Which Action to use?

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Fri Jun 25, 2004 9:01 pm
ac46 offline
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Location: Ottawa, Ontario

Which Action to use?

I have set up some Action Groups to work with a remote, like two family room lamps to turn ON at 70% when pressing the ON button and at 30% when pressing the OFF button, along to go to 0% and 100% with other buttons. Which Action is better to use to get a nice gradual brightning or dimming; 'Brighten by %', 'Dim by %' and 'Set Brightness' (Force value?)? I'm using just the regular lamp modules. Would there be a way that I could just repeatebly press one of remote buttons to toggle from 100%, 70%, 30%, 0% for several lights?

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Sat Jun 26, 2004 9:45 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Which Action to use?

ac46 wrote:
Which Action is better to use to get a nice gradual brightning or dimming; 'Brighten by %', 'Dim by %' and 'Set Brightness' (Force value?)? I'm using just the regular lamp modules.

Regular lamp modules do not have a way to set the brighten/dim ramp rate, that is the speed at which the module goes from one brightness level to another. Some (most) of the LampLinc/ToggleLinc/SwitchLinc modules do support setting the ramp rate. It isn't something you can change from within an action in Indigo, but Indigo can manually set the rates (meaning, it isn't something you'll be able to change on-the-fly easily).

ac46 wrote:
Would there be a way that I could just repeatebly press one of remote buttons to toggle from 100%, 70%, 30%, 0% for several lights?

How about creating a Trigger Action for one button that does a Dim by 33% and another button that does a brighten by 33%? Because you have regular light modules, which don't support accurate absolute dimming, the light state might get off a bit. For example, going from 0% to 100% by pressing the button four times might not quite leave you at 100%. The light modules that support preset and extended dims don't have this problem.


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