Announcer Usage questions

Posted on
Tue Oct 24, 2017 5:39 pm
virgahyatt offline
Posts: 132
Joined: Jan 11, 2014

Re: Announcer Usage questions

I was trying to install this plugin. However, the link to the microcosm software just leads to a blog. Where are we supposed to get that from?


EDIT: Nevermind I was able to find it through a search and 3rd party. From what I can tell the site the link points to is just some information about Operating systems though it appears hosted by Microcosm. quite strange. :)

Posted on
Wed Oct 25, 2017 7:34 pm
nsheldon offline
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Re: Announcer Usage questions

I can't seem to reproduce this issue. The logs you shared seem to indicate the IndigoPluginHost service itself is hanging. It's possible that the Announcer plugin is somehow responsible but since I can't reproduce it, you'll probably want to do some detailed troubleshooting.

If you're using the Homebridge Buddy plugin, try disabling it then restarting the computer (not just the Indigo server, but the entire computer). I've seen intermittent hangs on my system in the past with that plugin installed, but not frequent enough to be able to track down the cause. The second thing I'd try to do is disable all other plugins in Indigo, then re-enable them one at a time until you start to see the errors. Yes, depending on how many plugins you're using, that could effectively disable the server, but it's the only way to narrow down what's causing it.

Posted on
Thu Oct 26, 2017 5:09 am
Mirko offline
Posts: 81
Joined: Dec 04, 2014

Re: Announcer Usage questions

Restarting the computer always helps to get Announcer back and working. Homebridge buddy I never downloaded.
But I started to disable AirfoilPRO and then enabled it. Almost immediately I got:

Stopped plugin "Airfoil Pro 1.0.9"
Z-Wave received "075 - 2 hoog Raam Straatzijde Temperature" sensor update to 24.5 °C
Z-Wave received "075 - 2 hoog Raam Straatzijde Humidity" sensor update to 54%
Schedule 085 - 02 TH - MotionDetection TuinHuis OFF only Variables (delayed action)
Z-Wave received "075 - 2 hoog Raam Straatzijde Luminance" sensor update to 11568 lux
Z-Wave received "075 - 2 hoog Raam Straatzijde Ultraviolet" sensor update to 1
Z-Wave received "074 - Temperature - KUBUS bij raamwerkbank" sensor update to 21.3 °C
Enabling plugin "Airfoil Pro 1.0.9"
Starting plugin "Airfoil Pro 1.0.9" (pid 37144)

Z-Wave received "074 - Humidity - KUBUS bij raamwerkbank" sensor update to 56%
Started plugin "Airfoil Pro 1.0.9"
Trigger PUSH mediaserver >> disconnected PUSH bericht
Z-Wave received "074 - Luminance - KUBUS bij raamwerkbank" sensor update to 97 lux
Z-Wave received "074 - Ultraviolet - KUBUS bij raamwerkbank" sensor update to 0
Airfoil Pro Available Airfoil instances: {u'Domotica': u'Domotica.local:16323', u'SafeServer': u'SafeServer.local:49887', u'mediaserver': u'mediaserver.local:11727'}
Trigger PUSH mediaserver >> disconnected PUSH bericht
Trigger Airfoil PRO - mediaserver >> Domotica OFF / ON
Trigger TH - Speakers connected
Trigger Variable 3 hoog - Keuken LED - BLUE
Trigger Variable 3 hoog - Keuken LED - GREEN
Trigger Variable 3 hoog - Keuken LED - RED
Z-Wave received "026 - Luminance 3hg BADKAMER" sensor update to 16 lux
Z-Wave received "025 - Luminance 3hg GORDIJNEN ACHTER" sensor update to 2787 lux
Z-Wave received "033 - Luminance Kubus Kantoor" sensor update to 17 lux
Trigger 033 - KUBUS kantoor Variable LUMEN
Z-Wave received "007 - Luminance Begane Grond 119A" sensor update to 50 lux
Trigger 007 Motion Sensor Trap BG Zwave - STAIRCASE - Variable LUMEN
Z-Wave received "007 - Luminance Begane Grond 119A" sensor update to 50 lux
Z-Wave received "037 - Luminance Talud UP" sensor update to 57 lux
Announcer Error Error in plugin execution ExecuteAction:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 885, in announce
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7/", line 577, in __getattr__
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7/", line 259, in referencebyname
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7/", line 228, in connect
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7/", line 168, in tablesforapp
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7/", line 140, in aetesforapp
RuntimeError: Can't get terminology for application (aem.Application(u'/Applications/Play-Sound/Play')): Command failed: Apple event timed out. (-1712)

