:59.383 Hue Lights Debug didDeviceCommPropertyChange called.
2015-05-26 19:15:59.385 Hue Lights Debug didDeviceCommPropertyChange called.
2015-05-26 19:15:59.516 Hue Lights Debug Get device status for Gang/Büro
2015-05-26 19:15:59.517 Hue Lights Debug Sending URL request: ... e/lights/7
2015-05-26 19:15:59.532 Hue Lights Debug Data from hub: {"state": {"on":true,"bri":254,"hue":22949,"sat":100,"effect":"none","xy":[0.4025,0.4244],"ct":281,"alert":"none","colormode":"xy","reachable":true}, "type": "Extended color light", "name": "Hue Lamp 5", "modelid": "LCT001", "manufacturername": "Philips","uniqueid":"00:17:88:01:00:e1:1c:18-0b", "swversion": "66013452", "pointsymbol": { "1":"none", "2":"none", "3":"none", "4":"none", "5":"none", "6":"none", "7":"none", "8":"none" }}

Any ideas why Indigo is dimming one bulb (it's not always the same ID) randomly?


Re: Hue Bulb updated to 1

PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2015 1:09 am
by nsheldon
Hi Simon.

The error you're seeing in the debug log

"2015-05-26 19:15:45.670 Hue Lights Debug actionControlDimmerRelay called for device Gang/Küche. (Unable to display action or device data due to error: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xfc' in position 918: ordinal not in range(128))"

is an error caught and handled by the plugin when it encounters device names with non-ASCII characters in it such as the ü in Küche. That doesn't mean the plugin is sending an incorrect command or missing one. It just means that it was going to display a bunch of action details in the log but couldn't because it couldn't convert the non-ASCII character to ASCII for log display.

As for the other interesting bit in the log

"2015-05-26 19:15:59.362 Updated "Gang/Eingang" on to 1"

When the Hue Lights plugin displays a log entry that says "Updated", that means that when the plugin asked the Hue hub for the status of a light, the Hue hub returned a status that was different than what the plugin thought the light was at, so the plugin updated Indigo to match the actual status of the light. This means that some other device (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Android device, computer web browser, Hue Tap, scheduled event on the Hue hub, geofenced event on the Hue hub, etc.) changed the light brightness down to 1. The plugin didn't make this change, it simply recognized the change had already been made and updated Indigo to reflect this.

Try resetting all the schedules on the hub (this can be done in the Hue app on your iPhone/iPad). Also, try deleting any geofence triggers on the hub from the Hue app. Make sure you don't have any other devices that might send this change too.

Re: Hue Bulb updated to 1

PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2015 1:17 am
by Nine
Thx Nathan!

At least I know now, what these entries mean.

Can you rule out -- based on these log entries -- that the command is comming from Indigo? If this is the case, I can perhaps "reset" the hub, so no device has access anymore and just reconfigure step by step what I really need...


Re: Hue Bulb updated to 1

PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2015 1:43 am
by nsheldon
Hi again Simon.

Yes. The Hue Lights plugin is sending commands to bulbs 7, 8, and 9, but all the commands are to instantly turn on to 100% brightness. The sequence of events from the log appears to be...

At 7:15:45 PM, turn on bulb IDs 7, 8, and 9.
2015-05-26 19:15:45.519 Hue Lights Debug Command is TurnOn, Bulb is 7
2015-05-26 19:15:45.521 Hue Lights Debug Sending URL request: ... ts/7/state
2015-05-26 19:15:45.564 Hue Lights Debug Got response - [{"success":{"/lights/7/state/transitiontime":0}},{"success":{"/lights/7/state/on":true}},{"success":{"/lights/7/state/bri":254}}]
2015-05-26 19:15:45.566 Sent Hue Lights "Gang/Büro" on to 100 at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
2015-05-26 19:15:45.572 Hue Lights Debug Command is TurnOn, Bulb is 8
2015-05-26 19:15:45.575 Hue Lights Debug Sending URL request: ... ts/8/state
2015-05-26 19:15:45.664 Hue Lights Debug Got response - [{"success":{"/lights/8/state/transitiontime":0}},{"success":{"/lights/8/state/on":true}},{"success":{"/lights/8/state/bri":254}}]
2015-05-26 19:15:45.667 Sent Hue Lights "Gang/Eingang" on to 100 at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
2015-05-26 19:15:45.671 Hue Lights Debug Command is TurnOn, Bulb is 9
2015-05-26 19:15:45.673 Hue Lights Debug Sending URL request: ... ts/9/state
2015-05-26 19:15:45.778 Hue Lights Debug Got response - [{"success":{"/lights/9/state/transitiontime":0}},{"success":{"/lights/9/state/on":true}},{"success":{"/lights/9/state/bri":254}}]
2015-05-26 19:15:45.779 Sent Hue Lights "Gang/Küche" on to 100 at ramp rate 0.0 sec.

