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directions for getting MQTT on Hubitat

PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2022 1:47 pm
by jroach
Trying to install/configure a new Hubitat into Indigo. I've installed the plugins; Hubitat Bridge, MQTT Broker and MQTT Connector.
I'm stuck at how to get MQTT installed or connected to the Hubitat. I've been to the plugin page but still confused as there is an assumption (I think) that this connection has already been made. OR.... a link to the directions that walk you through this for MQTT and Hubitat.


Re: directions for getting MQTT on Hubitat

PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2022 2:31 pm
by autolog
To get this working you need:

  • An MQTT Broker e.g. Mosquitto or the MQTT Broker from the Indigo Plugin Store.
  • You don't need the MQTT Connector from the Indigo Plugin Store.
  • On your Hubitat device you need to install and setup the MQTT App by user @kevin to publish your zigbee device to MQTT.
  • Install the MQTT App from @kevin aka xAPPO on Github: Forum: [Beta] MQTT beta 3d (released 5th July) and Github: xAPPO/MQTT. Send a PM to Kevin on the Hubitat Forums to get the lastest pre-release versio n, stating that you are an Indigo user.
  • Configure theHubitat MQTT App to publish Hubitat devices you want to monitor / control
  • On Indigo, you need to setup a Hubitat Bridge > MQTT Broker device to point at your MQTT Broker.
    Tick the boxes in MQTT Publications and MQTT Subscriptions for homie (Hubitat)
  • This will then appear in the pull-down for the Hub you are setting up i.e. create a Hubitat Bridge > Hubitat Elevation Hub device.
    If setup correctlty, this should show a status of connected.
  • You then need to add say a shades device e.g. Hubitat Bridge > Dimmer (Blind/Shade) and select the properties you need.
Hopefully this will get you started and apologies for the lack of documentation!

Re: directions for getting MQTT on Hubitat

PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2022 2:38 pm
by jroach
autolog, many thanks. Going through it now.
more involved than I thought.
Curious, Is there an easier way to get zigbee on indigo?

Re: directions for getting MQTT on Hubitat

PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2022 3:11 pm
by jroach
Went through this the best I could and I don't think I'm cut out for this approach. Before I give up, let me see if I understand it correctly.

- In order to get Zigbee working on Hubitat I need to download code from github
- The code is not in a package so I have to download the code and paste it into something (I'm guessing as I couldn't fond a file to download OR I need to request a file from Kevin.
- The code is beta but from what I've seen/read its OK but are there any security vulnerabilities and has the code been stable (I don't want to spend days troubleshooting...just a user)
- I then need to connect Indigo to Hubitat plugin via MQTT then to Hubitat app which seems like a few points of failure

I love a good puzzle so I'm still intrigued but not certain I have the skills.

Re: directions for getting MQTT on Hubitat

PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 3:08 pm
by jroach
too many moving parts for me. Downloaded the MQTT code, drivers, etc. Realized that there are several pieces that I am introducing into my system just to get Zigbee.
As Jay said, (paraphrased) with Matter on the horizon....
Anyway, packing up Hubitat for return.