Is this of any help?

Thanks so far Nathan,



Posted on
Thu Oct 26, 2017 10:49 pm
nsheldon offline
Posts: 2469
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Location: CA

Re: Announcer Usage questions

Hi Mirko.

Thanks for the details. Perhaps there's some kind of strange incompatibility between the two plugins. To try to confirm that it's actually a conflict between Announcer and Airfoil PRO, enable Announcer and disable Airfoil PRO then start re-enabling the other plugins you use one at a time to see if you still get the errors. If you don't ever get any errors, than there's something odd going on with Announcer and Airfoil PRO.

Posted on
Fri Oct 27, 2017 5:06 am
Mirko offline
Posts: 81
Joined: Dec 04, 2014

Re: Announcer Usage questions

Hi Nathan,

I switched off all the Plug-inn's. Then one by one I switched them on again. Got no Announcer message.
But Announcer does not work.
I switched on the Announcer debug all in green:

Trigger Schilderatelier - Ventilator +22˚C OFF
Announcer Debug Running announce method. Data passed to the method: configured : True
delayAmount : 900
description : play a sound file and speak a message: it's less than 22 degrees celcius. turn off the ventilator, please.
deviceId : 0
pluginId : com.nathansheldon.indigoplugin.Announcer
pluginTypeId : announce
props : com.nathansheldon.indigoplugin.Announcer : (dict)
address : -system-.4551 (string)
announceAudioFile : /Users/domo/Music/Public Announcement Chime.mp3 (string)
announceVolume : 255 (string)
audioPlayer : /Applications/Play-Sound/Play (string)
description : play a sound file and speak a message: it's less than 22 degrees Celcius. Turn off the ventilator, please. (string)
message : it's less than 22 degrees Celcius. Turn off the ventilator, please. (string)
messageFile : (string)
messageVar : (string)
rate : (string)
speechDelay : 2 (string)
speechVolume : 255 (string)
useMessageVariable : false (bool)
useSpecificApp : true (bool)
voice : -system- (string)
replaceExisting : True
textToSpeak :
Announcer Debug Announcer called from an action request.
Announcer Debug action property values assigned.
Announcer Debug Audio player /Applications/Play-Sound/Play is running.
Announcer Debug Converting announcement audio file UNIX path to Mac HFS filesystem path.

Announcer Announcing message "it's less than 22 degrees Celcius. Turn off the ventilator, please.".
Announcer Debug Using "say" command to create message file "/tmp/1509101069.98.aif" with spoken message "it's less than 22 degrees Celcius. Turn off the ventilator, please." using voice at volume 255.
Announcer Debug Say command results: 0
Announcer Debug Telling /Applications/Play-Sound/Play to play the file /Users/domo/Music/Public Announcement Chime.mp3.