At 7:15:49, get the status of bulb IDs 7, 8, and 9 (light brightness of 254 = 100% brightness):
2015-05-26 19:15:49.930 Hue Lights Debug Get device status for Gang/Küche
2015-05-26 19:15:49.932 Hue Lights Debug Sending URL request: ... e/lights/9
2015-05-26 19:15:49.965 Hue Lights Debug Data from hub: {"state": {"on":true,"bri":254,"hue":22949,"sat":100,"effect":"none","xy":[0.4025,0.4244],"ct":281,"alert":"none","colormode":"xy","reachable":true}, "type": "Extended color light", "name": "Hue Lamp 7", "modelid": "LCT001", "manufacturername": "Philips","uniqueid":"00:17:88:01:00:e1:1f:32-0b", "swversion": "66013452", "pointsymbol": { "1":"none", "2":"none", "3":"none", "4":"none", "5":"none", "6":"none", "7":"none", "8":"none" }}
2015-05-26 19:15:50.122 Hue Lights Debug Get device status for Gang/Eingang
2015-05-26 19:15:50.124 Hue Lights Debug Sending URL request: ... e/lights/8
2015-05-26 19:15:50.176 Hue Lights Debug Data from hub: {"state": {"on":true,"bri":254,"hue":22949,"sat":100,"effect":"none","xy":[0.4025,0.4244],"ct":281,"alert":"none","colormode":"xy","reachable":true}, "type": "Extended color light", "name": "Hue Lamp 6", "modelid": "LCT001", "manufacturername": "Philips","uniqueid":"00:17:88:01:00:bb:ee:8e-0b", "swversion": "66013452", "pointsymbol": { "1":"none", "2":"none", "3":"none", "4":"none", "5":"none", "6":"none", "7":"none", "8":"none" }}
2015-05-26 19:15:50.334 Hue Lights Debug Get device status for Gang/Büro
2015-05-26 19:15:50.336 Hue Lights Debug Sending URL request: ... e/lights/7
2015-05-26 19:15:50.401 Hue Lights Debug Data from hub: {"state": {"on":true,"bri":254,"hue":22949,"sat":100,"effect":"none","xy":[0.4025,0.4244],"ct":281,"alert":"none","colormode":"xy","reachable":true}, "type": "Extended color light", "name": "Hue Lamp 5", "modelid": "LCT001", "manufacturername": "Philips","uniqueid":"00:17:88:01:00:e1:1c:18-0b", "swversion": "66013452", "pointsymbol": { "1":"none", "2":"none", "3":"none", "4":"none", "5":"none", "6":"none", "7":"none", "8":"none" }}

At 7:15:59 PM, get the status of bulb IDs 7, 8, and 9 again, but this time bulb 8 appears to be at brightness 1:
2015-05-26 19:15:59.168 Hue Lights Debug Get device status for Gang/Küche
2015-05-26 19:15:59.171 Hue Lights Debug Sending URL request: ... e/lights/9
2015-05-26 19:15:59.183 Hue Lights Debug Data from hub: {"state": {"on":true,"bri":254,"hue":22949,"sat":100,"effect":"none","xy":[0.4025,0.4244],"ct":281,"alert":"none","colormode":"xy","reachable":true}, "type": "Extended color light", "name": "Hue Lamp 7", "modelid": "LCT001", "manufacturername": "Philips","uniqueid":"00:17:88:01:00:e1:1f:32-0b", "swversion": "66013452", "pointsymbol": { "1":"none", "2":"none", "3":"none", "4":"none", "5":"none", "6":"none", "7":"none", "8":"none" }}
2015-05-26 19:15:59.339 Hue Lights Debug Get device status for Gang/Eingang
2015-05-26 19:15:59.341 Hue Lights Debug Sending URL request: ... e/lights/8
2015-05-26 19:15:59.360 Hue Lights Debug Data from hub: {"state": {"on":true,"bri":2,"hue":22949,"sat":100,"effect":"none","xy":[0.4025,0.4244],"ct":281,"alert":"none","colormode":"xy","reachable":true}, "type": "Extended color light", "name": "Hue Lamp 6", "modelid": "LCT001", "manufacturername": "Philips","uniqueid":"00:17:88:01:00:bb:ee:8e-0b", "swversion": "66013452", "pointsymbol": { "1":"none", "2":"none", "3":"none", "4":"none", "5":"none", "6":"none", "7":"none", "8":"none" }}
2015-05-26 19:15:59.362 Updated "Gang/Eingang" on to 1
2015-05-26 19:15:59.516 Hue Lights Debug Get device status for Gang/Büro
2015-05-26 19:15:59.517 Hue Lights Debug Sending URL request: ... e/lights/7
2015-05-26 19:15:59.532 Hue Lights Debug Data from hub: {"state": {"on":true,"bri":254,"hue":22949,"sat":100,"effect":"none","xy":[0.4025,0.4244],"ct":281,"alert":"none","colormode":"xy","reachable":true}, "type": "Extended color light", "name": "Hue Lamp 5", "modelid": "LCT001", "manufacturername": "Philips","uniqueid":"00:17:88:01:00:e1:1c:18-0b", "swversion": "66013452", "pointsymbol": { "1":"none", "2":"none", "3":"none", "4":"none", "5":"none", "6":"none", "7":"none", "8":"none" }}

So something outside of the Hue Lights plugin told bulb ID 8 ("Gang/Eingang") to go to brightness level 2 (out of 254) between 7:15:50 and 7:15:59 PM. It could be any of the sources mentioned earlier, or even another copy of the Hue Lights plugin (if you have more than one copy running).