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UniFi controller update causing log error

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2022 12:59 pm
by jstewart30
Just updated my UniFi controller app to version 7.3.76 and noticed the following line now appears frequently in my log file:

UniFi Controller Login Connection Error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=8443): Read timed out. (read timeout=5.0)

Oddly, the controller device in Indigo still shows Login OK and all systems appear normal. Just can't get the log entry to go away...not a big deal obviously but something isn't right. I've tried playing with a few things (trying the IP address rather than localhost (no difference) and checking the SSL box in the configure settings (which causes the connection to NOT work)). I have self-signed mkcert created certificate to deal with UniFi's SSL browser login issues...not sure if that's related to this issue or not.

Re: UniFi controller update causing log error

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 4:06 pm
by jstewart30
Small update: I turned the logging level down in the plugin setting to stop these messages appearing in the log (I was getting them every few minutes) . I noticed today (about 24 hours later) that the Unifi Controller device was no longer connected (which wasn't the case showed the log error but was still showing "login ok" in the device status)). I did a browser login to the controller (which went fine) and then the Indigo Controller device suddenly showed "login ok" again. When the controller was offline, the Access Points and wireless devices still showed connected, fwiw.

Again this doesn't appear to be affecting anything functionally, but presumably something changed in the latest UniFi controller update (7.3.76).

Re: UniFi controller update causing log error

PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 2:50 pm
by FlyingDiver
If you could open a GitHub issue for this, with a summary and log entries, I'd appreciate it.

Re: UniFi controller update causing log error

PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2022 11:48 am
by jstewart30
Done, thanks for the help Joe

Re: UniFi controller update causing log error

PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2023 11:30 am
by jstewart30
For anyone having this issue that hasn't checked the Github repo, I solved the issue with Joe's suggestion there to change the timeout value on line 225 of inside the Plugin wrapper. I had to set it to 30 (versus the default of 5.0) to get the errors to stop (15.0 was the next lowest I tried, which didn't work, so 20 or 25 might also work). I'm doing a polling frequency of 60 seconds (reducing the polling frequency didn't help). Just wanted to share a solution here in case others were running into the same issue. Another user opened a trouble ticket with UniFi since it sounds like this controller version 7.3.76 has some intermittent connection hiccups, so hopefully this will be fixed in a future controller update, as the problem seems to be there and not the miniUniFi plugin.