Z-Wave received "043 - Luminance - KUBUSatelier" sensor update to 68 lux
Z-Wave received "026 - Motion Sensor 3hg BADKAMER / Battery level" status update is off
Trigger 026 - 02a Variable ON / OFF
Trigger 026 - 02a Beweging melder Bad 3 hg Lights OFF
Action Group A03 3hg Alle badkamer spots OFF
Trigger 026 - 02a Beweging melder Bad 3 hg Lights OFF WTW stand 2
Z-Wave received "074 - Temperature - KUBUS bij raamwerkbank" sensor update to 21.4 °C
Z-Wave received "074 - Humidity - KUBUS bij raamwerkbank" sensor update to 49%
Sent X10 "H11 Badkamer 3 spots" off
Trigger H11 - OFF >> Variable > OFF
Schedule 026 - 02a Beweging melder Bad 3 hg Lights OFF (delayed action)
Z-Wave received "074 - Luminance - KUBUS bij raamwerkbank" sensor update to 50 lux
Z-Wave received "074 - Ultraviolet - KUBUS bij raamwerkbank" sensor update to 0
Sent X10 "H01 Badkamer spot boven wastafel" off
Sent X10 "H13 Badkamer Wastafel Spiegel Kast" off
Sent X10 "H13 Badkamer Wastafel Spiegel Kast" off
Schedule Schilderatelier - Ventilator +22˚C OFF (delayed action)
Sent X10 "B04 ATELIER-Ventilator" off
Z-Wave received "025 - Luminance 3hg GORDIJNEN ACHTER" sensor update to 1607 lux
Trigger D17 - Timer 37 min >> into Variable >> TimerBath_3hg_licht37min
Z-Wave received "017 - Motion Sensor 3hg Trap / Battery level" status update is off
Trigger 017 Motion Sensor Trap 3hg Licht OFF
Z-Wave sent "018 - Wall Plug Relay (FGWP101) Lamp Bekeken Jo Klaps" off
Cynical Calendars dispatching end event Sonia 11:00 uur
Cynical Calendars iCal Indigo B01 On/Off checking match for Sonia 11:00 uur
Z-Wave received "011 - Luminance Trap 1hg" sensor update to 86 lux
Trigger 011 Motion Sensor Trap 1 hg Zwave - STAIRCASE - Variable LUMEN
Z-Wave received "017 - Luminance Trap 3hg " sensor update to 11 lux
Trigger 017 Motion Sensor Trap 3 hg Zwave - STAIRCASE - Variable LUMEN
Z-Wave received "071 - 3 hoog Raam Straatzijde Temperature" sensor update to 30.8 °C
Z-Wave received "071 - 3 hoog Raam Straatzijde Humidity" sensor update to 32%
Z-Wave received "071 - 3 hoog Raam Straatzijde Luminance" sensor update to 280 lux
Z-Wave received "071 - 3 hoog Raam Straatzijde Ultraviolet" sensor update to 0
Z-Wave received "037 - Luminance Talud UP" sensor update to 59 lux
Schedule 007 Motion Sensor BG 119A Light OFF (delayed action)
Schedule 007 Motion Sensor BG 119A Light OFF (delayed action)
Z-Wave received "055 - Badkuip 3 hoog Luminance" sensor update to 7 lux
Z-Wave received "055 - Badkuip 3 hoog Luminance" sensor update to 7 lux
Sent X10 "A09 Verlichting BG achter VoorDeur 119A" off
Z-Wave received "012 - Luminance Trap 2hg" sensor update to 123 lux
Z-Wave received "091 - Tilt/Tamper AMO bed voor nachtlicht LINKS" status update is off
Z-Wave received "091 - Motion Sensor AMO bed voor nachtlicht LINKS" status update is off
Z-Wave received "026 - Luminance 3hg BADKAMER" sensor update to 6 lux
Schedule 007 Motion Sensor BG 119A Light OFF (delayed action)
Trigger D17 - Timer 37 min >> into Variable >> TimerBath_3hg_licht37min
Sent X10 "A08 BG licht HAVIK" off
Z-Wave received "033 - Luminance Kubus Kantoor" sensor update to 8 lux
Z-Wave received "007 - Luminance Begane Grond 119A" sensor update to 18 lux
Trigger 007 Motion Sensor Trap BG Zwave - STAIRCASE - Variable LUMEN
Z-Wave received "035 - Luminance 2hg Kleding" sensor update to 5 lux
Z-Wave received "075 - 2 hoog Raam Straatzijde Temperature" sensor update to 26.1 °C
Z-Wave received "075 - 2 hoog Raam Straatzijde Humidity" sensor update to 43%
Z-Wave received "075 - 2 hoog Raam Straatzijde Luminance" sensor update to 1474 lux
Z-Wave received "075 - 2 hoog Raam Straatzijde Ultraviolet" sensor update to 0
Z-Wave received "076 - 1 hoog Raam Straatzijde Temperature" sensor update to 24.7 °C
Z-Wave received "076 - 1 hoog Raam Straatzijde Humidity" sensor update to 41%
Z-Wave received "076 - 1 hoog Raam Straatzijde Luminance" sensor update to 255 lux
Z-Wave received "076 - 1 hoog Raam Straatzijde Ultraviolet" sensor update to 0
Z-Wave received "089 - Luminance VSE Talud" sensor update to 42 lux

