Heads up - maybe issues with the change to GMT tonight

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Sat Oct 24, 2020 4:47 am
neilk offline
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Location: Reading, UK

Heads up - maybe issues with the change to GMT tonight

Hi all,
Just a warning that you may experience some issues tonight as the Octopus API is a little inconsistent in the way it treats Daylight Savings. I think it should cope but it is possible I see some unexpected behaviour that I have not caught, or indeed that the rates could get out of sync. I will be checking and pushing a release tomorrow if anything crops up but feel free to report any wierdness. Sorry it of course has not been possible to test this in anger.

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Sun Oct 25, 2020 3:18 am
neilk offline
Posts: 725
Joined: Jul 13, 2015
Location: Reading, UK

Re: Heads up - maybe issues with the change to GMT tonight

Hi all,

A quick update, the plugin seemed to handle the change without any runtime errors which I was a little concerned about as the format of the results changes with the clock change and I wasn't able to test properly. I won't know 100% until tomorrow when they consumption data for today is published, as that will have 50 half hour periods rather than 48 and it is entirely possible that trips up some of my logic and the calculations. Certainly you will get some inconsistency related to the extra hour in your logging and graphing and potentially under call your actual consumption but I cannot think of a more elegant way to address this for the two days of the year it will impact.

One issue does exist though, the device half hour states need a manual refresh, as of course I update them at midnight and the clocks change at 2:00am so they are 1 hour out. The current rate in the device state is correct, it is just the 48 half hourly states that are out of sync. To fix this you need to force a refresh from the plugin menu "Force API refresh at the next refresh cycle".

In a future version I will make that automatic on DST change days. I will check again tomorrow to validate the impact of the consumption data arriving.


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