Implementing house modes (occupancy and/or temporal)

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Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:43 pm
philc offline
Posts: 156
Joined: May 17, 2011

Implementing house modes (occupancy and/or temporal)

I've got a fairly significant (to me anyway) install of Insteon devices and Indigo is populated with quite a few triggers. I've been branching out now into control pages and action groups and I'm getting comfortable with them. The next step for me is to implement a house mode system. For instance

    Guest - overnight guests in the house, turn on guest room lamp at dusk, change logic for ceiling fan, bring living room into evening light schedule, etc.
    Visitor - visitor (not overnight), turn on decorative hutch lighting, make all lights come up to 100% vice 50%
    Vacation - standard stuff
    Sleep - turn off all lights in the house (except guest room light when we have guests), turn off space heater, arm alarm to stay, adjust thermostat

The question now becomes, how to implement. The brute force method is to go into each and every trigger/schedule and implement conditions, but that might get difficult or prove impossible if I need to start nesting conditions. I guess the other way would be to, upon change of house mode, deactivate one set of triggers and activate another - but that's going to generate a huge number of triggers and a whole lot of work with a lot of dependencies.

I'm just wondering, for those of you who have done this, how did you do it? I searched the forums but didn't find anything on implementation. I'm hoping there's some really elegant solution someone has developed. I'm guessing I'm going to regret not having built this into my triggers/schedules from the beginning....


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Sun Nov 17, 2013 6:58 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Implementing house modes (occupancy and/or temporal)

Mine are all done with conditions. Once set up I haven't found that maintenance is particularly difficult.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Sun Nov 17, 2013 7:07 pm
philc offline
Posts: 156
Joined: May 17, 2011

Re: Implementing house modes (occupancy and/or temporal)

I was afraid you would say that...I didn't build my triggers/schedules with that in mind, so that means going through and reconstructing basically all of them.
Perhaps I could suggest a feature? What if we could create folders that applied sort of a "wrapper condition"? For instance, within triggers, if I clicked and dragged all the vacation triggers into a conditional "vacation" folder, and then triggers within the folder only executed if the one global condition was met? Then perhaps we could nest the folders to apply global conditions?
Maybe that wouldn't work, haven't sat down to think it through completely, but I think an ability to set a global condition (shift, highlight, apply global condition to many triggers at once, perhaps) would allow for a lot more experimentation for the advanced users, and probably make things simpler/easier for beginners.
As always, thanks for replying. You and Matt never stop working, do you?

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