27 Oct 2017, 12:46:28
Z-Wave received "073 - TH boven aanrecht Temperature" sensor update to 22.1 °C
Z-Wave received "073 - TH boven aanrecht Humidity" sensor update to 47%
Z-Wave received "073 - TH boven aanrecht Luminance" sensor update to 4 lux
Z-Wave received "073 - TH boven aanrecht Ultraviolet" sensor update to 0
Announcer Error Error in plugin execution ExecuteAction:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 885, in announce
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7/", line 577, in __getattr__
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7/", line 259, in referencebyname
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7/", line 228, in connect
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7/", line 168, in tablesforapp
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7/", line 140, in aetesforapp
RuntimeError: Can't get terminology for application (aem.Application(u'/Applications/Play-Sound/Play')): Command failed: Apple event timed out. (-1712)

Weather Conditions Retrieving Weather Condition Information from Weather Underground
Z-Wave received "043 - Luminance - KUBUSatelier" sensor update to 72 lux
Weather Conditions Data retrieved from Weather Underground, and Saved.
Z-Wave received "074 - Temperature - KUBUS bij raamwerkbank" sensor update to 21.4 °C
Z-Wave received "035 - Tilt/Tamper 2hg Kleding" status update is off
Z-Wave received "074 - Humidity - KUBUS bij raamwerkbank" sensor update to 49%
Z-Wave received "035 - Motion Sensor - 2hg Kleding / Battery level" status update is off
Trigger 035 - Kleding 2 hoog Motion light OFF
Action Group A02 - 2hg LED Kledingkasten WARM white OFF
Action Group A02 - 2hg LED Kledingkasten AMBER OFF
Z-Wave sent "015 - Composite 2 hg LED Links kledingkast" set color to 0 0 0, 100
Z-Wave sent "015 - Composite 2 hg LED Links kledingkast" off
Sent Hue Lights "Hue light STRIP - 2hg Schoenenkast" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Z-Wave sent "016 - Composite 2 hg LED Rechts Kledingkast" set color to 0 0 0, 100
Sent Hue Lights "Hue light STRIP - 2hg Schoenenkast" off at ramp rate 0.0 sec.
Z-Wave sent "016 - Composite 2 hg LED Rechts Kledingkast" off
Z-Wave sent "015 - Composite 2 hg LED Links kledingkast" set color to 73 11 0, 0
Z-Wave sent "015 - Composite 2 hg LED Links kledingkast" off
Z-Wave sent "016 - Composite 2 hg LED Rechts Kledingkast" set color to 73 11 0, 0
Z-Wave sent "016 - Composite 2 hg LED Rechts Kledingkast" off
Z-Wave received "074 - Luminance - KUBUS bij raamwerkbank" sensor update to 53 lux
Z-Wave received "074 - Ultraviolet - KUBUS bij raamwerkbank" sensor update to 0
Z-Wave received "008 - Temperature 1 Tuin Vijver" sensor update to 20.62 °C
Z-Wave received "025 - Luminance 3hg GORDIJNEN ACHTER" sensor update to 1710 lux
Trigger D17 - Timer 37 min >> into Variable >> TimerBath_3hg_licht37min
Z-Wave received "011 - Luminance Trap 1hg" sensor update to 87 lux
Trigger 011 Motion Sensor Trap 1 hg Zwave - STAIRCASE - Variable LUMEN
Schedule Heater Schildpadden 12 uur (delayed action)
Sent X10 "F08 TUIN-Turtle Heater" off
Trigger F08 Heater Schildpadden OFF
Z-Wave received "033 - Temperature Kubus Kantoor" sensor update to 22.1 °C
Z-Wave received "017 - Luminan

Posted on
Fri Oct 27, 2017 5:18 am
Mirko offline
Posts: 81
Joined: Dec 04, 2014

Re: Announcer Usage questions

After the computer restart:

27 Oct 2017, 13:16:31
Trigger Schilderatelier - Ventilator +22˚C OFF
Announcer Debug Running announce method. Data passed to the method: configured : True
delayAmount : 900
description : play a sound file and speak a message: it's less than 22 degrees celcius. turn off the ventilator, please.
deviceId : 0
pluginId : com.nathansheldon.indigoplugin.Announcer
pluginTypeId : announce
props : com.nathansheldon.indigoplugin.Announcer : (dict)
address : -system-.4551 (string)
announceAudioFile : /Users/domo/Music/Public Announcement Chime.mp3 (string)
announceVolume : 255 (string)
audioPlayer : /Applications/Play-Sound/Play (string)
description : play a sound file and speak a message: it's less than 22 degrees Celcius. Turn off the ventilator, please. (string)
message : it's less than 22 degrees Celcius. Turn off the ventilator, please. (string)
messageFile : (string)
messageVar : (string)
rate : (string)
speechDelay : 2 (string)
speechVolume : 255 (string)
useMessageVariable : false (bool)
useSpecificApp : true (bool)
voice : -system- (string)
replaceExisting : True
textToSpeak :
Announcer Debug Announcer called from an action request.
Announcer Debug action property values assigned.
Announcer Debug Audio player /Applications/Play-Sound/Play is running.
Announcer Debug Converting announcement audio file UNIX path to Mac HFS filesystem path.

Announcer Announcing message "it's less than 22 degrees Celcius. Turn off the ventilator, please.".
Announcer Debug Using "say" command to create message file "/tmp/1509102991.74.aif" with spoken message "it's less than 22 degrees Celcius. Turn off the ventilator, please." using voice at volume 255.
Announcer Debug Say command results: 0
Announcer Debug Telling /Applications/Play-Sound/Play to play the file /Users/domo/Music/Public Announcement Chime.mp3.
Announcer Debug Converting message audio file UNIX path to Mac HFS filesystem path.
Announcer Debug Telling /Applications/Play-Sound/Play to play the file Indigo DOMO:private:tmp:1509102991.74.aif.

Schedule Schilderatelier - Ventilator +22˚C OFF (delayed action)
Sent X10 "B04 ATELIER-Ventilator" off
Z-Wave received "073 - TH boven aanrecht Temperature" sensor update to 21.4 °C
Z-Wave received "073 - TH boven aanrecht Humidity" sensor update to 47%

Posted on
Fri Oct 27, 2017 5:25 am
Mirko offline
Posts: 81
Joined: Dec 04, 2014

Re: Announcer Usage questions

After switching off Airfoil Satellite:

Announcer Debug Running announce method. Data passed to the method: configured : True
delayAmount : 900
description : play a sound file and speak a message: it's less than 22 degrees celcius. turn off the ventilator, please.
deviceId : 0
pluginId : com.nathansheldon.indigoplugin.Announcer
pluginTypeId : announce
props : com.nathansheldon.indigoplugin.Announcer : (dict)
address : -system-.4551 (string)
announceAudioFile : /Users/domo/Music/Public Announcement Chime.mp3 (string)
announceVolume : 255 (string)
audioPlayer : /Applications/Play-Sound/Play (string)
description : play a sound file and speak a message: it's less than 22 degrees Celcius. Turn off the ventilator, please. (string)
message : it's less than 22 degrees Celcius. Turn off the ventilator, please. (string)
messageFile : (string)
messageVar : (string)
rate : (string)
speechDelay : 2 (string)
speechVolume : 255 (string)
useMessageVariable : false (bool)
useSpecificApp : true (bool)
voice : -system- (string)
replaceExisting : True
textToSpeak :
Announcer Debug Announcer called from an action request.
Announcer Debug action property values assigned.
Announcer Debug Audio player /Applications/Play-Sound/Play is running.
Announcer Debug Converting announcement audio file UNIX path to Mac HFS filesystem path.
Announcer Announcing message "it's less than 22 degrees Celcius. Turn off the ventilator, please.".
Announcer Debug Using "say" command to create message file "/tmp/1509103398.44.aif" with spoken message "it's less than 22 degrees Celcius. Turn off the ventilator, please." using voice at volume 255.
Announcer Debug Say command results: 0
Announcer Debug Telling /Applications/Play-Sound/Play to play the file /Users/domo/Music/Public Announcement Chime.mp3.
Z-Wave received "017 - Luminance Trap 3hg " sensor update to 12 lux
Trigger 017 Motion Sensor Trap 3 hg Zwave - STAIRCASE - Variable LUMEN
Z-Wave received "017 - Luminance Trap 3hg " sensor update to 12 lux
Announcer Debug Converting message audio file UNIX path to Mac HFS filesystem path.
Announcer Debug Telling /Applications/Play-Sound/Play to play the file Indigo DOMO:private:tmp:1509103398.44.aif.

27 Oct 2017, 13:23:35
Schedule Schilderatelie

Posted on
Sat Oct 28, 2017 7:27 pm
nsheldon offline
Posts: 2469
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Location: CA

Re: Announcer Usage questions

So it looks like it works with Airfoil Satellite turned off but starts to fail if Airfoil Satellite running?

Posted on
Sun Oct 29, 2017 6:36 am
Mirko offline
Posts: 81
Joined: Dec 04, 2014

Re: Announcer Usage questions

This morning without Airfoil satellite running:

29 Oct 2017, 12:59:04
Announcer Debug Running announce method. Data passed to the method: configured : True
delayAmount : 900
description : play a sound file and speak a message: check-up water accupack
deviceId : 0
pluginId : com.nathansheldon.indigoplugin.Announcer
pluginTypeId : announce
props : com.nathansheldon.indigoplugin.Announcer : (dict)
address : -system-.3414 (string)
announceAudioFile : /Users/domo/Music/Fire Alarm.mp3 (string)
announceVolume : 255 (string)
audioPlayer : /Applications/Play-Sound/Play Sound (string)
description : play a sound file and speak a message: Check-up water accupack (string)
message : Check-up water accupack (string)
messageFile : (string)
messageVar : (string)
rate : (string)
speechDelay : 5 (string)
speechVolume : 255 (string)
useMessageVariable : false (bool)
useSpecificApp : true (bool)
voice : -system- (string)
replaceExisting : True
textToSpeak :
Announcer Debug Announcer called from an action request.
Announcer Debug action property values assigned.
Announcer Debug Audio player /Applications/Play-Sound/Play Sound is running.
Announcer Debug Converting announcement audio file UNIX path to Mac HFS filesystem path.
Announcer Announcing message "Check-up water accupack".
Announcer Debug Using "say" command to create message file "/tmp/1509278400.93.aif" with spoken message "Check-up water accupack" using voice at volume 255.
Announcer Debug Say command results: 0
Announcer Debug Telling /Applications/Play-Sound/Play Sound to play the file /Users/domo/Music/Fire Alarm.mp3.
Z-Wave received "073 - TH boven aanrecht Ultraviolet" sensor update to 0
Z-Wave received "073 - TH boven aanrecht Ultraviolet" sensor update to 0
Weather Conditions Retrieving Weather Condition Information from Weather Underground
Weather Conditions Data retrieved from Weather Underground, and Saved.
Z-Wave received "012 - Luminance Trap 2hg" sensor update to 1 lux
Trigger 012 Motion Sensor Trap 2 hg Zwave - STAIRCASE - Variable LUMEN
Z-Wave received "017 - Temperature Trap 3hg " sensor update to 21.4 °C
Z-Wave received "025 - Luminance 3hg GORDIJNEN ACHTER" sensor update to 1639 lux
Z-Wave received "035 - Luminance 2hg Kleding" sensor update to 10 lux
Z-Wave received "026 - Luminance 3hg BADKAMER" sensor update to 8 lux
Z-Wave received "007 - Luminance Begane Grond 119A" sensor update to 22 lux
Trigger 007 Motion Sensor Trap BG Zwave - STAIRCASE - Variable LUMEN
Email Scanned from ""; subject "Water alarm controle"
Trigger D17 - Timer 1 hr >> into variable timer_1hr
Z-Wave received "007 - Temperature Begane Grond 119A" sensor update to 18.9 °C
Z-Wave received "043 - Luminance - KUBUSatelier" sensor update to 93 lux

29 Oct 2017, 13:01:01
Announcer Error Error in plugin execution ExecuteAction:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 885, in announce
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7/", line 498, in __call__
CommandError: Command failed:
OSERROR: -1712
MESSAGE: Apple event timed out.
COMMAND: app(u'/Applications/Play-Sound/Play').play(u'Indigo DOMO:Users:domo:Music:Fire Alarm.mp3', at_volume=255, concurrence=True)

Posted on
Sun Oct 29, 2017 1:20 pm
nsheldon offline
Posts: 2469
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Location: CA

Re: Announcer Usage questions

Okay. So it’s not related to Airfoil Satellite. The error says “OSERROR: -1712”. Which is an Apple Event timeout error. This means macOS itself is giving up while waiting for Play Sound to respond.

The suggestions I found online for fixing error -1712 all say to repair permissions (which is part of the First Aid process in macOS 10.11 and up), and then delete all copies of the application that isn’t responding (“Play Sound” in this case). Before deleting it, though, be sure you can find a link to download another copy. The developer no longer maintains the application so it might be hard to find a download links. Once you find a working download link, delete all copies of Play Sound on your computer, restart the computer (to clear the Finder’s cache of known applications, hopefully) then download and install the Play Sound application again. Hopefully that will help. But I can’t guarantee it will.

Posted on
Thu Nov 16, 2017 9:28 am
Mirko offline
Posts: 81
Joined: Dec 04, 2014

Re: Announcer Usage questions

Hi Nathan,

I waited a while before posting my final reply because I wanted to check if Announcer stayed stable. It did!!
I downloaded a new 'Play Sound' from: ... 25096.html
The previous Play Sound used to be inside a folder with almost the same name together with two other items included in the download.
The folder used to be named: Play-Sound. The app: Play

The position of the folder with the app never used to be a problem when I used Indigo at my MacMini Server running 10.6.8
It all worked fine until I had to migrate Indigo 6 to my new MacMini running Sierra. I upgraded to Indigo 7 and then the whole problem started........

Now I replaced the Play direct into the application folder and I left the folder Play-Sound with the other items next to it in the application folder as well.

I re-routed all (quite a few...oef!!) the Announcer triggers and no more problems!

Thanks for looking into the matter!!



Posted on
Thu Nov 16, 2017 10:05 am
nsheldon offline
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Location: CA

Re: Announcer Usage questions

Great! I’m glad you were able to get it working.

Posted on
Sun Nov 19, 2017 11:47 am
Mirko offline
Posts: 81
Joined: Dec 04, 2014

Re: Announcer Usage questions

It is worth the Announcer app!!

Thanks Nathan

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